Tuesday was crazy busy, in the lab at 8 to help a student, class at 930, then I took care of a few things and made sure I got in a run; 9 km in 6 min/km pace was well needed. It was not too cold, a bit windy. After going home for a little break I was back at work picking up some students for a trip to Halifax; we saw Cesar Millan "the Dog Whisperer"; Im so torn about him. He has some good ideas (not exactly original) but some of his theories are so OLD, have been disproved, and kicking the dogs? on tv? And he talks about body language but does not read it well. It's painful. Anyway it was a funny and fairly non-offensive show. The audience blew my mind; what a mix of Fans and "dog experts" with redneck reality tv lovers sitting beside people in suits and ties. Weird. And a rude audience; chatter and hum all the way through. Good thing the sound was good, or we would have been more annoyed. The seats were crowded; this creepy guy kept leaning on me until we moved a row back.UGH.
The view wasnt great for someone short like us; We were on the floor where I would not normally buy tickets (it was a school trip; they ordered them) and although we did not have to look sideways, we had trouble seeing over and between the people in front of us.
Tuesday night was a long late night driving back; Yes it WAS past my normal bed time, did not get back to Truro until almost 1130. 
after working I was SO incredibly tired but still had a school concert to get to; Annika was SO cute! AS soon as I got back from picking up Taylor from TKD I was in bed asleep. But sleep was hard to get last night; The dogs were barking at Scott coming home late, then he left early this morning and his alarm woke me up and I never got back to sleep thanks to the dogs barking their fool heads off. Then Annika had a bad dream and that was the end of sleeping by 5:55 am. SIGH. Up for school and work.
I managed a few chores this morning while getting ready to go and when I opened Annika's curtain I saw we had a nice large flock of Even Grosbeaks at the feeders. We see these guys a few times a year but not consistently. They are cheeky little birds. NIce to be bird watching again; Have not seen the cardinals in a couple of months.
Planning a run shortly although my run mate has just left me hanging; decided not to go. LOL. IM more determined tho. It's snowing a teensy bit and I want to run in it!
December can be the hardest month to get your exercise in. There's just too many obligations and extra duties. Sometimes I just shrug my shoulders and put it in the 'too hard basket' but I try to get at least three sessions done a week to keep me sane.
I really do need that time to keep me happy; but when it starts to cause stress it's so not what I need! Agreed! Some days its just too hard!
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