Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trying to create a Groove

I cannot seem to get a single thing done in a timely fashion ;) I can't get out of the house quickly. I can't get stuff done at work. I believe this is a case of Summer Brain, where time doesnt matter. Only now, it does. at least it is going to start to matter.  I have another 2 weeks plus before the kids go back to school and in that time we have to get into some better routines than we are in now. THE KIDS ARE NOT LISTENING TO ME and that is one of our biggest problems at the moment; I cannot get them moving and out of the house!


Monday was a rest day. I actually wanted to run the 5 km that were on my plan, but time and work and circumstances got away, some time needed to be spent at the pool, and it was too late. And I was tired. And I just simply didnt go.

So Tuesday rather than getting right up, I slept in, and had to go run at night. Holly had soccer and after that was done and it was getting dark, I headed around town on a run. OMG it was hot.  Steamy night!  I ran down this one very dark road (likely should not have) and I swallowed a bug. It was big enough to choke on...Ive no idea what it was. But once I coughed it up, I could not bear the thought of gathering it up to I swallowed. Many times. for about 10 minutes i was sure it was sitting in my throat. SO GROSS!  History now, but a reminder to keep my mouth closed.  10 km in 59:12.

Wednesday; another work day. that's going to continue for the next 40 weeks ;)  Better get me used to that.  I didnt get up and run; felt really tired. By mid morning I felt a throat tickle. By afternoon I was pretty sure; that was not just dry air conditioning throat. I have a cold. after work I was just very tired; Went home and didnt accomplish much.  SIGH.

Thursday morning I felt like crap but I dragged out of bed at 6 am to run with the Xcountry team. ONE showed up...only one!  :( But I was there for that one, we had a really nice run. 5.2 km on trails 41:45.  It was a beautiful morning; really worth getting up for. But that I felt like crap.

Before lunch I laced up again and went for a road run with Dara.  She's been treadmill running so she was used to some running; the heat was a little hard for us but we did 5 km with few walk breaks in 32:33 and it was a nice time too.

Afternoon of work and feeling like crap, then out to meet the kids at the pool for swimming lessons. The organization was a little lacking SIGH but it should improve maybe? SIGH.  the kids love swimming lessons.

Now feeling extremely tired and heading to bed early. Really early. Still feeling like crap.  Turning to my friend Tylenol Cold.


bobbie said...

Hope you feel better soon! I am having a hard time sticking in my groove also. Hang in we will all get there soon!!

Gaspegirl said...

I am having difficulty finding the groove too... but I printed out my schedule on printable calendars and hung them on my gym wall so that I can "X" off the workouts completed... now I just have to get the kids in the routine of going to bed early again so that I can get into the home gym to "X" off the workouts :P

HOpe you are feeling better.

Make it a great day!

2012 km Goal