Friday was a chilly day but warmed up to above freezing by the end of the day when Dara and I pulled out for a longer run. We had time so we just kept going until dark and 10.4 km were passed in 1:06:16. It was a more relaxed run with slower speed. It was a little chilly to have done our run around town, we went a completely different way than usual. This time of year it can be really hard to stop for stop lights and stuff with chill coming on very quickly. I usually hate to even stop for a walk break when its this cold so times are going to be slowing down quite a lot. I expect the weather to start having some irritating effects on my running for the next...5 months or so. :( I am so dreading these short days and cold temps; it's almost enough to make me want to give up running :(
Saturday morning was Holly's 11th Birthday; we were all up early and out of the house; I had hockey at 7 am and so did Holly; So we were off to different rinks, Scott with Holly and Annika came with me because she had a game at Debert an hour after me. Played a good scrimmage game for 50 minutes then took Annika to her game; they played well but the wheels fell off at the end of the game and they lost. They played well until near the end.
After hockey games we cleaned up and headed to the Valley; B and SIL are moving and we thought we should try to help/lend moral support when we could. Once hockey was over we actually had the rest of the day free; that doesnt happen a lot! So we took advantage and went for a road trip! We stopped in Bayers Lake on the way at Old Navy where we didnt really find anything. On to the Valley; visited with the family and Had some birthday cake for Holly's 11th!
It was nice to see the boys and their parents. We got home very late and the kids slept in a little on Sunday morning. They went to Drama and I went for a run. It was not too cold today! It was above freezing again and weakly sunny! It was nicer than I expected and I took a longer route. I have other things planned today; still could not resist the chance to run. I figured that since our hockey game should be a blowout anyway, what difference could it make if I was a little more tired than usual? 10.4 km in 1:05:30 (stopped to look at some deer lol) on the hilly 10 k loop.
Got a little bit of rest this afternoon after hockey; then a quick supper and off to more hockey games; Annika and Holly played at the same time in different rinks; I took Annika and left immediately after her game to go to my soccer game; Again her team played well but they almost blew it completely; they had a comeback to get within a point thanks to one player's hat trick and lost by only one point. It was a good game. One of their most exciting games.
Soccer game was interesting; the team we played was very good and has played together for years, summer and winter. You could tell they did by how well they seemed to know where they were going to be and they were set up so well. They scored early and then again later; we had one goal; the keeper was going to get the ball but I rushed her and she kicked it right into my chest and it bounced and headed for the net; I followed and made sure it was in; :) So we got one goal and didnt blow out that game either. My second soccer goal was thanks to error on keeper's part.
End of one totally busy weekend!
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