I was away and it wasn't apparent here because I have not at all been a consistent blogger. Here I am now trying to write a post and all I want to be doing is getting on my bike before it rains. Which I likely will do shortly.
Which is what I did. and it rained. And I got wet :)
Monday I ran with Toni a shorter 8.5 km run. 6:11 pace.
Tuesday was a long bike ride. I had a few breaks, when I biked up Young Street (Long hill ... 1.5 km? ISh?) Very steep. I paused at the top to deliver something to the school. Then I continued to Hilden, back through town; I almost got taken out by a bus that passed me and then turned right while I was still beside. I had to hurried back up to get away. Careless self centered....
Back to home, 31.82 km. 1:31:47, 20.8 km/h pace. Crappy with all the stops.
Wednesday I ran the 10 k loop; 6:38 pace. crap. We went to the RECC that night to sample the new venue :) The kids had the most fun on the rock climbing wall; they couldn't wait to try it! :)
They also swam in the new pool (Annika) and some tried the Ice (most of us have already :))
Thursday was the day I left :) After packing I got to go for a shorter bike ride, almost 23 km. Then I hopped on a plane and flew to Newfoundland! :):) Ive never been there! But now I have :)
I have a special friend from NFLD who invited a few of us over for the May long weekend. As it ended up I was the only one able to go, lucky me to get focused touring attention :):)
Friday morning we shopped a little and then lunched at the Rooms, and then we went sight seeing! The Basilica
Signal Hill
Quidi Vidi, then Marine Lab and Red Cliffs where we hiked up a really great trail to overlook the lab and some cliffs :)
yup we hiked up that :)
Then along the coast to Middle Cove
And then to Cape Spear; Easternly most point in North America :)
After Cape Spear we met family for Dinner at the Yellow Belly Pub :) I had a huge decadent burger and Wexford Wheat Beer :) Carb loading for races far in the future with that meal.
Off to bed.
Saturday we got up to head to the cottage in South River :) we drove lots of little coves on the way, including Brigus where we got out and checked out a tunnel :) It was SO cold! Winter returned to the Maritimes while I was in NFLD. Suggestions of snow.
Meanwhile in NS Holly ran the Bluenose Marathon with her friend; They did the Youth Run. They loved it and cannot wait for the next run :)
At the cottage we ate and then seriously changed clothes and went for a run! :) Friend was very sick so she showed me a 3.5 km loop, then I completed it 2 more times alone (plus a little due to a wrong turn ) I kept stopping to look at stuff LOL There are MOOSE in NFLD (never saw one). We did a lot of bird watching. I swear there is SO much to SEE in NFLD.
we ate (more carb loading) and had an early night :)
Sunday we slept in and did some more sight seeing after a leisurely morning and some bird watching; in the river there is a lot of bird activity lol like the hunting Osprey that fly over the cottage with their big fish! :):)
We then went to Mad Rocks where we went on a long hike on the cliffs; it was really Cold and windy;
Thought we might blow away there but as long as we kept moving we were ok :)
We then went to a trail on the mountain because it was less foggy than it had been the whole trip, and we would see a great view :) We saw MOOSE prints, and at the top it was raining and foggy again!
We saw a fox but no moose. And no whales, no ice bergs. lol.
about 9 km of hiking for the day :) hard hiking too!
We went to Cupids to have dessert then changed and drove to St Johns for supper :) More carb loading but also lots of steak and another dessert :)
Back to cottage for sleeping :)
And Monday; last morning there. I got up super early and went for my last NFLD run. I did the loop again plus some, and had 5.5 km.
These! were on my loop; but no moose. It was like they were ... mocking me or something :) |
We packed up and headed off to the city, airport, and back to NS where I ate and rushed off to Holly's soccer game; right back where I started without looking back. I cannot believe, I was away in NFLD and it was SO awesome! :):):) I cannot wait to go back!