After Canada Day long run, we went off for a night of camping at the shore nearby.It was restful and peaceful on the beach and lots of food and fun were had around the fire.
Fireworks on the beach topped off the night.
After we returned the next day, and having a little meal, I climbed tired and cranky onto the bike and had a ride over Harmony Ridge. Legs were super tired, and I actually walked up a steep part of the road, with a corner too sharp to keep momentum.
When I got back to home I did run up the road and back for a few minutes; legs like jello. Biked a little over 18 km with a 1.5 km run at the end for 20 km total moved.
Tuesday I think we went to the pool and I did a 4 mile run. I think I ran out the trail for 3.2 and then back for 3.2 from Old Barns. It was getting quite dark. And the bugs were bad :) i think I ate a few.
Wednesday I had to run early because we were going away for the day. I got up and did the 10 k loop; I don't remember much about it but it was hot and I watered and planted when I got back. Then we were away for the day in Mahone Bay, just for a drive. Bought some plants for my pots.
Thursday Toni was home so I got a run in with her. I dont remember where we went but I have a feeling we went around the Bible Hill loop and ran through a little rain which kept us nice and cool.
8.6 km Regular / General 52:24 465 kCal 6:05 min/km.
Friday was a rest day and I got up early, planned and carried off a Card Making 4H meeting which took many hours longer than expected, packed bags, and hauled off to the Valley for a family visit and Holly's Gunn Baldersson soccer tournament. I didnt do anything "workout" related, but I was dead on feet by the time I fell into bed. Holly played a soccer game, and that took most of the evening. The kids were super happy to see their cousins and the older stayed in the camper overnight.
Saturday I got up and ran early :) It's unbelievably hot in the Valley, Truro is just so nice and cool that we forget that it's like that in the Valley. Lucky, it was cloudy and threatening rain, so it wasn't as suffocating as it was later. I ran UP Lockhart Mountain Road, and then back down English Mountain Road. I think that was my hill workout for the week! 9 km when I was done, 55:48 time.
Saturday Holly had 2 soccer games, both of which their team lost; Holly got a goal in the last game against a goalie who hasnt been scored on, so she was pretty proud of that.

Sunday morning I got up not as early as I wanted for a long run; 21 km on the plan; it was hot and I was tired and decided to go as far as felt ok. I took phone and would call if needed.
I ran out to my mother's house where I got a cold bottle of water and then ran back to Coldbrook on the trail; that part was cooler and nice.
Actually other than the humidity it was a nice run. That and my upset stomach; a few Nature Breaks required. the run itself was ok. The 2 bottles of water I drank were not enough.
18.01 km Long Run 1:55:47 984 kCal 6:25 min/km
I ran out of road before my 21 km were finished; I settled for 18 km and called it a long run done. I felt pretty nauseated at the end; Scott brought me a Gatorade Recovery; It was better than normal Gatorade, but I had trouble drinking it; We made some toast and that was hard to eat too. A shower and clean clothes improved things.
After dinner there was a family party/bbq/celebration for Quade's Baptism. It was nice to see so many people and relax.
Week 4 Finished. Total Km: 47.2 running, 20 bike.
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