Thursday was a crazy day. CRAZY. So Crazy I almost forgot to go play soccer. Twice. In the morning I worked from home due to feeling very weird; spaced out, dizzy (no comments) and headachish. I could feel crap moving around my sinuses (ouch) and found light and noise very hard to handle. So I worked at home until I ran out of work and then I worked at the office for awhile; until it was time to take Taylor to Badminton Regionals Day 2. Mixed Doubles. They won most of their matches to finish in 2nd by 1 point, so they are on to Provincials in a week!
While watching these games, marking labs, and chatting, I was getting text messages from various sources; someone needing a ride, someone freaking about the hockey schedule for the kids this weekend coming up, and someone else freaking about our hockey team for our tournament this upcoming weekend falling apart. Everything, this coming weekend. Kids in hockey tournament. Me in Hockey tournament 5 hours away. Taylor's Provincials. Holly's soccer tryouts. Cue hyperventilating, heart palpitations! lol.
I ended up having to drop out of the hockey tournament in Glace Bay :( It came down to how many parents these kids have (2) and how many places we have to be (4). And that's not even counting the Fredericton Spring Show, Same weekend. Taylor has to go to the bottom of the province Friday I cannot be going to the top. There are chaparone issues with her being the only girl advancing from her school. Someone has to be there for her first Provincials! :)
The schedule for the kids' hockey tournament is terrible. 11-12 year old girls having to play at 9 on Friday night and then at 730 am the next morning? someone is just being mean or stupid. Im betting on Stupid. Holly keeps getting switched off of her team; Im completely baffled as to why they can't keep her straight. It makes her sad. Anyway during this mess I got an email reminding us about soccer which I did completely forget; I got there a teensy bit late. I played a game with another team first and then followed it with a game for our own team. Had a tie and a loss :( but not by much :) Soccer season certainly winding down. The activity helped relieve some tension! ;)
Friday was a Holiday (Good Friday) and a much needed one. Everyone is tired of running around, so we tried to do less of that. I played hockey at noon, then after lunch we visited the goat. It was a nice sunny but windy and chilly day.
After visiting the goat the kids went on to wash the calves and I ran from goat to home. It was 8.53 km of headwinds. LOL I think it was a net downhill run with some rolling hills but the wind made it pretty brutal and I was pretty tired. So it was a pretty awful run. Thankfully the sun was shining and It was warmer when I arrived at home so I puttered a little in the yard before going inside to warm up. Run done in 53:42 minutes. 6:17 / km pace.

Saturday was some last minute shopping without the kids. After we completed what we had to do I still made it to noon time hockey where I played Goalie ;) The kids coloured some eggs, and we amde a cake. Then for the rest of the afternoon we did a little running around (I have NO idea where) and we ended up at home about the same time that the snow arrived. A run did not happen.
Sunday was a complete rest day. Nothing but a nice lunch was done. There was a lot of snow, and ya know, that silly Easter Bunny, he put eggs out in those snow banks. SO there was some outside egg hunting going on.
Honestly, into day 2 of writing here :)
Sunday was a complete rest day. Nothing but a nice lunch was done. There was a lot of snow, and ya know, that silly Easter Bunny, he put eggs out in those snow banks. SO there was some outside egg hunting going on.
Honestly, into day 2 of writing here :)

I was supposed to play hockey at noon but gave it a miss due to nausea and the fact that I had to take Holly to soccer tryouts right directly afterwards. She is trying out for Tier 1 soccer this summer which will dictate basically my entire summer. After tryouts I had a nap and then met Toni for a "long run" which was not that long but longer than usual at 12.9 km and a leisurely pace of 6:36/km (little slower than I want). But we were tired! It was good to get done, both a little sore at the end.
But we still managed to get back out a while later for a hockey game at the Stadium where I played goalie (i sweat but didnt exert a tonne of energy).
Tuesday back to work and School and it was a beautiful day,up to 17 when I left work. Nice and sunny. I caught a ride to town with Scott and ran home, only 6.65 km when he picked me up on the hill. Some nice junk miles.
What is wrong with junk miles anyway?
Now it is Wednesday and Im going to get some intervals in before it is time to meet kids :)
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