Right up to today! |Temps have dropped over 10 C and we are looking at ice. and some people say it's snowing! Not here, I see blue sky and sun up there in places.
Ok seriously I have been working on this post for 8 days now. Not going there.
We had some seriously cold weather with snow in the past 8 days. Since it was so pretty and sunny. Now our snow is gone and we are loving the RAIN. And All I Can think about is where my roof might be leaking :)
Ive run about 60 km since I last checked in. Ive played 5 hockey games and 2 soccer games. I had a fall that seriously hurt my shoulder and although it seems better now, for almost a week it was keeping me up at night and bothering me during the day; typing, folding laundry, knitting; it all takes a lot of shoulder motion ;)
Holly turned 12.

My long runs are not going so great. Might scale back a bit for a few months lol as long as I keep running that's what matters. I do not find Saturday afternoons a great time for the long run although that is where it fits. Its an early day at the end of a long week, I spend a lot of the day in the rink, and by afternoon Im pretty much a zombie. Maybe I can change some habits but it is going to take some work.
The end of the semester is here and there are lots of changes to be had. With classes ending comes a LOT of marking, but also less lecture preparation. I survived the Anatomy Course! When the class comes up again I will be more than ready this time. :) That course alone took up half my week! After Christmas I will be back at Animal Breeding which takes up WAY over half my week. :)
Once I pick a spring Marathon for sure, I will be able to settle on a training schedule. I am still not so sure about those long runs through Jan-Feb-March. I dont mind the weather but the cold really limits the amount of time I can sweat outside, the wind limits my energy, and I hate the way my feet are always wet in winter/spring. SIGH. My sneakers never dry and always stink. :)
Its pouring today but if I do not get out for my run before dinner I likely wont make it since we have doctor appointments this afternoon for Flu vaccinations and I do not expect to feel like running once those are done. It will be stressful and leaves me feeling a lot gross. And sore. So I will brave the wind and get my feet soaked. Because I did not run yesterday (unless you count soccer and OMG I am so sore from that. Think sprints hahahaha).
It sounds like this season's hard on runners in both the southern and northern hemispheres. You guys can't get out because it's freezing and we're sweltering away in ridiculous temperatures. I personally can't wait till autumn.
LOL Char I envy your warm temps! I know you'll be there in a couple of months from now, but I wish it was summer all the time here!
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