3 weeks to Half Marathon #2!!! Im feeling pretty confident about this one! I dont necessarily think I will beat my time in the Johnny Miles! But I do believe, that I will survive it! HAHAH
Long run today was in good weather (7C ish) and cloudy. 18 Km was mapped out more or less; running right from our house to the InLaws in OB was not far enough! Can you imagine? So a few side roads in Truro added a km or so, and then adding .5 at the end running towards the church past the house trail added the last bit needed to get 18 km in.
Health update? Still have a chest cold but feeling better than I was Thursday and Friday. Cough is less, achiness is less. Feeling ok over this run.
No idea what clothing I will wear. I was pretty comfy today in a cotton tank top (lace on bottom...sexy runner! HAHAHA) and a long sleeve wicking shirt (Johnny Miles shirt from last year). I got a sore spot on a toe last week from my new sneakers so not sure also which sneakers I will wear in the run. Try to get some more runs in this week with the new sneakers on.
Wondering if the socks were pulled on too tight making toes sore lol. No new blisters or anything today.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
mid week run
still trying to kick this cold, it isnt going so well. Today I feel sicker than before. I didnt feel this bad at the start! :(
Last night run to the pool to pick up Taylor; started off down the hill and I dont think I was really warmed up that well :( speed was ok. Hard to maintain at the end. But finished 8 km in just over 50 minutes. Not sure if I will run tonight; rest seems to be needed.
Last night run to the pool to pick up Taylor; started off down the hill and I dont think I was really warmed up that well :( speed was ok. Hard to maintain at the end. But finished 8 km in just over 50 minutes. Not sure if I will run tonight; rest seems to be needed.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
LSD Sunday this week
Whew.Scott's been away and its been hard to get motivated. Did spend Friday as a rest day; owed Saturday 8 km but didnt get out at it and only ran a little ways for Chris. Sunday tho was long run day.
Got up and coughing with chest cold/stuffed up with allergies. took Tylenol Cold and also some generic Allergy formula. Together. Bad idea. Mom left with the kids to deliver them to church and drama, and I finished my coffee and contemplated my 16 km run route. Then I felt dizzy and sick and cold and weak....very suddenly. So I climbed into the bed for 10 minutes. And ventured back out an hour 20 later. UIgh. Didnt so much sleep as shiver and be nauseous.
Then it passed and I got up and did the 16 km route through Bible Hill and Truro back to home.
I actually didnt get the 16 km because mom was concerned and came to find me; I didnt think the last .3 km would make much difference in the long run LOL.
Its a really hilly route but none of the hills seemed that bad today. It was actually a really nice run!
Got up and coughing with chest cold/stuffed up with allergies. took Tylenol Cold and also some generic Allergy formula. Together. Bad idea. Mom left with the kids to deliver them to church and drama, and I finished my coffee and contemplated my 16 km run route. Then I felt dizzy and sick and cold and weak....very suddenly. So I climbed into the bed for 10 minutes. And ventured back out an hour 20 later. UIgh. Didnt so much sleep as shiver and be nauseous.
Then it passed and I got up and did the 16 km route through Bible Hill and Truro back to home.
I actually didnt get the 16 km because mom was concerned and came to find me; I didnt think the last .3 km would make much difference in the long run LOL.
Its a really hilly route but none of the hills seemed that bad today. It was actually a really nice run!
Friday, September 18, 2009
5 K Between Classes
There is a race at the college called the NSAC Oktoberfest 5K run that I havent run since I was IN college so think mid 90's. I might run it this year (not sure when it is and if it fits with other races). :( but between classes and lab on Thursday I ran the route and I ran it like it was a race; race pace. AS Close as I can get anyway.
So its pretty hilly but I still managed the 5 k in 31 minutes (good for me, honest). That's a pace of 6:08 / km. Yeah, its good for me.
So Friday was rest day and WAY too busy to run anyway. Scott still away but the grandmothers might let me get out running Saturday and Sunday. One can hope anyway.
So its pretty hilly but I still managed the 5 k in 31 minutes (good for me, honest). That's a pace of 6:08 / km. Yeah, its good for me.
So Friday was rest day and WAY too busy to run anyway. Scott still away but the grandmothers might let me get out running Saturday and Sunday. One can hope anyway.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Midweek struggles
Ugh. lol theme for this training period is ugh.
Got out for a run tonight. Not ideal, it was after supper and I swear I could feel my meal every single step, but its done. Started at the pool and ran home, 8 km to Glenabbey. uphill for last 1.5 ish km. ALL the way up the hill. So the last km was slower than the previous 7 had been. Im ok with that. 53 minutes for the run.
Running is different now; the temps can still be higher...15 c...but the humidity is down and the air feels a lot cooler. It makes running much easier but also I never know what to be wearing lol. Fall is definitely in the air. Leaves are falling off the trees and coasting to the ground; they are laying on the sidewalks and crunching. Dark is coming really early AND it is staying dark in the morning very late. This is my least favorite thing about fall. Dark is depressing. Sometimes it is really hard to get out running when Im just mentally not in a place to do anything at all. Yes I always feel better when Im done, but getting out there can be like pulling teeth. SIGH.
PLanning a quick 5 km run tomorrow between classes. Scott is away for a few days and I wont have a lot of free time til he gets home. Sigh Sigh.
Got out for a run tonight. Not ideal, it was after supper and I swear I could feel my meal every single step, but its done. Started at the pool and ran home, 8 km to Glenabbey. uphill for last 1.5 ish km. ALL the way up the hill. So the last km was slower than the previous 7 had been. Im ok with that. 53 minutes for the run.
Running is different now; the temps can still be higher...15 c...but the humidity is down and the air feels a lot cooler. It makes running much easier but also I never know what to be wearing lol. Fall is definitely in the air. Leaves are falling off the trees and coasting to the ground; they are laying on the sidewalks and crunching. Dark is coming really early AND it is staying dark in the morning very late. This is my least favorite thing about fall. Dark is depressing. Sometimes it is really hard to get out running when Im just mentally not in a place to do anything at all. Yes I always feel better when Im done, but getting out there can be like pulling teeth. SIGH.
PLanning a quick 5 km run tomorrow between classes. Scott is away for a few days and I wont have a lot of free time til he gets home. Sigh Sigh.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
LSD Sunday
Slow start to the morning after a really late night of drinking ;) but its all good. Got out shortly after 11 and was surprised how HOT it was. Yeah it is threatening rain but it was really super hot. and Humid. I had no idea lol. Thank goodness the sun didnt shine too much. That would have been brutal.
A lot of uphill in the first 2 km then rolling hills for another 3 km. Downhill for a km then flat and then more uphill for 2 more km. lol then rolling until almost home; last 2 km were gradual uphills. By the time I got to the top of WMR I was pretty much shuffling. But I went all the way to the top to get in the 14.4 km needed (9 miles).
Noticing changes in gait that started fairly early (IMO) like about 8 km. Rougher and more jarring. Need to work on keeping it smooth.
A lot of uphill in the first 2 km then rolling hills for another 3 km. Downhill for a km then flat and then more uphill for 2 more km. lol then rolling until almost home; last 2 km were gradual uphills. By the time I got to the top of WMR I was pretty much shuffling. But I went all the way to the top to get in the 14.4 km needed (9 miles).
Noticing changes in gait that started fairly early (IMO) like about 8 km. Rougher and more jarring. Need to work on keeping it smooth.
Short Run
Work is putting yet another crimp in my schedule SIGH I need more time for myself lol
Managed a short 6.4 km run for Saturday morning when I missed the tempo run on Wednesday, a 5 km on Thursday, and owed Saturday 8 km. SIGH. How can I expect to do the long distances at this rate?
Managed a short 6.4 km run for Saturday morning when I missed the tempo run on Wednesday, a 5 km on Thursday, and owed Saturday 8 km. SIGH. How can I expect to do the long distances at this rate?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Excellent Tuesady Night run
in week 8 of the training program; Tuesday night was a 4.5 mile run. Went late at almost dark; did this in town since Id wasted so much time and knew it was going to get dark before I was finished. It was pretty warm out!
NOt a lot of elevation on either the trail or the roads I was running on so it was a fairly good test of maintaining speeds. The first couple of km were fairly fast but surprisingly I was able to keep it up and had a 5 km time of 31:30 minutes which was my fastest sicne last spring. Finished the 7.2 km in 46:09 minutes which means I kept up the speed to the end; Its nice to see Im starting to be able to pick up a pace and keep it consistently for longer times :) and it was fairly effortless; not completely but I didnt feel completely wrecked by the time I got home! Pretty good!
NOt a lot of elevation on either the trail or the roads I was running on so it was a fairly good test of maintaining speeds. The first couple of km were fairly fast but surprisingly I was able to keep it up and had a 5 km time of 31:30 minutes which was my fastest sicne last spring. Finished the 7.2 km in 46:09 minutes which means I kept up the speed to the end; Its nice to see Im starting to be able to pick up a pace and keep it consistently for longer times :) and it was fairly effortless; not completely but I didnt feel completely wrecked by the time I got home! Pretty good!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Confidence in this next Half Marathon is wavering; Ive not trained like a good little runner, all of my runs are slower, and Im only running better now thanks to the better running weather. I dont think my training is going to prepare me for a long run in 5 little weeks. I need to keep better track.
So after spending Saturday not doing tonnes, I did get out for my long, Slow Distance run on Sunday. (LSD, get it?) I did 12 km on the trail from Scott's parents house to the highway and back (and a little further because it wasnt far enough). Its pretty flat out there and I didnt go that fast but it was..doable. For now. 1 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds (ish. Im not sure exactly because I cannot remember and the watch is too far away.)
Funny things of interest:
I ran slower this week and took fewer walk breaks (hmm) and my 10 K time was only 1 minute slower than when I tried to run it harder and had to walk a few times. Granted the wind was less.
5 K time was still over 33 minutes. I just cannot seem to keep it any lower.
No matter how I was feeling, when I had to run past the trail back to the house to add on another 1.2 km, I felt like death. THAT is all mental.
Very large numbers of people on the trail on sunny sunday mornings. Funny, there were some joggers and I think this one girl I met as soon as I hit the trail thought she almost caught me peeing. She smirked. I was only coming down from the InLaws house and hadnt peed yet. In fact I made it the whole run. Good thing since there were so many PEOPLE! She ran faster and so did this guy who passed me; but then the two of them turned around and ran back. Hell if I were running 4 km or so, I could run faster too! Nee Ner.
We'll see how 14 km feels next week.
So after spending Saturday not doing tonnes, I did get out for my long, Slow Distance run on Sunday. (LSD, get it?) I did 12 km on the trail from Scott's parents house to the highway and back (and a little further because it wasnt far enough). Its pretty flat out there and I didnt go that fast but it was..doable. For now. 1 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds (ish. Im not sure exactly because I cannot remember and the watch is too far away.)
Funny things of interest:
I ran slower this week and took fewer walk breaks (hmm) and my 10 K time was only 1 minute slower than when I tried to run it harder and had to walk a few times. Granted the wind was less.
5 K time was still over 33 minutes. I just cannot seem to keep it any lower.
No matter how I was feeling, when I had to run past the trail back to the house to add on another 1.2 km, I felt like death. THAT is all mental.
Very large numbers of people on the trail on sunny sunday mornings. Funny, there were some joggers and I think this one girl I met as soon as I hit the trail thought she almost caught me peeing. She smirked. I was only coming down from the InLaws house and hadnt peed yet. In fact I made it the whole run. Good thing since there were so many PEOPLE! She ran faster and so did this guy who passed me; but then the two of them turned around and ran back. Hell if I were running 4 km or so, I could run faster too! Nee Ner.
We'll see how 14 km feels next week.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Evening Walk with more meaning than you can imagine
Friday instead of making it out for a run We went for a walk instead. A special walk.
After the race last Sunday, my friend Chris went home to his family and had a very bad brain bleed. It was termed catastrophic and there was no hope. This was the news I heard first, and it was unexpected and shocking. I heard later that he was not dead but was instead on life support waiting for Organ Donation to begin. This isnt really any better. I thought about all of the things I had never said to Chris that I should have; what a great friend he was, how much I enjoyed talking to him and how much I appreciated it when he supported my running and ran with me. Even when I was much slower and could go much shorter distances.
Chris wouldnt accept the death sentence; He has defied the odds not to die, and has a chance of a good quality of life once his healing is further along. He didnt die, he instead improved and surgery was performed that has saved him. but his struggle isnt over; he faces many challenges now and in the future. Only time will tell the story of this miracle. His story is being told on a blog set up by his family - Marathon of Hope.
Friday night friends and family gathered for a Hope Run (walk, whatever). It was a time for people to come together and get news, comfort each other, and do something productive that would help the family in the months to come. We went and took the kids and walked it for CHris. And Im going to join the challenge to run every day he is healing to continue his streak of thousands of days. Might be difficult today with the blisters I developed last night during the walk (weird huh?) but its nothing in comparison lol

Walked 6.5 km.
After the race last Sunday, my friend Chris went home to his family and had a very bad brain bleed. It was termed catastrophic and there was no hope. This was the news I heard first, and it was unexpected and shocking. I heard later that he was not dead but was instead on life support waiting for Organ Donation to begin. This isnt really any better. I thought about all of the things I had never said to Chris that I should have; what a great friend he was, how much I enjoyed talking to him and how much I appreciated it when he supported my running and ran with me. Even when I was much slower and could go much shorter distances.
Chris wouldnt accept the death sentence; He has defied the odds not to die, and has a chance of a good quality of life once his healing is further along. He didnt die, he instead improved and surgery was performed that has saved him. but his struggle isnt over; he faces many challenges now and in the future. Only time will tell the story of this miracle. His story is being told on a blog set up by his family - Marathon of Hope.
Friday night friends and family gathered for a Hope Run (walk, whatever). It was a time for people to come together and get news, comfort each other, and do something productive that would help the family in the months to come. We went and took the kids and walked it for CHris. And Im going to join the challenge to run every day he is healing to continue his streak of thousands of days. Might be difficult today with the blisters I developed last night during the walk (weird huh?) but its nothing in comparison lol
Walked 6.5 km.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Havent had the heart to run?
Yeah. I said it. Im just not feeling it. But today I went back out and got in 7.3 km in about 50:30 minutes. inconsistent and sad. But the run wasnt bad. It was hot and breezy and the run was nice. Heart might be returning. Good stress relief if nothing else.
Cobequid Trail 10 K Race
I couldnt see how this was going to go off. Tropical Storm Danny blew through NS at the time of the race and all night before. I didnt sleep. I felt like crap. It was raining. Sideways.
but we braved the weather all the same, and headed out to run this thing in the rain and the wind. The wind. OMG the wind.
The rain stopped. Gotta say that was amazing timing. Yay. But the wind did not, and the trail was pretty muddy.
But it was ok. It was the wind.
I went out way too fast. Did the first km in about 5:32 and the second by 11:55. Those are fast km. When you get in that crowd it is hard to not get carried away and IM way out of shape unfortunately.
Got into a rhythm after that and kept a consisten 6:20 ish pace. It was pretty humid and warm but could have been worse. The wind blew into our faces the entire 5 km out on the trail to the turn around. Then it was like heaven. Wind at our backs, no more taking away of breath, no more running backwards.
The second 5 km wasnt too bad despite the tired. But getting back to the start was a welcome site.
As you are coming up to it you can hear the announcer yelling encouragement and the music blasting. And then I hear my name...he is calling my name. ;) I look ahead and there is little Amy and Laurel waiting and cheering for me! They both got to cheer my name over the mike! TOO CUTE!
MY Deb was waiting at the finish got to LOVE her with the camera and water and welcomes and congrats SO good of her! LOVE her!

Here I come feeling very strong
And finishing up with an effort! lol Yes that is my official time there on the screen :)
94 3846 Teri-Lynn Masters Murray Siding NS CA 17/21 F2039 1:06:03 6:37
Not better than the 10K time at the Bluenose Marathon 10K. But much better than last year at the Trail run when I had the flu.
Talked to a few friends then picked up the kids and went home as I wasnt feeling so well...often like a lay down when done.
(to note Chris has a really good run....went home to his family and then began his own marathon of hope and healing that continues even now. Thinking of you, buddy. )
The rain stopped. Gotta say that was amazing timing. Yay. But the wind did not, and the trail was pretty muddy.
But it was ok. It was the wind.
I went out way too fast. Did the first km in about 5:32 and the second by 11:55. Those are fast km. When you get in that crowd it is hard to not get carried away and IM way out of shape unfortunately.
Got into a rhythm after that and kept a consisten 6:20 ish pace. It was pretty humid and warm but could have been worse. The wind blew into our faces the entire 5 km out on the trail to the turn around. Then it was like heaven. Wind at our backs, no more taking away of breath, no more running backwards.
The second 5 km wasnt too bad despite the tired. But getting back to the start was a welcome site.
As you are coming up to it you can hear the announcer yelling encouragement and the music blasting. And then I hear my name...he is calling my name. ;) I look ahead and there is little Amy and Laurel waiting and cheering for me! They both got to cheer my name over the mike! TOO CUTE!
MY Deb was waiting at the finish got to LOVE her with the camera and water and welcomes and congrats SO good of her! LOVE her!

Here I come feeling very strong

94 3846 Teri-Lynn Masters Murray Siding NS CA 17/21 F2039 1:06:03 6:37
Not better than the 10K time at the Bluenose Marathon 10K. But much better than last year at the Trail run when I had the flu.
Talked to a few friends then picked up the kids and went home as I wasnt feeling so well...often like a lay down when done.
(to note Chris has a really good run....went home to his family and then began his own marathon of hope and healing that continues even now. Thinking of you, buddy. )
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