Our team did not get into the relay this year so I had come to terms with not running the relay this year. It's been one of my favs past 2 years but it IS a lot of work to coordinate the kids and get away for the race so I tried to be positive about it. THEN I had a chance to run with another team, sort of a combination of our team with theirs. They did all the work tho lol so this year I ran as a Repeat Offender :):):) Their theme was black and white stripes and although I was a total FAIL on the theme, I had a really good race.
Friday night was crazy with making arrangements for kids, soccer practice, ball hockey, something Im forgetting...it just was a late night. But Scott and I got up at 330 am to be out the door by 4 with coffee in hand for the long drive up to Baddeck. We were at the start end this year because I had a super early
leg of the race: #3 which is rated easiest as far as hills but not shortest. I expected to have to hold my breath for #3 but they were kind to let me have it LOL. Im sure I am in for a mountain next year :/
We watched the sun come up somewhere around Antigonish lol. It looked like a decent day weather wise although the reports were saying windy on the trail. UGH.
We met near the start of the race and I got my shirt and number/chip. I do NOT like the silky slippy shirts we got this year. Somehow I feel sweaty as soon as I put it on. SAD. And it's black. I totally NEEDED another black shirt. SIGHHHHH.
It's the 25th running of the
CTRR, nice year to get to run :) It was definitely windy.
We were now very early for leg 3 so we chatted for awhile and then drove ahead towards my run. Each leg starts at a particular time, so even if the last runner has not finished, the next runner goes. Over 300 or so km it's the only way to keep things going. The winner is determined by adding up the time for each leg at the end. Teams finish many hours apart at the end, so if the race was run just straight through, it would be very hard to monitor and keep everyone safe; the roads are not closed so the rules are super strict for safety.
We were on leg 2 when Scott spotted a moose and her two very new looking twins in a river. They were very cute, mama not so much lol. we stopped for a few minutes and used my super good zoom lens to take some photos, then off we went to the next stop.
We had thought we might sleep a little while after arriving; we were pretty much alone at the Clucking Hen Cafe and Bakery. I used the virgin portapotties, and laid down to nap but Scott kept talking...and shifting...and getting in and out....no napping. Ate a bit, changed clothing, got ready to do my bit for the team.
No goals in mind although there is a cut off time which I did not make last year after being hurt, I was determined to not let that happen again like ever.
My leg was 13.5 km with rolling hills. The wind was not a headwind (more of a side wind) and didnt prove to be a problem.
cannot describe the scenery |
wandering in my "jammies" before the start |
Had loads of time to get ready but my second stop at the portapotties was surprising; long line had formed and it was not moving. It was full of spectators in jeans and sandals. I was stressed now. I need my 3-pees.
I was dressed and eventually 2 other runners and I made a decision and jumped the line. It was 8 minutes to start and there were still 20 people in front. We got ahead of all of the people not running our leg and got into the potties. SIGH.
Little warm up time now, just enough to stretch out a little. And I had to pee the third time ;) so JUST before gun time I jumped the line one more time (rude I know) and got in my stops. It's mental. I wont have to go again.
Line up in the road and off we went. Times are very strict! It was a little chilly but within minutes I felt overdressed with 2 shirts and those knee socks lol. Not very JailBird if you ask me ;)
I actually felt tired almost right away. It could be the pace or that the half from 6 days before just take a lot out of you. But I felt slow and tired. Just moving legs and keep going.
I passed a few people but the crowds were far less than the week before LOL We run on the side of the road and on gravel when a car is coming our way. It's actually pretty good road, much of our part was newly paved and had a big shoulder.

Most of my photos are either blurry or I look likea swamp monster climbing out to eat someone. lol My team said I looked very serious. I dont know if they know what its like to not make a time. I was determined. And tired.

I actually did the first 5 km in 26:48 - a 5 km best for me. And then I did the 10 km in 55 minutes flat. another best for me. I decided I can claim them lol. They happened in a race, just happened to be a longer one. I cam around the last corner and down the hill running strong and knew I was making time ok; I crossed the matt in 1:15:01. that's a 5:35 pace, 37th out of 70 SIGH. But I beat the time cut off by over 7 minutes! YA!
After my leg We hung around alittle while; but obligations had us taking off for home again and I was sad to miss the banquet and celebrations the next day.

We drove ahead of the next leg for a bit til we found a store to get some supplies, food, chocolate. Then we went back towards Baddeck. We saw many of the leg 4 finishers doing well; That 2.1 km mountain climb looked fun. Same time cut off.
We headed home, passing the moose again. they were still IN THE WATER like 5 hours later. Now we were concerned, and there were boys in the water taking PICTURES with the baby moose. We went and called DNR to check on them, as we were sure mama was still nearby and figured the babies just couldnt get out of the water maybe? And thats why we saw them at all? Anyway babies were still standing so as long as someone was aware we did what we could :(:(:(:(
Headed home to our very busy family :):):)