I think Im not so enthusiastic about writing this post because I have almost no running photos! I guess I was caught up in the race, forgetting photos and most things until it was done and I was like...well crap, Ive nothing. Plus I ran in the dark so there were no photos ops there; Scott didnt take any of me running or at the start/end. And BLOGGER has been giving me a huge headache trying to upload the photos I do have SIGH.
I was again part of the Tidal Boars Runners on the Cabot Trail Relay 2011. It was great last year and better this year; mostly lol. Out team was quite a group with a mix of very fast and some slower runners, led by Jody who is fast and Chris who is recovering from a stroke in 2009 and leads by example :):)
So Saturday after the yard sale we ate and packed up and took the kids where they needed to go, and we skipped town only about 2 hours later than I would have liked. The weather was....cloudy with a little bit of rain. It's ok I dont mind rain. Much. I had not slept the night before very well with getting stuff ready for the yardsale and worrying that we were going to oversleep. Taylor was away for the night and I worried a little about her getting back on time. I was tired ;) But also glad for the chance to nap, since I had a feeling sleep was going to be hard to come by that night.
Crossing Causeway |
crossing the causeway |
It was still kind of half sunny and pretty when we crossed the Canso Causeway but we could see ugly clouds ahead :):)
Looking back at NS Mainland |
Lovely weather as we drove up my Last-Year-Leg. |
We headed up the trail backwards, like we always seem to. Timing was a little off and we had to either drive all the way around the trail to meet the relay, or just park somewhere. While we were driving up what was my leg last year, we ran into some rain. It was about 13C. I was wondering if I had brought the right clothing choices :)
End of my This-Year-Leg - 13. Joe's Scarecrows and something. |
So my leg this year started at the Co-op in Cheticamp. I took no photos of a Co-op, not even in the dark. LOL The end was this kinda odd spot called Joe's Scarecrows and Diner. I didnt see a lot of Scarecrows LOL And I wonder if the "diner" is still open? Ah well. It was dark and I didnt even see it.
My route; VERY close to the sea :)
Too bad it was dark. |
When we drove this route last year I remember thinking what a pretty leg this was (it was sunny last year) and that it was a shame that it was run in the dark. Leg 13 starts at 2 am LOL. PITCH dark. not a lot of street lights either.
Driving up my Relay leg...backwards. |
Pretty Mountains in the Rain |
I ran here. |
It kinda smelled bad when I ran across here. |
Too bad I could not see this in the dark |
Pretty :) |
Behind the start |
View from the Chalet |
The chalet *Giggle. |
So our team had a chalet in Cheticamp GOOD LUCK for me because I started in Cheticamp. LOL we got the key and stopped in to eat, afterwhich time we were going to meet up with the next leg and do some cheering. I took some photos and we ate and got back in the car. The temps had dropped to about 8 C and I was wishing I had brought my winter running coat, I was sure the temps would be that miserable by the time 2 am came along.
We were sitting in the car trying to figure out where we should drive to meet what leg at what time and none of the times were very pleasant; if we did this couple of hours of driving I was not going to get any sleep, and my tailbone was really paining after sitting in the car all day and being on my feet since about 6 am :( we got out of the car, went back into the chalet, set up sleeping bags, and went to sleep.
There were a few interruptions but we got at least 2 hours of sleep LOL. At about Midnight a group of runners landed and there was no sleep after that. It was actually pretty good; by the time I had to get dressed I was actually awake and had had my coffee, and was not groggy at all. :) The runners were pretty hyper and had lots of stories to tell :) there were some showers then it was time to head out to meet the next runner and send me off :)
LOL It had warmed up to about 19C! I was so surprised; at 2 am it was the warmest it had been all day! I had overdressed in a long sleeved shirt over a tank top. I had to wear a reflective vest over top and it was so big and rubbed and draped on my neck terribly; next year I will have my own, lighter, better fit to my size :) I had to carry a glowstick which was fine, I always carry stuff. I tucked a half a bar into my pocket but never did eat it. I didnt carry water; I had a banana and had a little upset stomach, likely from being up most of the night? LOL I visited the portapotty 3 times (darned coffee) and then when people were starting to overuse it (non-runners sheesh get out of line) I wandered behind the credit union and peed behind the air conditioner *giggle* it was much faster. And it did the trick; no pee issues LOL. I cannot stand running while I have to pee!
We started before our last runner arrived; I was sad to miss seeing her come in. Off we went in the dark.
I started near the back of the pack because I dont love the crowding and I hate it when a lot of people pass me; I prefer to have someone to pass myself.
Within the first few km I had passed the slowest and was tucked nicely in behind a couple who had headlamps and I was watching the upcoming road from behind them. Until she slowed down and I had to pass her, and I guess he sped up because I didnt bother keeping up.
There was some light from the headlights but most of the crew vehicles follow the lead runners, which i was NOT one of. Us back of the packers run in the pitch dark. And the road was rough and potholed so I didnt always feel comfortable running fast. OH and the side of the road had been graded so it was nice and soft and deep. SIGH :P
I picked a few people off at the water stop; it was at about 6 km and people were stopping there, including dreadlocks dude. How can he run with that much hair? Anyway they stopped and rested and I zipped past.
The support crew is not allowed to stop on the side of the road in the dark legs so I did not see much of them but as they passed and whooted.
I didnt see any of the scenery. Glad I drove across during the day.
The dark was both a good thing and bad.
The good? We could not really see what we were running, so hills were hidden, and we could only tell by the effort level needed. There was one spot where the hill was steep and we could see it in front of us for quite awhile; the cars were backed up on it so there was a distinct line of red lights showing us exactly how steep and long it was. This route was hillier than last year's but still not too bad. it was no mountain :)
The bad? Car headlights were blinding, so when they came on us;particularly from the front, we were unable to see and then when they went past we were left in darkness that seemed even darker than before.
Something was rustling in the bushes near us for a bit; I kept running lol.
Around 10 km I felt very queasy and wondered if it was going to be an issue; gurgling died down at about 12 km.
There was a second water stop; I only grabbed a cup and kept walking fast; only walk breaks were for the water, about 20 seconds each. There was a third unscheduled water stop lol a fellow gave me a bottle of water and I was so glad for it; Im not sure how far to the end but I was dry despite the high humidity. Very salty sweaty.
I found I drifted off a couple of times, rather than running hard I would be lost in thoughts and slowed a bit :( crappy, needed the time, stay focused! Must have been the fact that it was the middle of the night; except that happens on daytime runs too :):):)
With about 4 km left to go, still feeling ok, I noted I was catching a few people. I passed 2 and then hung on the heels of this one lady for about 2 km; she would speed up each time I caught her heels and I let her go then reeled her back in. We passed another runner and then on a downhill I went to the gravel and passed the rabbit (actually she had a chicken hat on????) and pulled ahead of her, expecting to be finished soon.
Heartbreaking; I could see the finish line a bit away, by the lights and music I could tell time was tight; I was running very hard; expected to be finished before 16 km, and that was what time limit was set for; 15.88 km at 6 minutes a km. For most people it's no big deal but Ive had such a hard time with the tailbone and getting training done, that few minutes mattered to me :( Because it was actually 16.4 km long, not 15.88 as the course said. That extra hald a km was my difference between getting a time and not. I could see the timers packing up and driving away; I missed them by about 30 seconds :(:(:(
This sucks! LOL We could not see where to go; it was so dark. And I got a DNF despite running my ass off to get there :( I had the same time as the people walking; when we were driving back to Cheticamp there were people walking miles out, and I had the same time as them; the last timed runner plus 5 minutes. SO unfair! People say "well just run faster" I have nothing to say to them. I ran very hard :(
Ah well I did time myself so I know my time was 1:40: 18 which was only 2 seconds a km slower than last year on a more difficult leg, so Im not totally beating me up :( but seeing the timers drive away was awful :( Some runners were very angry LOL 330 am is not a good time. LOL
I loved running the dark leg, even if I have no photos. It was good :)
We drove to the chalet, showered, picked up the last runner there, and headed back to catch the end of the leg after mine; we caught the beginning and ends of the last few, and then went to the end to cheer the "glory leg" which is always a party. Scott went to sleep while we went to the meal afterwards; awards and such.
Eating with the Tidal Boars; note the yellow shirts; the tech shirt was awesome this year!! Thrilled! |
I was very touched when Chris won a watch; Run NS sells tickets for Timex watches, which I need with Tri training coming on; waterproof watch is good :) Anyway Chris bought tickets and won a watch; he generously passed it on to me, so sweet of him! He has been very generous always, and particularly with his recovery and his vow to "repay" everyone involved. As if. we love Chris!
We pulled out at about noon and headed for home; I got a little sleep on the way but spent most of the time just groggy watching and scenery; there was again sun on the mainland lol and once we got home the kids were busy so we had a nap; love naps. Ball hockey that evening was super hard; very tired. I swear its been over a week and I am still sleep deprived. Us old people just cannot recover LOL!
Cannot wait for next year's Relay!!!!