Sunday, July 17, 2011

Since Moses

Another drive by updating; things have been hectic.  Since Moses running has been steady 4 runs a week.  Its been 2 weeks LOL. Today was the first long run since.  22.5 km done; the end was a little rough; at about 21.5 km I felt like I might be sick; felt kinda like dehydration but I had water the entire way so Im not sure why but the last km was a bit of a slog up the freaking hill :( I hate that hill!  But when I run near home, I cannot finish without climbing that hill!

Finally feeling a little better now. Worried tho about not being half way to my yearly running goal; 867 some odd km finished but a lot more to go still :( Ah well it's just a goal not a requirememnt.

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2012 km Goal