I admit it, as much as I love my job, I am totally covetting those weeks when I will be finished working, and my own kids are still going to be in school. I have great plans of the things I am going to accomplish in the house cleaning; but in reality none of those things are all that likely ;) more likely I will get lots of time for knitting and running. Lots of swimming. Loads of biking. I cannot wait! I am almost giddy!
So here I sit at work, taking a break from thinking about what animals are thinking, and I thought I could catch up on the blog that no one is reading (except you Char! :)) I have to remember I write it for me first!

Wednesday after work I met a friend here at work and we ran to her car. It wasnt far for her but I continued on for another few km to get 10.3 total km (1:06). It was pretty nice out.
Thursday what happened? LOL I might have thought I would take the kids home and go on the bike or rest or something but in reality I didnt go on the bike. Annika had a hockey game in the evening, the first of her team's playoffs. They won their game which was good. But Thursday afternoon is seriously a total blank.
Friday the kids had no school. after work I tried to get my long run in. It was brutal! I ended up delayed and then started out at 345 knowing I had a time limit; wanted to get done for Annika's second game and I knew I wasnt going to have time for my 27 scheduled km. I might have to push back the date of my marathon! And I need to stop having those thoughts.
Anyway it was nice out but very windy, and I ran out into the wind so that I could enjoy a nice ride back on it. Which worked out quite ok. I ran a rather hilly loop, and was quite enjoying listening to my podcasts (Vinnie Tortorich) and then I felt it. ouch.
Last week at the hockey tournament, after the long run and the first game I felt very sore in my right foot :( It was reminiscent of the case of PF I had a few years ago but I didnt give it a lot of thought and it was less in the morning. But at about 7.5 km into my long run this week, It kicked into high gear. It started to hurt a LOT. So much, in fact, that I actually felt like limping when I walked and it was totally changing my gait. And soon my opposite knee started to hurt a little too; this is the knee with ITBS that kept me out of training for a marathon 2 years ago. ouch! Thinking this is something to worry about. BUt rather than stop, I kept running. For like 14 more km!
When it was almost time to go to Annika's game I called Scott and asked him to pack me some clothes and pick me up for the game. He brought clothing (what was he thinking?) and a coat, and off we went to hockey. Lack of stretching was obvious. 22.1 km finished, slowly thanks to the foot pain that did have me limping :( 2:34:34 :( We sat in the cold rink for over an hour, but they won their second game so it was all good!
When I got home I put ice on my foot, stretched it a little, and went to bed. In the morning I went and played hockey and it was sore but not bad. What was bad? My neck! I could barely turn it right or left! UGH what a case I was! I pouted around all day, putting heat on my neck...
Annika's team lost their game in the morning but were still in the league championship game that night. We kicked around the house and then went to her game where they lost the championship but Annika totally got a goal! :) Its a celebration for her! :)
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baby girl in the starting lineup! |
Sunday I mapped a route in my head for a nice sunny run but it wasn't to be since I had Annika home alone (duh) but she had a hockey game in the new Rath Eastlink Community Center, and after that I had a game at the wee rink....I made it to most of both lol. We lost our game and I played badly thanks to my inability to turn my head SIGH but after we got home I pit on my stuff and ran out in the nice warm weather (5C!! Spring is coming!) and it was so nice I went 13 km over rolling hills.....without a spec of discomfort in my foot! WTH? I did have an aching hip but that isnt a new pain!
Im not going to knock it, will just keep on running! Ive self diagnosed before and always refuse treatment! :):):)
Wait what? How is Triathlon training? muHAHAHAHAH.
That was a great weekend of running. But what's with the transient injuries? It makes it hard to know if you're injured or not if they just come and go at whim. It happens to me too and I never know when to go see someone about it.
I have seen my Osteopath for my foot and it was horrid for 2 days and then I ran yesterday and it didnt even peep. What is that? Still running tho...
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