Its really a Unique event :)
We planned to camp the night before but didnt manage it with poor weather forecasts and cranky kids and now I am regretting that because the weather didnt turn out awful (not too much rain) and it would have been a lot of fun. :(
So we drove up the morning of the race. I thought we were too late for the Basket Run (for kids) but we ended up in time; I couldnt convince Holly to go in it but we watched it and I think she thought it would be fun :)
The Bay of Fundy has really high and low tides. When it goes out it leaves miles of ocean floor uncovered. So we waited until tide was way out, and then started from the beach. :)

This is us starting out on the beach :) It was loose gravel which ended up being comparatively easy to run in ;)I thought it would be was nothing compared to the loose sand moguls.
Amazing view of the rocks behind Sarah :)

After crossing mud up to our ankles we went into water. THIS water wasnt deep and cleaned the mud off of our shoes. Not out of them, but off of them haha. There was a lot of water like this and sometimes so deep and with such a current that we almost fell into it lol. we crisscrossed lots of ocean rivers like this. It was almost impossible to run in ;) The waterways were kind of interesting and forced some walking breaks for us. lol

lol After Sarah and I were separated I was reduced to taking my own photo lol behind me is the mud we were running in and the islands that we were running to; once we left the beach there was no time to get back before the tide came back in so we landed on one of the "Five Islands" (Long Island) to wait for boats. That behind me is one of them.

Some of the Rocky Terrain we crossed.

Second time through the "Keyhole" was annoying; I was still running but some of these people stopped and others were finished...and they blocked the hole and they stood in front of me and they basically made me climb over rocks so that they could take photos. There was a lack of etiquette at this race.
Not much photo taking after this; between the soft sand which was hard to run over, and the moguls caused by tides and waves, I was doing pretty well just to finish. I felt more tired after this race than I did after the 21 km the week before! lol

View of the Finish line from on top of the Island; can see the mainland in the distance from where we came :) The tide soon covered this area.
Once Sarah was back we had a bit of food and then went to grab the bags; someone thought they were on top of the Island so I climbed the 194 steps to the top to get the bags. They were not there by the way; they were on the beach. Sarah waited on a rock a few feet away from them for me to come down lol but once I was at the top I didnt go back down until I had looked around! and the view was AMAZING.
And the boat ride back was SO Awesome on a speedboat! TOTALLY AWESOME!
So my 10 km took me 1:23:15 to do, which isnt a best time but under those conditions I was not going for a best time! I was exhausted, after the mud, water, soft sand, rocks with barnacles, seaweed.....and did I mention moguls? Yea the sand in the tides forms moguls lol try running up and down those!
Definitely the best race ever! I hope everyone gets to experience races like the Not Since Moses!
Okay. I'm in next year. How could anyone resist after such an awesome description and beautiful photos? Looks like a truly memorable event.
I totally wanna go to that island and chcke out the keyhole, mud flats, vies and swim off the docks when the tide comes back in!...LOL
What a totally awesome day!!! I love the pictures, I am really going to try hard to see more of our beautiful province. Need some day trips I guess. You look terrific and looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing. Love Mom.
PS - takes me a while to find my way around all the different sites and blogs, lol.
Hello from San Diego!
We liked your article; we were writing a short piece about the Not Since Moses run, and came across you. So we linked to your blog article from ours. We didn't see a link to contact you directly or an About Me page, so we'll just leave a comment. Best wishes,
Dave Urban
Great adventure so cute. I like the story and the pictures. I love the place too so beautiful.
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