Managed a run last Tuesday :) 8.2 km in 50:36 which isnt awful :( Just short of what I hoped it would be. I think Tuesday night I might have taken one of the kids to hockey. I cannot remember LOL Yes it was Annika who had hockey. They were being evaluated.
Wednesday is always a long day not made any easier by a longish lab in the afternoon. I am sad that I cannot join my XC team in a good Yoga workout; work is interferring with my fun! LOL After lab Holly had hockey so more rink time and socializing;)
Thursday I ran before lab I think lol I did a test 5 km run to check pace and was not unhappy to see 28:30 for 5.2 km which is a 5:29 pace. And I thought it was pretty slow on the roads :) More hockey for Holly that night.

Saturday was the NSAC 5 km Homecoming run. It was on the trail this year, with 2 laps around the Bible Hill Rec Park before heading back up the trail to the ending. That trail is pretty rolling with hills; and at the park we had to climb a steep hill back up to the trail...twice! LOL It was challenging! I played hockey first thing in the morning and although I knew I might be a little tired I was still kind of surprised at how heavy my legs felt when I was warming up. It quite worried me! But once the race started I sort of forgot about it. Too busy thinking about climbing and coming down! LOL the weather had started out kind of rainy in the morning but was totally sunny and quite warm by this time and sweat was pouring :) A very humid day; I love NS weather that has us facing snow last week and a Humidex this week.
So we all started in the woodlot parkinglot, and ran a little loop around to the end of the trail, where we headed up hill. up up up lol. We ran behind the farm complex, where it was later reported there was a bear the night before. lol Then we ran along the edge of a drop off to the river, to the rec park. When I made the turn I could see the front runners already heading towards us for their second loop (while I was starting my first). The loop was about a km long I think. I was passed the first time on the way down. We went around the ball field where there was ankle deep water. And then crossed a parking lot with some "trash" in it. lol What is WRONG with people? Then back up the hill where I was passed by some members of my XC team :):) Did my second loop and it was slippery in the mud on corners :) and just as I was ending I passed some people just starting their second; that was kind of neat. I headed back up the trail, never did catch my rabbit as she was quite speedy :) But I caught up to a fellow I ran the Cabot Trail run with, Im not sure he knows me but I remember him, he's been on our team both times I ran it. We ran together until just before the end when I just couldnt stay with him; I finished to the cheers of my team and friends :):) and was in place 42 overall; I checked my time and it was super close to my watch at 28:20 ish. I liked my time. I was in the open category which apparently means no freaking category at all; those people between 20 and 39 who belong no place; I was SECOND in that non-category but there is no age-group award for those people; I dont need a medal but it sure would have been nice to have that recognition! :P Very happy with my run on tired legs and my time :) We had a half decent meal (with water; no drinks, and not enough rice crispie squares for everyone?) with the team members who came out, and then I had to go to the Ex grounds to see how the Fall Fair Open Holstein show was going; Taylor was working with a farm there with her father and they were busy and showing. I went home for bows and mowed the front lawn before the littles came home. Saturday night was "another" early night for us!
Sunday was WAY too busy with hockey, and BBQ, and more hockey; and a band concert for Taylor; I did not get a long run in. I had thought I might in the afternoon but I was doing bows and it started kind of raining and I was hanging out with the kids and I just did not go. Not like it matters. Im not training for anything I guess :)
Monday I ran my first 4 km with the XC team, we did 4X30 second intervals of not quite full effort, with a rest between, then 2X4 minute intervals of race pace, then 2 more 30 second sprints and some cool out; before heading off to pick Taylor up from band; while I waited for her I took a few minutes and did 3 km in the park and around the school for 7 km total in 40:22. Thought I might get a little more in later but got busy at home and ended up sleeping ;)
Bringing us back to Tuesday. I have planned to run after lunch and before XC; have to pick up little kids and it's a bit confusing with the Choir and some sort of a sign language thing afterward; I suspect if I dont run before 3 I wont be running at all today SIGH. And tomorrow is a long day here so I dont hold out any hopes for then; plus I have an Osteo appt and I wont be able to run afterwards :):):)
Running is going ok; life is really busy and as much as I hate to think it; I don't actually think I CAN do it all SIGH.
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