We found that one bike fits super slick in the back of the Jetta if we don't have any of the kids with us ;) Its a great way to travel.
We were almost home when the "call" came so that kinda ruined Friday night.
Saturday morning we got up bright and early and took Holly to Oxford to show her Jersey calf.
Both Holly and the calf did super well. It was an open show and May won her class in Conformation, then was chosen Grand Champion of the show which made Holly's day. Holly showed in the showmanship class and won her class although not overall; she did beat her father which was awesome. Important show since Holly's calf was shown against some of her competition for Pro Show, so a good preview.
Fast forward a little and School started this week; the kids are in grades 5, 7, and 10.
they lost their first game 1-0 as they did not come out playing but very slow and tentative :( They could have won....
Their second game they played better but tied the team 2-2 which again they could have beat them...and just did not.
We checked into the hotel and other than a trip to the hot tub and a short dip in the pool, we didnt move again and were all sleeping by like 9 pm.
The next morning was the third game, which again they could have won to put them in the Bronze medal game, but they tied 0-0 and the other team went to the Bronze Medal game. There was a goal called back, a post, a missed net....they really came out to play and just did not get the goals they needed, even tho they also didnt give up any. It was too little too late.
So a good trip to CB nonetheless and off home we went.
Monday morning I did a long run and wouldnt you know it, it was a great run. I had 19 km on schedule and did 23 easily and finished hopping. I could have gone way more. Typical. Im not sure I am able to do the marathon next month; money is super tight and these things are not free. Scott has started a new job and its hard to say how that will go.
So today I am sitting here looking at ads for jobs I am not the least bit interested in :( Go me. weather is crappy, not planning to run and its windy so I dont feel like biking. This is not a happy place to be :(
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