Here I am feeling annoyed that my favorite blogs don't have enough to read. I mean, they blog daily, but Im annoyed that the ones I like don't have anything new to read. Not annoyed...surprised. Bored. And Im thinking; if there are readers they should blog a few times a day. Even if they figure they need to make up funny things to write about. I am demanding LOL. (they write lots. They dont owe anything.)
And I realise I am only writing about once a week. I get it. Im a Hypocrite. I owe a blog post. Even if no one is reading it.
Bless me for I have forgotten, It's been 5 days since my last blog post....
I will give some Hail Mary's and a post about what's been up.
Re-read last few posts. That's what's been up.
Is it possible I just have nothing to say? I mean, everyone is saying it already! I just write to keep track of my workouts. Which I am also still doing on the MapMyRun training log. But sometimes I just wish I had more witty things to say.
I can always add cute photos of cute kids about to play hockey ;)
Friday morning started with Holly's hockey practice at 7 am and I think it is nice to start the day with a skate at the rink while watching the sun come up (red sky warning and all that). We skated a lot and then I got the kids to school with their breakfast and muffins and I went to work.
We did get the snow we were expecting last week. It snowed after school and lasted til evening, got about 3-4 inches which is just enough to make things slippy. The cold moved in quite solidly and we had -12 for wake up weather on Saturday. After hockey scrimmage in the morning, I took my running clothes along and was able to go right out from the rink; skipping that home step makes the run far more likely to happen. There is something about going home that is like a black hole; I go in the house and never come out ;)
So I went right from the rinking thinking the side walks would be better than the roads; I dunno...they were pretty unpleasant! They were cleaned up by the rink by a plow, and that left beind a bit of snow over ice; Then on the main road out they were not cleaned at all! For about a km it was full snowfall. I know, only 3-4 inches but it was smooshed about and slippery and shifty. Fun! Then back on cleaned sidewalks, but they had been cleaned by a sweeper type cleaner, which only removes the looser snow and left behind everyone's footfalls, which were stuck to the cement. Everywhere someone stepped a couple of inches of snow remained :) It was just so much fun. My hips ached by the time I got to the car, not to mention the cold with wind chill. I was happy to finish 9.8 km but it took 1:02:45. Ugh.
The rest of Saturday was a blur of hockey game, house cleaning, kids over, and early to bed.
Sunday morning was sluggish; I had a terrible headache, and it was worse laying down but bad sitting up. After everyone was off to church and hockey I went out for a short run (6.5 km) up the hill and back, then ate and went to my hockey game. We lost that game but I did score a goal and it wasnt a bad game although I have a feeling the other team was just toying with us. They likely could have scored more on us.
There was no soccer this week, so after Annika's game (they won 7-2) we were able to go to Holly's game across town (they won 5-1) and then after a period of the highschool game we went home.
Monday comes too early. It's long day at work and there was no chance for a run. But I did get to skate at Annika's hockey practice so at least there was that. another early night.
Tuesday morning I was awake early. I took the kids to school and met friends for a run. We ended up, with the rain and ice and someone's wonky knee, walking a fair amount and on that ice I suspect it was a good thing. It warmed up to about 10 C during the day and rained and rained. I saw my osteopath after work and she did something nice to me knee; it's feeling pretty good tonight.
So plans for tomorrow include an afternoon run, and work. Not much else at the moment. The kids might have more plans ;)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
It's a beautiful cold day
The weather outside is frightful-ly...cold. It is January in NS, but still, with wind chills of -20 or worse, that's just cold.
Especially compared to yesterday. Or the day before!
Monday didn't do a thing. Nothing! after the long day and dealing with bed times and stuff I just couldnt do it.
But Tuesday before picking up the kids I went out for a nice run; it was almost sunny, and over 0 C. I had on short sleeves and long over, and was too warm with my coat; tied that around my waist and was still quite hot. Good thing since i forgot gloves. It was SO warm! 8.4 km in 50:25.
Wednesday was a gorgeous sunny warm day. Light coat sort of day. I worked very hard and didnt get out for a workout. Way tired. After lab and picking up kids at home I took Holly to hockey practice then right straight to her first basketball game.
The team did really well after only 3 practices; they were short players and had a 28-18 win over a neighboring school, Holly scored 6 of those points :) It was a good time :)
Especially compared to yesterday. Or the day before!
Monday didn't do a thing. Nothing! after the long day and dealing with bed times and stuff I just couldnt do it.
But Tuesday before picking up the kids I went out for a nice run; it was almost sunny, and over 0 C. I had on short sleeves and long over, and was too warm with my coat; tied that around my waist and was still quite hot. Good thing since i forgot gloves. It was SO warm! 8.4 km in 50:25.
Wednesday was a gorgeous sunny warm day. Light coat sort of day. I worked very hard and didnt get out for a workout. Way tired. After lab and picking up kids at home I took Holly to hockey practice then right straight to her first basketball game.
After Bball Taylor had to be dropped right off at Tae Kwon Do and then I could take the little ones home and get them into bed and ready for the next day. What a tired lot of kids!
Brings us to Thursday and what a change in the weather! It was getting colder and damper last night and was frozen this -12 and windchill of -25.
I waited until lunch time today and then just had to run. It was sunny but still SO cold. My face just burned! My toes got cold, and I was really dressed improperly. I realised I packed my bag yesterday, for Yesterday's lovely weather. I had no sweater or mitts (gloves yes) and no hat although I had a non-running one in my other bag. Light running tights, not the heavy ones. Not the cushy coat but instead the light windbreaker.
I did get warm underneath. And eventually my fingers warmed up. At least til I could feel them. I kept pulling my scarf over my face but then I had to take off my sunglasses (fogging) and Thennnnn the wind burned my eyes so I could not see through tears that froze on my face. The scarf got gross with breath and snot and I kept turning it and pulling it up til I felt like I was suffocating then I would pull it back down....Blowing frozen snot across the sidewalk; almost hit by 2 inattentive drivers, good thing I am watching for them because they are not watching for me.
But it was a sunny day, and it was a snow and ice free run for the most part; I was even on the trail for awhile. I was so glad to get out but SO glad to get back 56 minutes later because I was frozen to the core. 9 km done.
It took ages to warm up and I picked up Holly and went home where we made cookie dough and then after Annika got home and we had supper I took these two to Annika's hockey practice where we skated pretty hard!
We are expecting some snow tomorrow YAY! Maybe enough to make things slippery; I promised the kids I would take them coasting if there was snow and they went to sleep right away.
It's looking like a realllllly busy weekend. But I plan to get running in!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Dust layer remains intact on the Snow Shoes
We still have no snow to speak of. Only the calendar and maybe the temperatures say it is January. Sometimes it is -17 (this morning) and sometimes it is +10 (3 days ago). NOT global warming ;) just a less snowy piece of winter :) I am finding very little motivation to getting outside and doing the runs I so badly need to be getting in :( And Im not finding a whole lot of time to get workouts done inside either. It all just takes so long, and with meals to make and lots of work and cleaning to do each evening, it's not clear to me when people fit this stuff in!
I only got in 3 runs last week! YIKES! Im falling off! Because I just noticed, it's ONLY JANUARY. I have months of winter left. This is not a good start.
Sunday we took Annika out to her morning hockey game and then I did not get in a run before my hockey in the afternoon. Im not good at getting in a Sunday run :( I find with both Hockey and Soccer, Sunday can be very tiring. and Mondays at work are seriously long with most of the day on my feet and lecturing. And instructing in lab. And just going on and on. lol So unless I do a short run, Im not getting much run in on Sundays. :( The hockey game was a good one, we won 3-1 and I scored a goal. we were sort of short of players so there was lots of ice time. I like lots of ice time.
Holly and Annika played hockey at the same time that I had soccer; so I sent them with other people and selfishly went to my soccer game. It was also a good game, we tied nothing nothing LOL. Soccer is hard!
Monday was a 9-5 day with kids to get to school on one end and kids to get to bed on the other :)
No Workout at all. Rest Day.
Tuesday morning after Scott toook the kids to school I did Kenpo X and Ab Ripper x. Waiting until the kids leave does not give me enough time to get to work at a decent time; but doing workouts while the kids are getting ready for school is full of frustrating interruptions and their needs. Getting up to do workouts before they get up is just plain hard lol. I squeezed in a run before school pickup, then had Annika's hockey practice to skate through before supper. It was one of those very active days.
Wednesday; I dont remember what happened to my Wednesday lol. Oh yes, classes, a sad funeral, kid pick up, that sort of thing. and dark, cold, gloom lol.
Thursday picked up with a 6.4 km run before picking up Annika from School and Holly from Deb's place and Taylor from school. Holly had hockey practice which her father took her to.
My endurance is certainly taking a hit; I have not run more than 8.5 km since Christmas. :(
Friday morning after drop off we went for a 45 minute drive in the snowroads to pick up fertilized eggs. Taylor's science fair project is on it's way! I squeezed in a run at lunch time between lecture and lab. Tired.
Saturday morning had me up and on the ice by 7 am again; such a great way to start a day. Between my hockey and Holly's I worked on a 4H meeting which I had after Holly's hockey game. After the 4H meeting it was dark and we didnt really do anything Saturday night.
Which brings us back to another Sunday with a hockey game we lost 2-0. we skated very hard! Short handed again! Then after Annika's hockey game, we had a soccer game that we lost 1-0. Hard day on the ego. But again we played very hard. Just didnt manage to score.
Monday today; another longgggg day at work and so far no workout. The kids are finally in bed and it is 830; Im torn between going to bed so I can get up early tomorrow and hit the workout OR doing it now. Im very tired and my throat is very scratchy; might prefer sleep. Or blogging, apparently ;)
I only got in 3 runs last week! YIKES! Im falling off! Because I just noticed, it's ONLY JANUARY. I have months of winter left. This is not a good start.
Sunday we took Annika out to her morning hockey game and then I did not get in a run before my hockey in the afternoon. Im not good at getting in a Sunday run :( I find with both Hockey and Soccer, Sunday can be very tiring. and Mondays at work are seriously long with most of the day on my feet and lecturing. And instructing in lab. And just going on and on. lol So unless I do a short run, Im not getting much run in on Sundays. :( The hockey game was a good one, we won 3-1 and I scored a goal. we were sort of short of players so there was lots of ice time. I like lots of ice time.
Holly and Annika played hockey at the same time that I had soccer; so I sent them with other people and selfishly went to my soccer game. It was also a good game, we tied nothing nothing LOL. Soccer is hard!
Monday was a 9-5 day with kids to get to school on one end and kids to get to bed on the other :)
No Workout at all. Rest Day.
Tuesday morning after Scott toook the kids to school I did Kenpo X and Ab Ripper x. Waiting until the kids leave does not give me enough time to get to work at a decent time; but doing workouts while the kids are getting ready for school is full of frustrating interruptions and their needs. Getting up to do workouts before they get up is just plain hard lol. I squeezed in a run before school pickup, then had Annika's hockey practice to skate through before supper. It was one of those very active days.
Wednesday; I dont remember what happened to my Wednesday lol. Oh yes, classes, a sad funeral, kid pick up, that sort of thing. and dark, cold, gloom lol.
Thursday picked up with a 6.4 km run before picking up Annika from School and Holly from Deb's place and Taylor from school. Holly had hockey practice which her father took her to.
My endurance is certainly taking a hit; I have not run more than 8.5 km since Christmas. :(
Friday morning after drop off we went for a 45 minute drive in the snowroads to pick up fertilized eggs. Taylor's science fair project is on it's way! I squeezed in a run at lunch time between lecture and lab. Tired.
Saturday morning had me up and on the ice by 7 am again; such a great way to start a day. Between my hockey and Holly's I worked on a 4H meeting which I had after Holly's hockey game. After the 4H meeting it was dark and we didnt really do anything Saturday night.
Which brings us back to another Sunday with a hockey game we lost 2-0. we skated very hard! Short handed again! Then after Annika's hockey game, we had a soccer game that we lost 1-0. Hard day on the ego. But again we played very hard. Just didnt manage to score.
Monday today; another longgggg day at work and so far no workout. The kids are finally in bed and it is 830; Im torn between going to bed so I can get up early tomorrow and hit the workout OR doing it now. Im very tired and my throat is very scratchy; might prefer sleep. Or blogging, apparently ;)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
January well under way now!
I just wish it would bring more TIME with it. I would think that with the quiet winter days on us, we would have more time. But rather I feel like I have less time than ever and Im not even really that busy ;)
For example it's been an entire day since I started this post. I just don't know where the time goes. Mostly wasted away :(
We are well into January. An entire week of it, actually. And It's been a hard adjustment. Weather has gotten much colder, it's dark, and mornings are starting before dawn even thought about arriving :( We come home often in the dark just like we left, and there is no motivation to get anything done :(
I love winter. I really do. Actually I would be happy if there were enough snow to DO something but there hasnt been much yet and it doesnt stay. My snowshoes are just dying for a spin :)
So since New Year's Day the runs have been happening although P90X isnt regularly I still intend to get some workouts in. Especially on days that are too nasty to run outside. But I do find it hard when home to find that chunk of time to do the workout, that I can steal away while at work by working through my lunch hours. :)
Monday was 2 ice times; noon Christmas hockey and supper time practice for Annika. Christmas hockey was fun; will miss it.
Tuesday morning school started up for the kids and after Scott took them off I got a P90x workout in. Plyometrics didn't seem so hard but I was sooooo sore for the next few days; abnormally sore. Thinking it wasn't just the workouts but rather the way my joints and head ached maybe a bit of a virus. Either way so sore to walk and going down stairs was hard. :(
But running was not as hard so I got in a run from work. Dara and I went 7.75 km to her place and fed the horses and back to work. 48:51 minutes not bad considering I'm sore and she is sick; there was a lot of snot.
Wednesday was just a quick run at the end of the day. I was soooo sore and it was freezing cold out. Holly was home sick for the day :( classes started Wednesday. After classes and getting ready for next day I managed to get out for 5.3 km In 33:48. Not great but done :)
Thursday morning was rushed; didn't manage a run til noon when the snow started; Lavinia And I had a beautiful run to the top of the park and back in light fluffy snowflakes. it was a little bit slippery but really fun. 7.2 km In about 44 minutes. Nice.
Friday started with a 7 am skate and ended there. Busy and maybe a rest day is ok. 50 minutes skating is a great way to start a day.
And up to Saturday; 7 am hockey scrimmage was disappointing as pretty much everyone was there, so we sat on The bench for EVER. I prefer being short handed ;) I'm selfish!
Before supper I got in a run; 8.5 km pretty quick (since dark was coming ) 50:30 minutes including stopping and talking to Scott :)
Not much actually planned for the week; I wonder if I would be more likely to work out if I wrote my plans down?
Now looking for some snow!
For example it's been an entire day since I started this post. I just don't know where the time goes. Mostly wasted away :(
We are well into January. An entire week of it, actually. And It's been a hard adjustment. Weather has gotten much colder, it's dark, and mornings are starting before dawn even thought about arriving :( We come home often in the dark just like we left, and there is no motivation to get anything done :(
I love winter. I really do. Actually I would be happy if there were enough snow to DO something but there hasnt been much yet and it doesnt stay. My snowshoes are just dying for a spin :)
So since New Year's Day the runs have been happening although P90X isnt regularly I still intend to get some workouts in. Especially on days that are too nasty to run outside. But I do find it hard when home to find that chunk of time to do the workout, that I can steal away while at work by working through my lunch hours. :)
Monday was 2 ice times; noon Christmas hockey and supper time practice for Annika. Christmas hockey was fun; will miss it.
Tuesday morning school started up for the kids and after Scott took them off I got a P90x workout in. Plyometrics didn't seem so hard but I was sooooo sore for the next few days; abnormally sore. Thinking it wasn't just the workouts but rather the way my joints and head ached maybe a bit of a virus. Either way so sore to walk and going down stairs was hard. :(
But running was not as hard so I got in a run from work. Dara and I went 7.75 km to her place and fed the horses and back to work. 48:51 minutes not bad considering I'm sore and she is sick; there was a lot of snot.
Wednesday was just a quick run at the end of the day. I was soooo sore and it was freezing cold out. Holly was home sick for the day :( classes started Wednesday. After classes and getting ready for next day I managed to get out for 5.3 km In 33:48. Not great but done :)
Thursday morning was rushed; didn't manage a run til noon when the snow started; Lavinia And I had a beautiful run to the top of the park and back in light fluffy snowflakes. it was a little bit slippery but really fun. 7.2 km In about 44 minutes. Nice.
Friday started with a 7 am skate and ended there. Busy and maybe a rest day is ok. 50 minutes skating is a great way to start a day.
And up to Saturday; 7 am hockey scrimmage was disappointing as pretty much everyone was there, so we sat on The bench for EVER. I prefer being short handed ;) I'm selfish!
Before supper I got in a run; 8.5 km pretty quick (since dark was coming ) 50:30 minutes including stopping and talking to Scott :)
Not much actually planned for the week; I wonder if I would be more likely to work out if I wrote my plans down?
Now looking for some snow!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Year 2012 Goals
In 2011 I wanted to run 1800 km. I did not get there; I finished with 1714 ish I believe that to be accurate enough. It's better than last year, by a few km.
My goals for last year were only sort of successful.
1. Kms run: last year I wanted 1500 and I finished with about 1692.75. So this year Im thinking 1800 would be an awesome goal. I sort of managed to do better but not the 1800 I wanted.
2. Marathon. Do I want to run another. YES. Im actually thinking one in spring and one in fall. Fredericton Marathon is on my radar. Nothing for fall yet.I did not do another marathon. FAIL. Just too busy!
3. 5 K PR. I want to get a PR in this distance this year. Which means Im likely going to run more of them. :)No PR's this year. Any.
4. Weight; Id like to be 5 pounds lighter next end of year than I am now. That's doable right?Nope. Not 5 pounds lighter.
5. Drink more water. Yeah I did do this. It's not hard to get used to.
6. 30 minutes or more of activity 6 days a week. Not average; every day I think I did average this. But not always 6 days a week.
New Resolutions:
1. Just do stuff better.
2. Remind myself that I will feel great when I make myself go for those runs.
3. Cross train more.
4. Try to do most of the P90X sessions this time.
5. Running; 1800 km goal again.
That's all. Nothing else LOL.
My goals for last year were only sort of successful.
1. Kms run: last year I wanted 1500 and I finished with about 1692.75. So this year Im thinking 1800 would be an awesome goal. I sort of managed to do better but not the 1800 I wanted.
2. Marathon. Do I want to run another. YES. Im actually thinking one in spring and one in fall. Fredericton Marathon is on my radar. Nothing for fall yet.I did not do another marathon. FAIL. Just too busy!
3. 5 K PR. I want to get a PR in this distance this year. Which means Im likely going to run more of them. :)No PR's this year. Any.
4. Weight; Id like to be 5 pounds lighter next end of year than I am now. That's doable right?Nope. Not 5 pounds lighter.
5. Drink more water. Yeah I did do this. It's not hard to get used to.
6. 30 minutes or more of activity 6 days a week. Not average; every day I think I did average this. But not always 6 days a week.
New Resolutions:
1. Just do stuff better.
2. Remind myself that I will feel great when I make myself go for those runs.
3. Cross train more.
4. Try to do most of the P90X sessions this time.
5. Running; 1800 km goal again.
That's all. Nothing else LOL.
December Wrap Up
December is a tough month for Activities beyond shopping and housecleaning and eating :) But I still pulled off 124.36 km of running. Sparse but sure nuff :)
28.35 hours spent being active;
34 Workouts
14, 149 calories burned!
Longest run was 10.4 km but I did that one morning with 2 runs adding up to 16 km.
Not the worst December ever.
28.35 hours spent being active;
34 Workouts
14, 149 calories burned!
Longest run was 10.4 km but I did that one morning with 2 runs adding up to 16 km.
Not the worst December ever.
End of 2011 Post; on First day of 2012
2011 went out with less of a bang and more of a wimper. It was just not that big of a deal :) It's now January 1 2012 and it looks pretty much the same as 2011. Shocking.
Christmas Day was certainly a rest day LOL so Boxing Day was a run day. I wore the new grippies my mother gave me for Christmas; it was pretty icey but without icey patches so they spent some time on the pavement too. That was not comfortable ;) but they were nice and grippy for the ice. I think they will come in very handy in our icey rainy/snowy winters :) 8.6 km in 56:06. Its going to be a long winter ;) it's just starting!!!
The hockey tournament in Brookfield started for Annika on Tuesday so we went there at supper time and Annika played 2 hockey games. CUTE :) I played hockey at lunchtime with the "girls" and had a great hour of hard skating :) our scrimmages are not at all relaxed although they are hilarious. Intense and hilarious :) Had coffee with a friend between games. After Annika's second game we hurried back to town so I could go bowling with the Cross Country Team and alumni! It was good to see that bunch again; I always miss them when season is ended! Party continued at Lavinia's and it was 230 before she and I were done talking :)
Wednesday was a new day :) with more hockey! LOL I ran in the morning 6.5 km in 41:23, it was just up the hill and back down as pressed for time. Hockey was at noon, another hour scrimmage; then we went to Annika's last hockey game, then hung around the rink and had supper with friends til Holly's first game in the tournament. Both good games. Home and to bed :)
Thursday morning we met our new kitty; he was being fixed up for us and we were taking him home! It was another hockey day; Holly had 2 games, they had a tie and 2 wins and finished first in their division. Semifinals were next day. I had hockey between her 2 games and it was all very rushed.
Friday morning I managed a little run before heading off to "stuff". lol 5.4 km up the hill and back, 33 minutes. It was chill! It's certainly gotten much colder since last week! We went to Holly's Semi game, they won it and had to be in the Championship game at supper time; I had to cancel my spot in an exhibition game. We cannot be in 2 places at once and it's not hard to pick her game over mine but it isnt always pleasant either; I really wanted to play that game LOL
We picked up the new cat, Kessel, after the game and took him home to spend a couple of hours before the Championship game. He is quite a cat; a stray from the SPCA who was unadoptable due to a spectacular heart murmur and therefore he has found a great home with us; we're not scared of long term medical conditions! He has a purr motor like few others and after just 3 days here it's like he has always been here. He's a very cuddly cat!
Holly's team did not win their Championship game; they played hard but were simply outplayed at the end. :( They did well and she did really well skating up the boards and taking pucks. Im still glad I went to the game.
Whew lots of hockey to Saturday; we slept in Saturday morning, and I dragged out of bed for 9 am hockey. It's New Year's Eve and we all chose to play hockey! I would have played more :) No more hockey; we cleaned the house and shampooed carpets! We had friends over for New Years and a houseful of laughing kids is the best way to celebrate a holiday! It's been so long since we all got together, way too long. I just realised we didnt get a group photo.
and now it is January 1. 2012! UNbelievable. I thought I might start P90X again on Jan 1 and now here it is. for once I went through with it.
We slept in this morning a bit and then after cleaning up the tree and cleaning out the living room, we did the carpet and went for NY dinner at the Inlaws! Left the kids there to come home for more cleaning (it wont end til all that Christmas stuff is GONE). When it was almost dark I finally forced myself out the door for a run; 5.65 km down the road and back, 32:16. I did the first 5 km in 28:54; 1.1 km downhill, 1.6 km up, 1.6 km downhill, and 1.35 back up. It's a hard run from here either way. it was cold and damp as only NS can be.
I changed clothes and before I could change my mind I went down to the basement and did P90X Chest and Back. I did not do Ab Ripper X; it was getting late.
Updated to now, where I sit blogging :)
Christmas Day was certainly a rest day LOL so Boxing Day was a run day. I wore the new grippies my mother gave me for Christmas; it was pretty icey but without icey patches so they spent some time on the pavement too. That was not comfortable ;) but they were nice and grippy for the ice. I think they will come in very handy in our icey rainy/snowy winters :) 8.6 km in 56:06. Its going to be a long winter ;) it's just starting!!!
The hockey tournament in Brookfield started for Annika on Tuesday so we went there at supper time and Annika played 2 hockey games. CUTE :) I played hockey at lunchtime with the "girls" and had a great hour of hard skating :) our scrimmages are not at all relaxed although they are hilarious. Intense and hilarious :) Had coffee with a friend between games. After Annika's second game we hurried back to town so I could go bowling with the Cross Country Team and alumni! It was good to see that bunch again; I always miss them when season is ended! Party continued at Lavinia's and it was 230 before she and I were done talking :)
Wednesday was a new day :) with more hockey! LOL I ran in the morning 6.5 km in 41:23, it was just up the hill and back down as pressed for time. Hockey was at noon, another hour scrimmage; then we went to Annika's last hockey game, then hung around the rink and had supper with friends til Holly's first game in the tournament. Both good games. Home and to bed :)
Thursday morning we met our new kitty; he was being fixed up for us and we were taking him home! It was another hockey day; Holly had 2 games, they had a tie and 2 wins and finished first in their division. Semifinals were next day. I had hockey between her 2 games and it was all very rushed.
Friday morning I managed a little run before heading off to "stuff". lol 5.4 km up the hill and back, 33 minutes. It was chill! It's certainly gotten much colder since last week! We went to Holly's Semi game, they won it and had to be in the Championship game at supper time; I had to cancel my spot in an exhibition game. We cannot be in 2 places at once and it's not hard to pick her game over mine but it isnt always pleasant either; I really wanted to play that game LOL
Kessel under the tree :) |
Holly's team did not win their Championship game; they played hard but were simply outplayed at the end. :( They did well and she did really well skating up the boards and taking pucks. Im still glad I went to the game.
Whew lots of hockey to Saturday; we slept in Saturday morning, and I dragged out of bed for 9 am hockey. It's New Year's Eve and we all chose to play hockey! I would have played more :) No more hockey; we cleaned the house and shampooed carpets! We had friends over for New Years and a houseful of laughing kids is the best way to celebrate a holiday! It's been so long since we all got together, way too long. I just realised we didnt get a group photo.
and now it is January 1. 2012! UNbelievable. I thought I might start P90X again on Jan 1 and now here it is. for once I went through with it.
We slept in this morning a bit and then after cleaning up the tree and cleaning out the living room, we did the carpet and went for NY dinner at the Inlaws! Left the kids there to come home for more cleaning (it wont end til all that Christmas stuff is GONE). When it was almost dark I finally forced myself out the door for a run; 5.65 km down the road and back, 32:16. I did the first 5 km in 28:54; 1.1 km downhill, 1.6 km up, 1.6 km downhill, and 1.35 back up. It's a hard run from here either way. it was cold and damp as only NS can be.
I changed clothes and before I could change my mind I went down to the basement and did P90X Chest and Back. I did not do Ab Ripper X; it was getting late.
Updated to now, where I sit blogging :)
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