Tuesday after school I totally dragged the kids and all three dogs out for a walk. It wasnt cold and we went up a trail I have always wanted to go up; of course we could not GO anywhere once up there, since it was just a blueberry field with no paths off...there was a little path off and we followed it for awhile through a very pretty mossy woods but the kids were worried we would get lost and I was a little watchful because it WAS hunting season and none of us had any hunter orange on or anything; so we only went a little way and then back to the field :)

Wednesday was a busy day with classes that went on forever and a lab exam that went even longer than forever; it was not an active day for me at all! ;) The last day of November was very windy, rainy, and nasty ;)
Enter December. The first day of December was much nicer than November left us. :) Not warm but much nicer! I grabbed an hour at the end of the day for a run; the littles had no school so they were with their father and after lab I changed and went out into the fading sun for a run around town; ended with 9.6 km in about an hour. Friday was also a nice day albeit busy; despite the sun and warmer weather I somehow managed to leave my run until it was almost dark; I left from home and ran to a more lit sidewalk in Bible Hill and then through town where I met Scott and he drove me home :) another 9.6 km again in about an hour. It was SO cold when I was finished; despite the fact that it was actually +6 C which isnt too cold; it was humid (read: damp) and wind was in my face at the end and I ended up super cold. Stripped my clothes off and put on Scott's sweater to warm up for drive home. That will teach me to not pack some clothes in his car next time.
Saturday morning I was up and out bright and early for hockey; a nice busy scrimmage that left me reallllly tired. the rest of the day revolved around picking up kids for hockey, a little teeeeensy bit of shopping, getting home at almost dark, laundry, and watching hockey before sleep. No run in. Need a rest day I guess.
Sunday is always so busy but CRAZY busy this weekend. I was awake and needed a long run (Sunday isnt the day for this but no soccer this week so I went) I got up and did 7.8 km 47:11 before breakfast; then I took Annika to her hockey game; they played like crap lol. No excuses this game. After the game I took Annika to her grandmother's for drama while Scott took Holly away for a hockey game and I ran from town to home; another 8.2 km 52:30 all before noon! Split long run which I hoped would make me less tired.
I did laundry and messed with the internet (it was out) and had some lunch then it was time to go to hockey. this was NOT a fun game; I do not like that team. I got a goal and we lost the game and if I could say ah well it was fun then that would be good but it wasnt much fun. SIGH.
I did laundry and messed with the internet (it was out) and had some lunch then it was time to go to hockey. this was NOT a fun game; I do not like that team. I got a goal and we lost the game and if I could say ah well it was fun then that would be good but it wasnt much fun. SIGH.
After a quick shower and supper Scott and Holly and Taylor were out the door; Taylor to her band concert set up and Scott and Holly to her hockey game. Then Annika and I followed for HER hockey game; we did a huge pump-up in the dressing room and the hockey players actually started working harder for the puck and playing their positions and they BEAT a team they have been losing to most of the year. Yeah, this working hard stuff really DOES work (quote). I wish I had been there; I left after the first period to get to Taylor's concert on time (which I was) and afterwards it was time to get home.
Super busy Sunday :)
Now it is Monday and I feel very tired LOL. But it's sunny out and a run must be had at some point today LOL! Because tomorrow might not be as nice and Wednesday is cold rain!
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