I dont have any idea what week I am on. When does a new week start? I might have just finished week 7, maybe starting week 8? Dunno.
Played an "active" game of Ball hockey last night. feeling pretty tired today.
The kids were not home this morning so I spent a relatively quiet night alone here and then got up super early for a long run with Margie. It's awfully nice to have someone to run those long runs with; makes them seem a lot shorter. Drove to her house and we ran around Shortts Lake on some pretty main roads where Traffic wasnt too bad at start but picked up later. Started about 730 am (not bad considering its 25 minute drive to Margie's house from mine).
It was a nice run, most parts. Some long hills but nothing too terribly steep and a nice change from my usual lonely, hilly runs around home. Im going to take every chance to run somewhere new and make sure this potential burnout doesnt happen. It was, a long long run. 22 km is a long way! LOL 23 km were on the book for the day; we took an extra loop to add km, didnt add enough so we went around the duck pond in Brookfield, added another km but we still ended up one km short and since we both skipped the 19 km run the week before, decided that was enough.
Ate a bagel on the way to Brookfield; that was breakfast. Very little coffee beforehand. Very little anything.
Had a snack break at about 10 km in; feeling ok here. Thirsty tho, drank half the water! Ugh. little cramp.
Pee Break around 14 km. Barely peed. Drank the rest of the water. Yikes! Need more water!
Tired around 18 km. Sips of Margie's water but now she was out too :(
Nausea around 21 km. Glad to get home. Felt pretty crappy; hot, nausea.
BUT Margie has a pool (and a lake) and I took a suit! We dipped in the rather cold pool (no ice bath, but cold) and I wonder....legs are feeling pretty darned good right now. Once I had water was feeling better. Cold pool felt better. Layed around. chatted. Had coffee. Felt well enough to drive. Long run done for the week YAY!
Finished the month with a little over 152 km and feeling like a total slacker; some people run in a week what I run in a month. SIGH. But it was still a lot of running. Easiest month in past 3. Still loads of miles. over 900 km for year so far I think! Keep running!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
New Sneakers
I really am enjoying my new sneakers; I love the way they feel, the support, the fact that they do not let me feel every rock and pebble through them as I run on gravel.
I do not love that they give me a blister on my left baby toe. SIGH. This better work out of them soon.
10 km today at 11 am in 85%+ humidity but temps lower than before (22C when I came home) so it evened out I think...I was soaking wet and stinky when I got home but Ive been hotter. It was hard to breath in some places and I felt sorta gross at one point but I went up Harmony Ridge past the first really steep part on the corner and the bottom of the next hill was 5 Km so I turned around and ran back home for 10 k in 1:04:03. Not a tonne of effort put into it and the hills are killer. 6:24 pace. Thinking about a long run tomorrow morning. Checking weather forecasts and considering a route. Thinking 20 km will be sufficient despite the 23 called for in the program. Im a little off right now; we are all about a week off right now LOL.
I do not love that they give me a blister on my left baby toe. SIGH. This better work out of them soon.
10 km today at 11 am in 85%+ humidity but temps lower than before (22C when I came home) so it evened out I think...I was soaking wet and stinky when I got home but Ive been hotter. It was hard to breath in some places and I felt sorta gross at one point but I went up Harmony Ridge past the first really steep part on the corner and the bottom of the next hill was 5 Km so I turned around and ran back home for 10 k in 1:04:03. Not a tonne of effort put into it and the hills are killer. 6:24 pace. Thinking about a long run tomorrow morning. Checking weather forecasts and considering a route. Thinking 20 km will be sufficient despite the 23 called for in the program. Im a little off right now; we are all about a week off right now LOL.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Quick Tempo Run
at 630 this morning before a big ol JOB interview, needed some stress let off so off for a run in my new awesome Gel Nimbus 12 sneakers :) time to start breaking in a new pair :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
And the runs go on
After getting back at the run on Friday I managed another run on Saturday, when we were camping in Five Islands. It was neat getting to see those Islands from another point of view, beside them rather than under them. :):) The camp ground was nice and the trails were rugged, with a lot of roots and mud. Taylor and Lane came along on their bikes and I had to wait for them a few times as there was a long grassy climb up then a lot of mud with plank bridges over it and trees to get their bikes around. Once we hit the road we stayed on it back to the camp site; it was hilly but much easier biking and running; the road back was very hilly and I left the kids behind pushing their bikes while I ran up and around and made it 6 km in 44 minutes (I did manage to turn off my watch and may be somewhat off.) It was hot hot hot when we went but a lot of it was shaded trails and it was cooler there. It was very hot later when we went to the beach :):)
Sunday was a rainy day and we had to pack up and come home and the rest of the day was somewhat a nothing day. Nothing productive happened.
But Monday; sometime a long run had to happen. I believe I am supposed to be doing 19 km this week. My last few weeks have been very off program; 10 km race, 27 km race, 5 km obstacle race...and this weekend we went camping ;) I figured if I fell somewhere between the 16 km I didnt do last week, and the 19 km that I was supposed to do this week, I would be ok. I headed out a little later than I hoped (like over an hour late) and it wasnt too hot at about 19 C and humidex. There was enough breeze that I was cool but gusts that were challenging. By the time I got back to the bottom of our road I was 16.4 km in, and although not feeling too bad, Scott was there waiting and I could not imagine what difference that last .6 km would make, so I got in the car and claimed my Gatorade and went home. 16.4 km and 1:45:03 minutes, loads of hills.
Must get back on Program. Its going to hurt. LOL Retaining fluid and although it does not feel like I am, I must be eating too much because Ive gained 3 pounds and my hands and feet feel swollen. salty food? Need to get runs in.
Sunday was a rainy day and we had to pack up and come home and the rest of the day was somewhat a nothing day. Nothing productive happened.
But Monday; sometime a long run had to happen. I believe I am supposed to be doing 19 km this week. My last few weeks have been very off program; 10 km race, 27 km race, 5 km obstacle race...and this weekend we went camping ;) I figured if I fell somewhere between the 16 km I didnt do last week, and the 19 km that I was supposed to do this week, I would be ok. I headed out a little later than I hoped (like over an hour late) and it wasnt too hot at about 19 C and humidex. There was enough breeze that I was cool but gusts that were challenging. By the time I got back to the bottom of our road I was 16.4 km in, and although not feeling too bad, Scott was there waiting and I could not imagine what difference that last .6 km would make, so I got in the car and claimed my Gatorade and went home. 16.4 km and 1:45:03 minutes, loads of hills.
Must get back on Program. Its going to hurt. LOL Retaining fluid and although it does not feel like I am, I must be eating too much because Ive gained 3 pounds and my hands and feet feel swollen. salty food? Need to get runs in.
Friday, July 23, 2010
VP Challenge
I have been so busy and so tired this week I have not even thought about writing a race report or about running. At all. ugh. Getting to sit here to write it has been challenging ;)
The VP Challenge was interesting lOl. I actually really liked the idea of it and after it was over I enjoyed the run but during it, I wasnt really having all that much fun ;)
It started off in the park by the ball field and we ran up up up the hills (this park is all hills) on some paved and some gravel trails. It was a challenging start. The first obstacle was an over and under where we climbed ladders and ducked under ropes. Then more run run on up and down hills but now only rolling, not climbing.
Got to the wall and there it was. My enemy. Ugh. But! The rules changed the night before at the spaghetti dinner; we were allowed to climb the support now, making it easier to climb the wall. I mean really, is it fair for everyone to climb the same wall? 6 foot tall men, and 5 foot tall women? So they let us climb the supports on the sides. Didnt account for the fact that we would be sweaty; that wall with all its smooth sides and padded top was SLIPPERY. Even once on top of it, as if it wasnt hard enough, it was even harder to stay there, slipping all over the place.
Up and over the wall :) Then up Vipert Trail. UGH this is one steep hill. I always walk it. It's super steep. So a good walk up hill, then when it was less steep running again. A tall leggy boy passed me on this hill. No worries, I passed him again later.
At the top of the hill is the resevoir and the tunnel. It was a tunnel about as tall as I am on all fours, and about 10 feet long. Scurry through; here I suppose we had an advantage over the tall men ;) Coming out we ended up with crusher dust and gravel on sweaty hands. Gross. How do I wipe my face now? Never thought of that :) Did I mention the heat? It's about 25 C without humidex mixed in. UGH.
Now some downhill; and some VERY steep downhill. I passed a really tall girl here and thought she would overtake me on the flatter but I didnt see her again.
Some up and downs, beside the river, and then back to the wall. I laughed now because there was this volunteer by the wall; offering boosts. He asked, I was like Well, um YEAH. So he gave me a boost over and wall was behind me. YAY!
Right after the wall we turned left and went back up another very steep hill. Ugh last steep trail tho. Part way up we entered another trail, with lots of stone and wooden stairs to trip down. Into the lower park, and up the next obstacle: Jacob's Ladder - hundreds of steps up a steep cliff. Ugh. That late in the race it was tiresome. Up at the top and then back down the Serpentine. At the bottom we crossed the bridge and ran to the next Obstacle: 30 push ups and then tires to run through. Into the ball park and through the Army Mud Crawl - The fence was too high and I could totally stay on all fours :) good thing since rather than mud, it was more like wet sand and rocks. Lots of rocks. Ugh. A fellow with a fire truck was spraying the hose on us so it was very, very wet.
Up and out of the mud and over the ball field fence to be finished 5 km and 8 obstacles! I survived the VP challenge.
Once we were finished we had some water and chocolate milk and ice cream and hung out for the awards which I didnt win any and I was fourth in my age group so good and time was 35:30 or thereabouts. :)
The VP Challenge was interesting lOl. I actually really liked the idea of it and after it was over I enjoyed the run but during it, I wasnt really having all that much fun ;)
It started off in the park by the ball field and we ran up up up the hills (this park is all hills) on some paved and some gravel trails. It was a challenging start. The first obstacle was an over and under where we climbed ladders and ducked under ropes. Then more run run on up and down hills but now only rolling, not climbing.
Got to the wall and there it was. My enemy. Ugh. But! The rules changed the night before at the spaghetti dinner; we were allowed to climb the support now, making it easier to climb the wall. I mean really, is it fair for everyone to climb the same wall? 6 foot tall men, and 5 foot tall women? So they let us climb the supports on the sides. Didnt account for the fact that we would be sweaty; that wall with all its smooth sides and padded top was SLIPPERY. Even once on top of it, as if it wasnt hard enough, it was even harder to stay there, slipping all over the place.
Up and over the wall :) Then up Vipert Trail. UGH this is one steep hill. I always walk it. It's super steep. So a good walk up hill, then when it was less steep running again. A tall leggy boy passed me on this hill. No worries, I passed him again later.
At the top of the hill is the resevoir and the tunnel. It was a tunnel about as tall as I am on all fours, and about 10 feet long. Scurry through; here I suppose we had an advantage over the tall men ;) Coming out we ended up with crusher dust and gravel on sweaty hands. Gross. How do I wipe my face now? Never thought of that :) Did I mention the heat? It's about 25 C without humidex mixed in. UGH.
Now some downhill; and some VERY steep downhill. I passed a really tall girl here and thought she would overtake me on the flatter but I didnt see her again.
Some up and downs, beside the river, and then back to the wall. I laughed now because there was this volunteer by the wall; offering boosts. He asked, I was like Well, um YEAH. So he gave me a boost over and wall was behind me. YAY!
Right after the wall we turned left and went back up another very steep hill. Ugh last steep trail tho. Part way up we entered another trail, with lots of stone and wooden stairs to trip down. Into the lower park, and up the next obstacle: Jacob's Ladder - hundreds of steps up a steep cliff. Ugh. That late in the race it was tiresome. Up at the top and then back down the Serpentine. At the bottom we crossed the bridge and ran to the next Obstacle: 30 push ups and then tires to run through. Into the ball park and through the Army Mud Crawl - The fence was too high and I could totally stay on all fours :) good thing since rather than mud, it was more like wet sand and rocks. Lots of rocks. Ugh. A fellow with a fire truck was spraying the hose on us so it was very, very wet.
Up and out of the mud and over the ball field fence to be finished 5 km and 8 obstacles! I survived the VP challenge.
Once we were finished we had some water and chocolate milk and ice cream and hung out for the awards which I didnt win any and I was fourth in my age group so good and time was 35:30 or thereabouts. :)
out of steam :) Maybe it is the humidity that has settled on us; maybe it's just life being really busy. But finding time and energy to run lately has been hard. I keep thinking "now that this is over I can run. Now that that is over I can run." but there is always something else.
I set the alarm this morning and got up...took nearly an hour but I did get out the door and ran 8 km in 94% humidity which was gross but more pleasant at 7 am than at 10 am. or even 7 pm. LOL so now to fit back into the schedule I was following; I have NO idea where we are now ;)
8 km in 51:15 minutes. SIGH. Going camping tonight.
I set the alarm this morning and got up...took nearly an hour but I did get out the door and ran 8 km in 94% humidity which was gross but more pleasant at 7 am than at 10 am. or even 7 pm. LOL so now to fit back into the schedule I was following; I have NO idea where we are now ;)
8 km in 51:15 minutes. SIGH. Going camping tonight.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Just another weary week. After particularly hard efforts (and I do believe the Saint John run applies) I tend to feel weary for awhile. Not so much "tired" as I need more sleep, but every small thing seems to take extra effort and ~Sigh~ Im just not having the energy for that lol. So this week has been very, very weary. I hope I get over it soon. It has been a busy week and promises to be another busy week coming up. Sleep won't cut it; time is what I need.
And tomorrow = VP Challenge. SIGH. Its not long, 5 km. I dont have to run it hard, but the obstacles; ok really, the wall. Im going to hit the wall. Literally LOL. There is a wall and I cannot climb walls. I cant climb stuff. I was THAT kid in school who could not climb the walls, the ropes. I would get a few feet up and fall back. While pretty much everyone else climbed ropes to the ceiling, hopped over walls and obstacles, I didnt manage. Tomorrow that's all going to come back to haunt me when we do this obstacle course and Im supposed to climb a freaking wall. WALL. Crap.
I didnt run yesterday. I should have. I didnt run the day before but for better reasons lol Funeral, torrential rain. I dont mind rain but that rain was a bit extreme. Buckets. But yesterday I should have ran. By the time I crawled out of bed it was hot and we had a 4H meeting (scrapbooking) so I cleaned up and got laundry going and did the meeting (4+ hours More crap. That was a long time). Then had a short rest, took the kids to soccer, watched Scott umpire, and home into bed. Weary. Serious weary.
Today I ran. On rest day LOL. 8.2 km at an easy pace for a finish time of 53:18 minutes. Just a nice early, easy run. Early - was up before 7 am and out running before 8. Still, hot. And humid.
Tomorrow weather forecast is 27 C and Humid. Chance of Thundershowers in the afternoon. That should be just awesome, crawling through the mud, over walls, up Jacob's Ladder, leaping Hay Bales. LOL. Should be awesome!
Glad I got out today. it always feels better to go than to not.
And tomorrow = VP Challenge. SIGH. Its not long, 5 km. I dont have to run it hard, but the obstacles; ok really, the wall. Im going to hit the wall. Literally LOL. There is a wall and I cannot climb walls. I cant climb stuff. I was THAT kid in school who could not climb the walls, the ropes. I would get a few feet up and fall back. While pretty much everyone else climbed ropes to the ceiling, hopped over walls and obstacles, I didnt manage. Tomorrow that's all going to come back to haunt me when we do this obstacle course and Im supposed to climb a freaking wall. WALL. Crap.
I didnt run yesterday. I should have. I didnt run the day before but for better reasons lol Funeral, torrential rain. I dont mind rain but that rain was a bit extreme. Buckets. But yesterday I should have ran. By the time I crawled out of bed it was hot and we had a 4H meeting (scrapbooking) so I cleaned up and got laundry going and did the meeting (4+ hours More crap. That was a long time). Then had a short rest, took the kids to soccer, watched Scott umpire, and home into bed. Weary. Serious weary.
Today I ran. On rest day LOL. 8.2 km at an easy pace for a finish time of 53:18 minutes. Just a nice early, easy run. Early - was up before 7 am and out running before 8. Still, hot. And humid.
Tomorrow weather forecast is 27 C and Humid. Chance of Thundershowers in the afternoon. That should be just awesome, crawling through the mud, over walls, up Jacob's Ladder, leaping Hay Bales. LOL. Should be awesome!
Glad I got out today. it always feels better to go than to not.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Just a run
Ran to Deb's house for some hot tubbin ;) was nice. Fast run; 4 km time was 22:10, (I think) and 6 km time was 33:40. 8 km total in 46:30 ish. First run since the long one; was nice.
Did not get in a 10 km run on Wednesday. Will do that on Thursday and take Friday as rest day; VP Challenge on Saturday; no idea when I will get in along run this weekend.
Did not get in a 10 km run on Wednesday. Will do that on Thursday and take Friday as rest day; VP Challenge on Saturday; no idea when I will get in along run this weekend.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Celebration of Greenspace 16.6 Miler
Anyway when we left Truro after a sunny and hot day, these clouds met us. They were ominous. Promising a nice, wet run in Saint John for the Celebration of Greenspace run.
It started to POUR at the start line; while we were waiting for speeches and they did things they thought were funny, we were getting wetter. Not that it mattered....we were going to get wet anyway :)
The first bit of the run took us up through the park. It's a lovely park and went around ponds and Lily Lake. It was the introduction to the hills. This part went just fine ;) Motoring up hills and taking advantage of the downhill parts is my specialty ;) Then the 2.5 milers separated from the longer runs and we hit the streets. We went through every single piece of green area SJ had, I swear, including some small playgrounds. We went through downtown SJ Im sure the nicest parts, with nice roads and pretty scenery. Then we headed out across an overpass and started into some less pretty area. :) and the hills continued.
There were loads of water stops and I even found a flush toilet lol about half way through in a park right on the trail so I did my 25 second pee break :) At about 14 km I started to feel pretty nauseous; an uncomfortable feeling. Blech. I had had some energy beans at about 8.5 km and some bar starting at about 12 km in and a little more bar settled my stomach so that there was just off and on nausea. But it lasted until the end.
After we finished the road part we were directed back into the park. Ugh the hills! LOL I was now past 21.1 km and into that uncharted territory. And I think mentally it might have gotten to me a bit here. My hip was aching and I was feeling pretty sorry for myself LOL Although sitting here the day after Im wondering what was so bad....it was the hills! HAHAHA And the aching hip. And nausea. LOL We went past the lake and did a loop on the trails before coming back to the lake....I simply could not believe it at this point that I was back in the park running around those hills again! LOL And so steep....I walked up most of them and actually stopped and wished I could lay down at the top of one :) There was grass and it looked so nice and cool and soft LOLOLOL
We tumbled into the car and headed home. Hip hurt something wicked so I took some Advil and climbed into the back seat to lay down and slept and then I felt somewhat human :) We made it home in time to watch the end of the FIFA World Cup BUMMER Holland :( LOL
Today this whole experience is looking pretty good; yesterday not so much. But I guess it might be sort of like having a baby; you forget the pain and go out and have another one! Im already looking forward to the next run; but not the next race or long run. :P:P:P
Sorry I cannot seem to get this rotated; It is totally the way it should be in the files. THIS MEDAL is the reason I really wanted to do this run; its so neat! Ok its not theonly reason but there are 2 more, 2011 and 2012, to make a full set, and Im going after them as well! They all fit together in a nested snowman, and I want them all :) Super happy with the medal LOLOL Does anyone else get excited about neat medals? lol
Celebration of Greenspace Quick Time Breakdown
149 Scott Masters 2.5 miles
32/81 placing
M 4/8 category placement
M3039 category
28:09 Gun Time
27:45 Chip Time
11:06 Average Mile Pace
132 Teri-Lynn Masters16.6 Miles
33/37 placing
3/5 Category Placement
F3039 Category
3:03:54 Gun Time
3:03:30 Chip Time
11:04 Average Pace per Mile
32/81 placing
M 4/8 category placement
M3039 category
28:09 Gun Time
27:45 Chip Time
11:06 Average Mile Pace
132 Teri-Lynn Masters16.6 Miles
33/37 placing
3/5 Category Placement
F3039 Category
3:03:54 Gun Time
3:03:30 Chip Time
11:04 Average Pace per Mile
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Last Run before the LONG ONE
I have taken 2 rest days thank you heat and this morning got out for the "web" run before the very very long run tomorrow; Im taking a very "zen" attitude about it; the whole Whatever will be will be and its just a nice long run in an unfamiliar park kind of attitude; don't want to be too stressed over it. I have no time goal and just would like to finish in under 3 hours but its a lot of trail and hills and Im just not at all familiar so Im hoping to be done in under 3 hours. :)
Played ball hockey last night and it was pretty warm and although we had 2 lines it was loads of running. Heart breaker as the game seemed very unfair and rough and the other team tied it up with literally 1 second left. It was terrible.
Just in from my run this morning 24 C and 82% humidity feels like 32 C it was HOT and gross lol sweat pouring off. 4.5 km in 29:10 taking a very easy pace :)
On to Saint John tonight and running the 16.87 Miler tomorrow morning :):):) Im just so excited... really.
Played ball hockey last night and it was pretty warm and although we had 2 lines it was loads of running. Heart breaker as the game seemed very unfair and rough and the other team tied it up with literally 1 second left. It was terrible.
Just in from my run this morning 24 C and 82% humidity feels like 32 C it was HOT and gross lol sweat pouring off. 4.5 km in 29:10 taking a very easy pace :)
On to Saint John tonight and running the 16.87 Miler tomorrow morning :):):) Im just so excited... really.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Hot 10 km run
Left the house this morning at about the same time as the run is going to leave on Sunday; and it was hot. Radio said 20 C with a "feels like" temperature of 27 C and although the clouds were present there was sun and little breeze;88% humidity. Very warm. But it was a pleasant run.
Weird tho, the way that huge effort seems to get you no where. I pushed hard and only managed to average 6:42 for an average pace. over 10 km that is 1:07 for a time. UGH. I don't know if I am tired or if that is the effect of the heat but it was pretty unpleasant. Even on the downhill portions I did not maintain a decent pace.
Plan for another 8 km tomorrow to be done in the park; then rest Friday and keep Saturday super easy with maybe 3 little bitty km to loosen up. Big run on Sunday.
Weird tho, the way that huge effort seems to get you no where. I pushed hard and only managed to average 6:42 for an average pace. over 10 km that is 1:07 for a time. UGH. I don't know if I am tired or if that is the effect of the heat but it was pretty unpleasant. Even on the downhill portions I did not maintain a decent pace.
Plan for another 8 km tomorrow to be done in the park; then rest Friday and keep Saturday super easy with maybe 3 little bitty km to loosen up. Big run on Sunday.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
More Unplanned Rest Days
After Saturday feeling pretty ok on Sunday and we way slept in so decided to make it an evening run on the trail in Old Barns while the kiddies were at 4H And then on the way we decided to stop in and vaccinate a friend's horses but while there the dog on the farm unexpected BIT MY HAND OFF; ok the hand is still there but I wish sometimes that it were not :( Very bruised and crushed with punctures so rather than a run on the trail we had a trip to the ER for a tetanus shot which I was a good 12 years overdue for lol. SIGH no run.
Monday was a scheduled rest day although I had planned to get up early and do the Sunday run; slept in because I could not sleep the night before. Some PTSD going on? Annika was beside me when the dog bit and all I could think was It could have been her. That dog MEANT to bite me. It was not out of fear; I knew the dog and had played with it many times before. It meant to do me harm. what if it had been her? I lay awake half the night thinking about it.
So Monday I went away and was very busy and a little whacked in the head and I let it be a rest day. And my hand hurts. And my opposite shoulder where the Tetanus booster went ;) Whine Whine.
Tuesday morning; did not get up early but it is cloudy and humid but not hot hot. So got a few things going here then went for a run. Just a 6 km tempo run on the schedule; I went up the hill for a 10 minute warm up, 30 minutes tempo at around or below race pace (Im not sure what it means when it says to run at 6:30 pace when that is my warm up pace and I actually ran it at about an average of 5:45 for those 30 minutes) and then a cool down for a total of 7 km in 43:43 minutes. Don't do the math showing my cooldown to be 3:43 minutes lOL. I walked up the rest of the hill likely taking another 5 minutes or so then I hustled around the yard cleaning and sweeping the driveway so Its not like I came home and sat right down.
It tried to rain on me but still have not seen that actual rain.
Now to do some stretching; got some resistance Bands and I cannot wait to check them out! :D:D:D
10 km Tempo run tomorrow, 8 km run on Thursday, Rest on Friday, 6 on Saturday I think, and 16 on Sunday but Sunday is the Saint John Celebration of Greenspace run (27 km ugh ugh ugh) so I might adjust the Saturday run for a really short one and consider the long long run on Sunday to suffice ;)
Monday was a scheduled rest day although I had planned to get up early and do the Sunday run; slept in because I could not sleep the night before. Some PTSD going on? Annika was beside me when the dog bit and all I could think was It could have been her. That dog MEANT to bite me. It was not out of fear; I knew the dog and had played with it many times before. It meant to do me harm. what if it had been her? I lay awake half the night thinking about it.
So Monday I went away and was very busy and a little whacked in the head and I let it be a rest day. And my hand hurts. And my opposite shoulder where the Tetanus booster went ;) Whine Whine.
Tuesday morning; did not get up early but it is cloudy and humid but not hot hot. So got a few things going here then went for a run. Just a 6 km tempo run on the schedule; I went up the hill for a 10 minute warm up, 30 minutes tempo at around or below race pace (Im not sure what it means when it says to run at 6:30 pace when that is my warm up pace and I actually ran it at about an average of 5:45 for those 30 minutes) and then a cool down for a total of 7 km in 43:43 minutes. Don't do the math showing my cooldown to be 3:43 minutes lOL. I walked up the rest of the hill likely taking another 5 minutes or so then I hustled around the yard cleaning and sweeping the driveway so Its not like I came home and sat right down.
It tried to rain on me but still have not seen that actual rain.
Now to do some stretching; got some resistance Bands and I cannot wait to check them out! :D:D:D
10 km Tempo run tomorrow, 8 km run on Thursday, Rest on Friday, 6 on Saturday I think, and 16 on Sunday but Sunday is the Saint John Celebration of Greenspace run (27 km ugh ugh ugh) so I might adjust the Saturday run for a really short one and consider the long long run on Sunday to suffice ;)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Cross Border Challenge!
56:46 gun time
56:29 chip time
5:39 average km pace
I won a free registration for this race so it was an easy decision to go and run it (I never win anything!) so I did go out at dawn on Saturday morning to run this run! I had no goals and no expectations; Im very tired from a half 2 weeks ago and busy schedules and I have a 16 mile run coming up next week which I have never done before...yikes.
I had some trouble sleeping the night before (I guess that is a theme) and was up before the 5:20 am alarm went off. I didnt really get out of bed right away tho lol got some coffee and a bagel for breakfast and checked emails. lol got dressed and ran out the door (packed the night before amazing!). We had overripe bananas so right away my routine was a bit off ;) Picked up Sarah and met Margie and Coralee in town and off to Amherst we went!
After wandering around town for a bit we found the parking and made our way to the Y for our run kits and got out chips and numbers, then checked our bags and waited for a bus that took us to the start line in Aulac, New Brunswick!
We were concerned about the heat. It was supposed to be very hot and was sunny and getting really warm. But up at that start line, it was freezing. And very windy. We got into the portapotties and then waited inside for the start. Brr. 9 am came and brr we got into line; there were some speeches and stuff that we could not hear and then a horn blew so we figured it was starting ;) and off we went.
The first km or so was downhill and it was FAST. Slow down slow down slow down...didnt happen. First km was done in 5:01 minutes. That's nothing for some, I know, but that's pretty fast!
We crossed the border between NB and Nova Scotia by the music of bagpipers! It was pretty cool!
km 2 was a little slower at 5:22 minutes. But it was flatter. Most of this so far was pavement or dirt roads.
At 2.5 km there was a water stop that we walked through to get a drink. It was heating up.
A little uphill, and km 3 was done in 5:59 minutes.
After a short rolling section it was onto the flat of the Tantramar Marsh and that was flat flat flat. And loose gravelly road with BIG rocks and some tar which made the fumes pretty overwhelming on that flat hot section. There was no shade and it likely went on just like that for over 4 km. It was nice but it wasnt the most pleasant surface to run on; but flat running is ok. km 4 finished in 5:37 minutes. km 5 in 5:21. Water walk at km 5 was nice. km 6 was 6:09 (slowing down slightly). km 7 was 5:48 minutes. Could see Amherst by then. And knowing it was up hill into the town did not help. At km 7.6 there was a water stop and the end of the gravel; back onto pavement.
at 8 km was the hill. A very long hill with steep parts. A km long hill. km 8 took 6:06 minutes. km 9 - 6:03. Not bad for that HILL. Grossssss. Between km 8 and 10 were a lot of turns from road to road as we made our way through town to the finish line. The last km was fast and had a slight downhill in parts and I pushed it to 5:10 minutes to finish the entire 10 k in 56:30 minutes; a total personal best for me. Average 5:39 pace. All that speedwork is paying off ;)
Nice flat fast course, everyone went home with their best runs yet :)
Post race was a good meal (there was some bbq there but none of us felt like eating hotdogs at 11 am) and we changed, picked up our bags, and headed home.
56:46 gun time
56:29 chip time
5:39 average km pace
I won a free registration for this race so it was an easy decision to go and run it (I never win anything!) so I did go out at dawn on Saturday morning to run this run! I had no goals and no expectations; Im very tired from a half 2 weeks ago and busy schedules and I have a 16 mile run coming up next week which I have never done before...yikes.
I had some trouble sleeping the night before (I guess that is a theme) and was up before the 5:20 am alarm went off. I didnt really get out of bed right away tho lol got some coffee and a bagel for breakfast and checked emails. lol got dressed and ran out the door (packed the night before amazing!). We had overripe bananas so right away my routine was a bit off ;) Picked up Sarah and met Margie and Coralee in town and off to Amherst we went!
After wandering around town for a bit we found the parking and made our way to the Y for our run kits and got out chips and numbers, then checked our bags and waited for a bus that took us to the start line in Aulac, New Brunswick!
We were concerned about the heat. It was supposed to be very hot and was sunny and getting really warm. But up at that start line, it was freezing. And very windy. We got into the portapotties and then waited inside for the start. Brr. 9 am came and brr we got into line; there were some speeches and stuff that we could not hear and then a horn blew so we figured it was starting ;) and off we went.
The first km or so was downhill and it was FAST. Slow down slow down slow down...didnt happen. First km was done in 5:01 minutes. That's nothing for some, I know, but that's pretty fast!
We crossed the border between NB and Nova Scotia by the music of bagpipers! It was pretty cool!
km 2 was a little slower at 5:22 minutes. But it was flatter. Most of this so far was pavement or dirt roads.
At 2.5 km there was a water stop that we walked through to get a drink. It was heating up.
A little uphill, and km 3 was done in 5:59 minutes.
After a short rolling section it was onto the flat of the Tantramar Marsh and that was flat flat flat. And loose gravelly road with BIG rocks and some tar which made the fumes pretty overwhelming on that flat hot section. There was no shade and it likely went on just like that for over 4 km. It was nice but it wasnt the most pleasant surface to run on; but flat running is ok. km 4 finished in 5:37 minutes. km 5 in 5:21. Water walk at km 5 was nice. km 6 was 6:09 (slowing down slightly). km 7 was 5:48 minutes. Could see Amherst by then. And knowing it was up hill into the town did not help. At km 7.6 there was a water stop and the end of the gravel; back onto pavement.
at 8 km was the hill. A very long hill with steep parts. A km long hill. km 8 took 6:06 minutes. km 9 - 6:03. Not bad for that HILL. Grossssss. Between km 8 and 10 were a lot of turns from road to road as we made our way through town to the finish line. The last km was fast and had a slight downhill in parts and I pushed it to 5:10 minutes to finish the entire 10 k in 56:30 minutes; a total personal best for me. Average 5:39 pace. All that speedwork is paying off ;)
Nice flat fast course, everyone went home with their best runs yet :)
Post race was a good meal (there was some bbq there but none of us felt like eating hotdogs at 11 am) and we changed, picked up our bags, and headed home.
Friday, July 2, 2010
URD and Quick Run
I had an unplanned rest day yesterday; there was no reason not to run in the morning before the Canada Day festivities kicked off, I just didnt do it. I did reason it out eventually that since we were going to be going to the Picnic Park and there were hiking trails and biking and stuff to be done, I would get the activity needed without the run and not tire myself out for the Saturday 10 K race. But We didnt do the hiking and biking; we just sat in Lawnchairs eating and drinking coolers. Good plan ;) once in a while we got up and wandered downriver to check the children, then we sat back down again. All I got a lot of, was sun.
Evening was no better; had those park friends back here for a bonfire/fireworks and drank more. lol No running going on there either.
So this morning despite good intentions I was late running. I got up early and I made coffee and got some breakfast, then climbed back into bed and didnt stay up long. lol It was like 11 am before I finally dragged butt out of the house for a run. And although it was not too hot, it was pretty humid and I thought it was a good run but Scott was a bit hot. I ran with Scott again. Up the road. And my running was brought down a level by the 2 separate people who said "aw that's cute". Hummm. my running is cute? Running with him is cute? People, this is a serious sport ;) Its not cute. Particularly when in midrun one catches a glimpse of us. Sweaty and not really talking. Not cute ;) Kidding. But Because of ball hockey tonight and a race tomorrow morning I only did 4 km. 4 quick km, in 24 minutes including hills on both ends and in the middle. Was ok for a web run.
Cross Border Challenge Race tomorrow morning YAY :)
Evening was no better; had those park friends back here for a bonfire/fireworks and drank more. lol No running going on there either.
So this morning despite good intentions I was late running. I got up early and I made coffee and got some breakfast, then climbed back into bed and didnt stay up long. lol It was like 11 am before I finally dragged butt out of the house for a run. And although it was not too hot, it was pretty humid and I thought it was a good run but Scott was a bit hot. I ran with Scott again. Up the road. And my running was brought down a level by the 2 separate people who said "aw that's cute". Hummm. my running is cute? Running with him is cute? People, this is a serious sport ;) Its not cute. Particularly when in midrun one catches a glimpse of us. Sweaty and not really talking. Not cute ;) Kidding. But Because of ball hockey tonight and a race tomorrow morning I only did 4 km. 4 quick km, in 24 minutes including hills on both ends and in the middle. Was ok for a web run.
Cross Border Challenge Race tomorrow morning YAY :)
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