We were trying to figure out a schedule last week that allowed Scott an overnight trip and I just about lost my mind. There were too many things going on each night for me to even consider single parenting, being in 4 places at once! :( We figured out a night and he went but it wasnt without stress.
I realise this time will pass when hockey ends and before soccer starts, and 4H gets rediculous busy, but right now it is still overwhelming. And I cannot believe in the middle of it all I am marathon training!
Im not complaining. I think we do best when we are busy. As long as there are enough parents to get all of the kids to their events at the same time, we function ok like this. Well sometimes, I mean there are stressful times when people's nerves get a little frayed, but mostly when we are running around things go ok.
Of course we dont have 5 minutes to get things done so most stuff is getting part done and mostly not.
Running is actually still on track which is simply amazing at this point. The long runs are getting done and its' not overly hard. Of course I have not managed to finish a long run in the last 2 weeks because of STUFF. Ive come close once but just not getting it. But running continues and its good. Last summer I had all sorts of trouble with being sick on long runs and being just miserable. Lately it's not been a problem; I wonder if its because its not HOT. I hate being cold but it seems to agree with my running!
Since I last logged on Valentine's day, Ive done a 21.1 km run with Toni. She really should not have done this run with me but she was game and its so much better with someone! We started out a little late and ran through the sunset into dark, when you could no longer see the puddles and we ended up IN them a lot. We stopped at a friend's house along the way and I changed into dry socks but can't do much about the shoes :( Ice puddle hopping should be considered cross training. This run was supposed to be a 22.4 km run but we cut it short at 21.1 km 2:24:17 before we had to climb the big ass hill on the way back to her house; her hubby picked us up and drove us back to her house/my car. It was late, way after 7 pm and pitch dark. The bath I had that night was awesome.
Hockey the next morning at 7 am was really tiring. After cleaning up we headed to the city where Annika played hockey at the Metro Center :)
Although it was very exciting for them, they actually werent all that impressed by it all. We enjoyed it, but Annika was all like...just another rink. Yeah the rink that the MOOSEHEADS play in. NBD ;)
We killed the rest of the afternoon wandering around in the rain and then in the evening we enjoyed an actual Mooseheads game, before heading home late and sleepy :)
Monday was a rest day. That's 3 days of not running. Its not a perfect schedule but it's ok for now. There were way too many kid events that needed to be attended.
Tuesday nooner hockey was good, then after picking up kids I went for a run on the 5.5 mile loop near my home. Included the HILL. It was nice out. Holly had an extra hockey practice.
Wednesday I see nothing on the calendar. Ooops. Last week's running was a little patchy. loads of Wednesday night activities although some were cancelled yay!
Thursday was another 5.5 mile run (coincidence) around work. I think it was before I picked up kids. There were Thursday night things planned :)
Friday Taylor ended up being very sick. I went home from work to be with her, and later when she seemed settled I went for a long run; I had 24 km on my plan but only made it abuot 15 km before Taylor called and asked me to come home so I had Scott pick me up in town on his way home from Holly's Additional hockey practice; 17.65 km before he caught up with me.
Saturday morning hockey at 7 am was again rough. I got up ok and wasnt sore but my legs were tired and I wasnt really having any fun; we had such a busy day planned and I was standing on the ice when I realised; I was wasting time being unhappy on the ice when I was so busy, so I left a little early. I went home and did some housework while Scott took Annika to hockey; AND SHE SCORED HER FIRST GOAL. I should have known, it was coming and I should have been there! So happy for her!
We took Holly to hockey over in New Glasgow and then visited my aunt and her family for awhile and supper before running back to Truro where Holly had yet another hockey practice. Provincials are coming! Much later Scott and I went to a hockey game with some other couples and that was tonnes of fun. And really hard. We skated with no spares for most of the 65 minutes we had the ice. IT was exhausting. We had some drinks afterwards and tumbled home into bed around 1 am.
And were up early again Sunday for Annika's hockey game in Debert. After she played we went to the Mic Mac Trail for some snowshoeing!

The kids were so tired when we got home but it was almost time for me to go to hockey so no rest for the weary!
hockey was ok, I played defence and we tied with no score.
After supper was a soccer game which I didnt want to go to as my head was aching in that nasty pounding way; but I went and I did score a goal so we tied that game 1-1.
And then home and to bed.
Monday morning came way too soon and Taylor and Holly were both feeling off but went to school and I waited all day for them to call to go home. I ran just before it was time to pick them up; 6.4 km in sunny weather :) Holly had a hockey practice last night and we put them through Dryland before that. Bed time was another wonderful experience; lol my fav time of the day!
Now it is Tuesday and its already been a hell of a morning. Holly is home sick and it's Taylor's birthday and she is gone to school but still isnt feeling so well. Im taking her to the doctor tomorrow.