I could not take too much of a break in the week after the Bluenose because the Cabot Trail Relay was the following weekend and my leg was Saturday (6 days after). SO I was still in taper mode but needed a few stretching runs. I was super sore after the Bluenose. More than I expected. And in place I didnt expect. My ribs were sore ;) and my hamstrings were more sore than usual. I thought that is odd but figured it was effort + hills. I finally understand exactly why people dont want to go down stairs after a run like that.
Monday was defnitely a day off. It was a Holiday and we all slept in, did some gardening, and some serious relaxing. I think Im forgetting something on Monday but it wasnt a run. Annika had a soccer game and she rocked it, scoring a goal and playing Goalie for part of the game, letting in no goals. They won that game 2-1. It was a good game!
Tuesday was a good day to get back into it. It was the first day of my summer as my term ended on Friday. I spent a good part of the day doing very little, catching up on Laundry, doing some housework and gardening, and puttering. lol. In the evening I went to the BH Rec Park for an easy run and luckily there wasnt really anyone else there to see my uncomfortable run. It got so much better after I started moving. I took the dog along for some exercise. 4.7 km over about 35 minutes with some breaks for the dog. She may need a little more easing into the running this year.
Wednesday Annika had soccer in town so I met Toni there and we went for a run around town, 6.7 gentle but faster km on mostly sidewalks and road sides. 40:40 minutes.
Thursday was my day to take Holly and two of her friends to soccer in New Glasgow. I planned to run while we were over there. That is one HOT town. the weather was hot and I dont know why I always find New Glasgow hotter than say, Truro. lol. I ran 7 km with a break at the graveyard to say hello. 43 minutes.
Friday after the kids went to school I puttered before I got my bike out; there isnt any such thing as a quick bikeride i guess. It took time to check tires, pump them up, get gear together, fetch water, pack snacks, etc etc. But I got into town in time for the Rally for Racism and then wandered around on the bike for hours. I visited work for lunchtime, did minimal shopping, and then did a large loop to home while Scott picked up the kids. 28 km in about 1:25. More or less (lots of starting and stopping lol). It was a relaxing day although I was tired. Great warm up for Ball Hockey that night (we tied 1-1) and then the Cabot Trail the next morning.
That's a write up all of its own.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Bluenose Half Marathon
Its been 6 days and Ive not written a recap on this run. It was something else ;) But the week has been crazy busy (aren't I on vacation? I AM!) and Ive not sat long enough to do this! Sometimes I think its because I have no photos to go with it. Ok I do but they are so bad, Im maybe only posting one ;)
Like this one. This is before we left for the run in the morning. I took this so that Marjorie could see my shorts;) Short right? Body Glide required.
So We got up very early and Toni and I were on our way by 645 which was actually kind of late, when we forgot that the bridge was closed and had to detour. We visited bathrooms and stashed bags and did preparations (body glide, bandaids, bananas lol) and visited the bathrooms again, and rushing around to get to the start line which is reallllllly the hardest thing about the Bluenose. They set off in waves, the 10 k wave is right after the half marathon, and the 10 k runners all get in line and then stand there, so we were pushing our way through the crowds to get anywhere near the start line. ISNT THERE AN ETIQUETTE?
Anyway we got within earshot and couldnt get any further and started to see a few (very few) half marathoners so we waited to hear the gun (20 seconds?) and then we were off. Slowly. Still avoiding 10 k runners. And behind things like strollers (against the rules) and people who started out walking. Typical start with 1200 runners lol.
Goals for this race? I didnt really have any. Training has been hit and miss, speedwork not so consistent, and I figured my fastest days are behind me (sad, really). After my issues with a tweaky knee last year I was resigned to just keeping going.
So we started out running north (I think) on some rolling hill streets. Pace was fast even with the hills and the first 5 km were all under 6 minutes with 28:40 for the 5 k time.
The next 5 were equally quick, and the 10 k time was 56:21, fastest ever. It was extremely hot, and the water was not sitting well in our bellies.
At this point we were still dodging walkers and people who would simply stop in front of us :) Toni was sometimes in front of me and sometimes behind me. We were often able to chat. I thought I was in trouble when I saw that 10 K time, since I worried we had gone out too fast to last.
At about 14 km we went into Point Pleasant Park which, although I knew was hilly, I was still kinda looking forward to because it's pretty and it's trail.
After the initial flat by the water where we had a great breeze, we hit the woods. Not only was it Much hilly, but it was hot. No breeze, flies in your mouth, people walking everywhere. Here I lost Toni because I started getting kinda sick feeling. The pace in the park slowed to over 6 minutes; one km was over 6:30! But I kept going as much as I could and got through the park and back onto the roads.
I never did find Gu packet giveaway, but I did find some little cuties handing out jelly beans, which was a mistake without a drink because I had trouble swallowing them. I had some water (yuck) and then skipped the cuties handing out Gummy Bears :) I should have taken the orange slices or the beer someone was handing out LOL
The last about 3 km were hard. I heard I was around 2:03 pace a while back, and figured I had messed that up. I dont always keep track and wondered if previously I had been on this pace and slowed so much at the end that I had poor times. I had a little kick at the end but didnt avoid being passed by that guy ;) There were some hills but we did not have to climb Citadel hill lol so its good.
I finished in 2:05:08. A new Personal Best for me! I was not expecting it at all! :) that made it much better! I think if it had not been so hot, I would have done a little better, but really, I went as hard and as steady as I could maintain and that's as much as I can ask. I might want to consider more consistent training to get under 2 hours!
After the run I walked through the chute and got a medal, continued on to the Metro Center. I got a glass of Oasis juice; the chick asked if I was ok. I must not have looked so "hot"? LOL I was ok. Then I found the chocolate milk booth SO HAPPY; went through the food spot for a banana and some yogurt, and found the kids and Scott. We went to the spot for massage but the line was way full (need a massage after that 5 k right?) so we didnt stay for massage. Just went off to Annika's soccer tournament and after she finished we headed home. I was very glad to be free of Ball Hockey for the weekend.
Bluenose 2012 was a big success for me!
Anyway we got within earshot and couldnt get any further and started to see a few (very few) half marathoners so we waited to hear the gun (20 seconds?) and then we were off. Slowly. Still avoiding 10 k runners. And behind things like strollers (against the rules) and people who started out walking. Typical start with 1200 runners lol.
Goals for this race? I didnt really have any. Training has been hit and miss, speedwork not so consistent, and I figured my fastest days are behind me (sad, really). After my issues with a tweaky knee last year I was resigned to just keeping going.
So we started out running north (I think) on some rolling hill streets. Pace was fast even with the hills and the first 5 km were all under 6 minutes with 28:40 for the 5 k time.
The next 5 were equally quick, and the 10 k time was 56:21, fastest ever. It was extremely hot, and the water was not sitting well in our bellies.
At this point we were still dodging walkers and people who would simply stop in front of us :) Toni was sometimes in front of me and sometimes behind me. We were often able to chat. I thought I was in trouble when I saw that 10 K time, since I worried we had gone out too fast to last.
At about 14 km we went into Point Pleasant Park which, although I knew was hilly, I was still kinda looking forward to because it's pretty and it's trail.
After the initial flat by the water where we had a great breeze, we hit the woods. Not only was it Much hilly, but it was hot. No breeze, flies in your mouth, people walking everywhere. Here I lost Toni because I started getting kinda sick feeling. The pace in the park slowed to over 6 minutes; one km was over 6:30! But I kept going as much as I could and got through the park and back onto the roads.
I never did find Gu packet giveaway, but I did find some little cuties handing out jelly beans, which was a mistake without a drink because I had trouble swallowing them. I had some water (yuck) and then skipped the cuties handing out Gummy Bears :) I should have taken the orange slices or the beer someone was handing out LOL
The last about 3 km were hard. I heard I was around 2:03 pace a while back, and figured I had messed that up. I dont always keep track and wondered if previously I had been on this pace and slowed so much at the end that I had poor times. I had a little kick at the end but didnt avoid being passed by that guy ;) There were some hills but we did not have to climb Citadel hill lol so its good.
I finished in 2:05:08. A new Personal Best for me! I was not expecting it at all! :) that made it much better! I think if it had not been so hot, I would have done a little better, but really, I went as hard and as steady as I could maintain and that's as much as I can ask. I might want to consider more consistent training to get under 2 hours!
After the run I walked through the chute and got a medal, continued on to the Metro Center. I got a glass of Oasis juice; the chick asked if I was ok. I must not have looked so "hot"? LOL I was ok. Then I found the chocolate milk booth SO HAPPY; went through the food spot for a banana and some yogurt, and found the kids and Scott. We went to the spot for massage but the line was way full (need a massage after that 5 k right?) so we didnt stay for massage. Just went off to Annika's soccer tournament and after she finished we headed home. I was very glad to be free of Ball Hockey for the weekend.
Bluenose 2012 was a big success for me!
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Skinny on the Bluenose Half Marathon.
PB of 4 minutes.
Too Skinny?
After finished, still a little dazed.
Chip Time: 2:05:08
Pace: 5:56/km
152/381 Age Group
414/1179 Gender
Too Skinny?
After finished, still a little dazed.
Chip Time: 2:05:08
Pace: 5:56/km
152/381 Age Group
414/1179 Gender
Friday, May 18, 2012
Calorie Burning
There seems to be absolutely no consistency when it comes to calculating calories burned. It is frustrating if one is aiming for a specific goal! I mean, Im trying to actively burn an extra 500 calories a day most days, but one site has very low calorie estimates, and others are higher; MapMyRun just switched me over to their stupid new site and even from their own old site, the calorie burn estimates are way lower.
Im not lame enough to think that body situations are not different and that I would burn the same calories running beside someone else who is even the same height and weight as I am because there are just that many variables. But a little consistency sure would go a long way. I dont want to look at estimates from MapMyRun anymore (4 miles burns about 250 calories? That's like....3 cookies?) I have heard estimates of about 100 calories per mile, no matter how you get there. But what about on a bike? Obviously a different calorie burn.
And then I can go to a site like FitWatch and see that running my pace for 60 minutes burns like 691 calories. MyFitnessPal says that burns 658. That's more like it. MapMyRun? like...400. So which is more accurate? And who knows? And does it matter? Well it matters to some people. And I like numbers. Lots of numbers. I track everything. I mean, I even know how many km are on my shoes! Even the retired ones LOL!
I just have to remind myself that I am still burning more calories than I would be on the couch.
Thursday was one of those days that we do lots and accomplish little. After kids went to school I went for a 6.5 km run, really fast because I had a 9 am appointment. I ran up the hill to THE mailbox and back down for 6.5 km in under 40 minutes. I likely could have pushed it more but Im supposed to be resting for a RACE on Sunday and I had 40 minutes so I used it all. I raced through shower and hair and dressed but could not account for the missing shoe, spilled orange juice in the fridge, missing cat. lol So I made my appointment with the Osteopath and she was SO happy with my legs; hips were a little tight but she worked on my head most I think lol! Very happy with the legs so I am doing something right. There was NO pain on the run yesterday.
I didnt try out the new shoes because it was very wet (although I avoided the heavy rain). And really, new shoes need to NOT get soaked the first time. Rain changes the shoes :) And I want them to stay nice for at least a day. SO I packed them for a run today.
Today. Crazy. Working, fit in a run, Hiking club with the kids, run with the friends tonight, and then to bed early I sure hope! Im super tired. While driving to work I was sitting in the car WITH coffee thinking how nice a nap would be. At 8 am. SHeesh.
When am I going to have a chance to get out on that wicked awesome bike? Im not going to stress about it until after the race on Sunday. Then it's Bike all the Time Baby :):):)
Im not lame enough to think that body situations are not different and that I would burn the same calories running beside someone else who is even the same height and weight as I am because there are just that many variables. But a little consistency sure would go a long way. I dont want to look at estimates from MapMyRun anymore (4 miles burns about 250 calories? That's like....3 cookies?) I have heard estimates of about 100 calories per mile, no matter how you get there. But what about on a bike? Obviously a different calorie burn.
And then I can go to a site like FitWatch and see that running my pace for 60 minutes burns like 691 calories. MyFitnessPal says that burns 658. That's more like it. MapMyRun? like...400. So which is more accurate? And who knows? And does it matter? Well it matters to some people. And I like numbers. Lots of numbers. I track everything. I mean, I even know how many km are on my shoes! Even the retired ones LOL!
I just have to remind myself that I am still burning more calories than I would be on the couch.
Thursday was one of those days that we do lots and accomplish little. After kids went to school I went for a 6.5 km run, really fast because I had a 9 am appointment. I ran up the hill to THE mailbox and back down for 6.5 km in under 40 minutes. I likely could have pushed it more but Im supposed to be resting for a RACE on Sunday and I had 40 minutes so I used it all. I raced through shower and hair and dressed but could not account for the missing shoe, spilled orange juice in the fridge, missing cat. lol So I made my appointment with the Osteopath and she was SO happy with my legs; hips were a little tight but she worked on my head most I think lol! Very happy with the legs so I am doing something right. There was NO pain on the run yesterday.
I didnt try out the new shoes because it was very wet (although I avoided the heavy rain). And really, new shoes need to NOT get soaked the first time. Rain changes the shoes :) And I want them to stay nice for at least a day. SO I packed them for a run today.
Today. Crazy. Working, fit in a run, Hiking club with the kids, run with the friends tonight, and then to bed early I sure hope! Im super tired. While driving to work I was sitting in the car WITH coffee thinking how nice a nap would be. At 8 am. SHeesh.
When am I going to have a chance to get out on that wicked awesome bike? Im not going to stress about it until after the race on Sunday. Then it's Bike all the Time Baby :):):)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Is It Really Only Thursday?
This has felt like such a WEEK and honestly I thought this was Friday. LORD I could use a break.
that's not to be this weekend. Way too much going on.
Recap last 2 days:
Tuesday was a brute. Moving and shaking it all day. After my run and work time, picked up the kids and got Holly off to soccer with friends. Then we went to town and went looking (again) at bikes. I wanted a bike, but did not want to invest what was needed for a really GOOD bike. but seriously, some people have a gym membership? I now have a really GOOD bike. :) Happy Mother's Day to me?
Much apology for the terrible photo :)
My new (nameless) bike is a Specialized Dolce Sport :) now I am totally committed to a Triathlon. at least I better be. It will be great for cross training right?
So we bought a bike while I felt slightly nauseous, I got a crash course in the gears and breaks and stuff, then I rode that thing home. It was a little over 7 km from the store and I did it in a leisurely 17 minutes. With barely a sweat. I could really start to enjoy this thing.
After I stuffed down a super fast and gross supper of Cheese and Shells, I ran out the door to run at the Rec Park with some Ball hockey friends. Its good for us to get out and do some endurance running and also maybe some sprint practice. :D we had a lot of fun, doing walk/run for 4.2 km in about 40 minutes or so. I think they really enjoyed it :):):)
Wednesday was a road trip day. After taking kids to school and doing some work, we headed off to PEI for some new sneakers! My old marathon sneakers have 1180 km on them and my newer sneakers (year old!) have about 780 km, so it was kinda time for new shoes :) I stayed with the Asics Gel Nimbus sneakers because they really worked well for me and have lasted a really long time.
And I wanted a neat colour so these are what Im going to run in for the next year or so :)
Wednesday night we had Taylor's TKD testing for her Orange Belt. The test was SO hard lol but she kept her cool and did super well :) Now she has a bright orange belt :):):)
Workout wise, Wednesday was a non-starter for me tho :)
that's not to be this weekend. Way too much going on.
Recap last 2 days:
Tuesday was a brute. Moving and shaking it all day. After my run and work time, picked up the kids and got Holly off to soccer with friends. Then we went to town and went looking (again) at bikes. I wanted a bike, but did not want to invest what was needed for a really GOOD bike. but seriously, some people have a gym membership? I now have a really GOOD bike. :) Happy Mother's Day to me?
Much apology for the terrible photo :)
My new (nameless) bike is a Specialized Dolce Sport :) now I am totally committed to a Triathlon. at least I better be. It will be great for cross training right?
So we bought a bike while I felt slightly nauseous, I got a crash course in the gears and breaks and stuff, then I rode that thing home. It was a little over 7 km from the store and I did it in a leisurely 17 minutes. With barely a sweat. I could really start to enjoy this thing.
After I stuffed down a super fast and gross supper of Cheese and Shells, I ran out the door to run at the Rec Park with some Ball hockey friends. Its good for us to get out and do some endurance running and also maybe some sprint practice. :D we had a lot of fun, doing walk/run for 4.2 km in about 40 minutes or so. I think they really enjoyed it :):):)
Wednesday was a road trip day. After taking kids to school and doing some work, we headed off to PEI for some new sneakers! My old marathon sneakers have 1180 km on them and my newer sneakers (year old!) have about 780 km, so it was kinda time for new shoes :) I stayed with the Asics Gel Nimbus sneakers because they really worked well for me and have lasted a really long time.
And I wanted a neat colour so these are what Im going to run in for the next year or so :)
Wednesday night we had Taylor's TKD testing for her Orange Belt. The test was SO hard lol but she kept her cool and did super well :) Now she has a bright orange belt :):):)
Workout wise, Wednesday was a non-starter for me tho :)
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Wasn't to Be
I would have known I could not have a repeat of a happy feel good run. Wish I had kept going and gotten in the long run on Sunday that I so wanted.
I left work with just the right amount of time for a 14 km run. Dressed, ready. Parked, Garmin on, run started. Oops. Had to go to bathroom again. Quick stop at the pool, and I was back on my way. Wait. Garmin wasn't keeping distance or pace. UGH, off and on again. Now keeping distance but lost over .5 km. Realizing how HOT it is. Glad I have water but handheld water bottles...gross. So warm :(:(:(
Anyway I had mapped a run I quite like with some challenging hills in it and was really motoring to the top of the longest one when I heard....snarling barking gravel scuffling. I guess it's a good thing I was running without music on because I heard this dog seconds before it was on me. It came from no where. :( A short haired, tan, muscular, square headed dog. No more about that. And it was allllll teeth and spit. Growling snarling etc. Lunging and snapping. I turned as fast as I could to face it, minimizing risk to some very bare legs :( It backed me out into the road and kept lunging forward. All the signs of an impending bite were there; teeth flashing, eyes direct, ears folded, hackles up all the way down it's back, tail straight out. It was not scared, and it was enjoying itself.
I wasn't. I was yelling NO which is usually enough to send most dogs back to their yard but this one was advancing, within inches. And owners? NO WHERE. FINALLY while I was backing up in the middle of the road this woman comes out from by a shed. She kind of yelled. And watched. OMG. Then she starts to walk....no, SAUNTERING up the driveway and onto the road. After what felt like about 20 minutes she got near, and KICKED at the dog. After a final lunge it went into the yard, and kept trying to go around her. She followed it.
This woman did not even look at me. I think she was PISSED that I made her get off her butt. She was smoking and looked very irritated, not sorry at all. Didnt ask if I was ok. Didnt say oh sorry. Just walked away. I practically fell into a puddle on the road, and she just walked away. UGH I was SO mad. I kind of...walked off...relieved to be still intact, but adrenaline, and nausea, made getting back into a stride impossible, legs were shaking, choking sobs and gasping for air :( But still far from the car :( I never settled. Run ruined. I checked watch; lost over 5 minutes there. THAT is a long time to have a dog In. Your. Face.
So I continued on the route I had mapped, until I finally decided I couldnt. Then I took the most direct route back to my car. Picked up kids. Saw my first giant water bug. ALl very normal things. But I was SO out of sorts. CRAPPY Monday. 11.85 km 1:15.
The day didnt get any better, I got a really whopping headache, and spent a cranky evening.
Tuesday morning I was up early (trouble sleeping) and Scott took kids to school while I went for an easy run on the trail with Toni and Maggie. Mags was SO tired, she isnt used to so much constant forward motion lol. I bet she is sleeping well right now. She needs more activity :)
7.9 km, 58:16. The dog was kinda slow ;) Easy run days for her, maybe more short runs LOL.
May get in a little run tonight with some newbies :) working on fitness for ball hockey. I need some sprint practice for that.
And finally decided after getting the weekend soccer schedule that I am signing up for the Bluenose Half this weekend. But Ive not actually done so, still not committed.
I left work with just the right amount of time for a 14 km run. Dressed, ready. Parked, Garmin on, run started. Oops. Had to go to bathroom again. Quick stop at the pool, and I was back on my way. Wait. Garmin wasn't keeping distance or pace. UGH, off and on again. Now keeping distance but lost over .5 km. Realizing how HOT it is. Glad I have water but handheld water bottles...gross. So warm :(:(:(
Anyway I had mapped a run I quite like with some challenging hills in it and was really motoring to the top of the longest one when I heard....snarling barking gravel scuffling. I guess it's a good thing I was running without music on because I heard this dog seconds before it was on me. It came from no where. :( A short haired, tan, muscular, square headed dog. No more about that. And it was allllll teeth and spit. Growling snarling etc. Lunging and snapping. I turned as fast as I could to face it, minimizing risk to some very bare legs :( It backed me out into the road and kept lunging forward. All the signs of an impending bite were there; teeth flashing, eyes direct, ears folded, hackles up all the way down it's back, tail straight out. It was not scared, and it was enjoying itself.
I wasn't. I was yelling NO which is usually enough to send most dogs back to their yard but this one was advancing, within inches. And owners? NO WHERE. FINALLY while I was backing up in the middle of the road this woman comes out from by a shed. She kind of yelled. And watched. OMG. Then she starts to walk....no, SAUNTERING up the driveway and onto the road. After what felt like about 20 minutes she got near, and KICKED at the dog. After a final lunge it went into the yard, and kept trying to go around her. She followed it.
This woman did not even look at me. I think she was PISSED that I made her get off her butt. She was smoking and looked very irritated, not sorry at all. Didnt ask if I was ok. Didnt say oh sorry. Just walked away. I practically fell into a puddle on the road, and she just walked away. UGH I was SO mad. I kind of...walked off...relieved to be still intact, but adrenaline, and nausea, made getting back into a stride impossible, legs were shaking, choking sobs and gasping for air :( But still far from the car :( I never settled. Run ruined. I checked watch; lost over 5 minutes there. THAT is a long time to have a dog In. Your. Face.
So I continued on the route I had mapped, until I finally decided I couldnt. Then I took the most direct route back to my car. Picked up kids. Saw my first giant water bug. ALl very normal things. But I was SO out of sorts. CRAPPY Monday. 11.85 km 1:15.
The day didnt get any better, I got a really whopping headache, and spent a cranky evening.
Tuesday morning I was up early (trouble sleeping) and Scott took kids to school while I went for an easy run on the trail with Toni and Maggie. Mags was SO tired, she isnt used to so much constant forward motion lol. I bet she is sleeping well right now. She needs more activity :)
7.9 km, 58:16. The dog was kinda slow ;) Easy run days for her, maybe more short runs LOL.
May get in a little run tonight with some newbies :) working on fitness for ball hockey. I need some sprint practice for that.
And finally decided after getting the weekend soccer schedule that I am signing up for the Bluenose Half this weekend. But Ive not actually done so, still not committed.
Monday, May 14, 2012
After the uneventful weekend
In which I sabotaged my plans in order to manage the kid's busy schedules. So mine wasnt that eventful.
Friday night was a quiet evening just as I had hoped. Actually so was Sat night. I think we are officially boring old people.
Saturday I took the kids to the Hub Town Fun Run (photos to follow) where they ran the race track for a little less than 2 laps (making it...a little over a km? It's a little random IMO.) There was registration and a lot of wind up - dancing and school spirit stuff, skateboard demos, Tae Kwon Do demos, chatting parents. Then everyone is warmed up and ushered out onto the (horse) race track, where they line up and run. I waled across the center field to catch them on both sides :) where I had to "encourage" them to keep going since they go out too fast in a crowd and tend to be very winded and cant breath. I cant convince them to pace themselves.
I was kinda dressed to run all day. I had on running clothes when we went out to see the kid's calves at the farm, then were supposed to go to bike shop for some dream shopping; but we stayed at the farm until it was raining and too late for a run since Scott and T were heading out to a 4H thing...no babysitters. Frustrating when I took off my running clothes eventually and headed to bed. Sleep was hard to come by. It was a busy day but I was needing a proper workout!
Sunday morning was Mother's Day and this in itself was a little frustrating since the kids wanted me to have breakfast in bed...I can't just lay there! I snuck out of bed and did some laundry and stuff then when a kid woke up I got back in bed, but breakfast in bed didnt happen quickly nor did the gift giving/song singing...it was just way slower than I had hoped, I wanted to be running by 8, it was more like 9:10 when we finally got going. But the kids had their fun :)
The run was therefore cut short; 9.5 km in 59 ish minutes, rather than the 14 I wanted. I felt kinda great considering my lack of sleep, my irritation. I wanted to go the whole 14. Ah well, will do that Monday.
Got ready and went to Old Barns for Mothers' Day lunch, took kids back to town for 4H dairy meeting and for Taylor to go to Drama. Happy Mother's Day ;) Rather than going home to garden I sat at the meeting and We played with Holly's goat for awhile before going home. Motivation sucked away, I napped rather than doing something. SIGH.
After supper our team played a ball hockey game; the team we played is a little slashy but the game was good and we got the only goal to win our second game of the year :):) There is hope!
So now I am going to change my clothes and head off for a nice run. I am super hopeful that I can recapture the great feeling I had yesterday but this IS Monday and Im breakfast - deficient, Coffee - deficient, and have no lunch at all. This makes for one cranky person.
Friday night was a quiet evening just as I had hoped. Actually so was Sat night. I think we are officially boring old people.
Saturday I took the kids to the Hub Town Fun Run (photos to follow) where they ran the race track for a little less than 2 laps (making it...a little over a km? It's a little random IMO.) There was registration and a lot of wind up - dancing and school spirit stuff, skateboard demos, Tae Kwon Do demos, chatting parents. Then everyone is warmed up and ushered out onto the (horse) race track, where they line up and run. I waled across the center field to catch them on both sides :) where I had to "encourage" them to keep going since they go out too fast in a crowd and tend to be very winded and cant breath. I cant convince them to pace themselves.
I was kinda dressed to run all day. I had on running clothes when we went out to see the kid's calves at the farm, then were supposed to go to bike shop for some dream shopping; but we stayed at the farm until it was raining and too late for a run since Scott and T were heading out to a 4H thing...no babysitters. Frustrating when I took off my running clothes eventually and headed to bed. Sleep was hard to come by. It was a busy day but I was needing a proper workout!
Sunday morning was Mother's Day and this in itself was a little frustrating since the kids wanted me to have breakfast in bed...I can't just lay there! I snuck out of bed and did some laundry and stuff then when a kid woke up I got back in bed, but breakfast in bed didnt happen quickly nor did the gift giving/song singing...it was just way slower than I had hoped, I wanted to be running by 8, it was more like 9:10 when we finally got going. But the kids had their fun :)
The run was therefore cut short; 9.5 km in 59 ish minutes, rather than the 14 I wanted. I felt kinda great considering my lack of sleep, my irritation. I wanted to go the whole 14. Ah well, will do that Monday.
Got ready and went to Old Barns for Mothers' Day lunch, took kids back to town for 4H dairy meeting and for Taylor to go to Drama. Happy Mother's Day ;) Rather than going home to garden I sat at the meeting and We played with Holly's goat for awhile before going home. Motivation sucked away, I napped rather than doing something. SIGH.
After supper our team played a ball hockey game; the team we played is a little slashy but the game was good and we got the only goal to win our second game of the year :):) There is hope!
So now I am going to change my clothes and head off for a nice run. I am super hopeful that I can recapture the great feeling I had yesterday but this IS Monday and Im breakfast - deficient, Coffee - deficient, and have no lunch at all. This makes for one cranky person.
Friday, May 11, 2012
When the Sun Shines...
You will find me trying to get outside in it! :)
Wednesday night...I totally opted for the book. In fact, the rain was such that soccer was cancelled. I am so glad I had my run done, because it only got worse. I think the wind was the actual reason, rain with gusting winds is not productive for soccer. So after arranging to get the kids all where they needed to go, one didn't need to go, so I seriously crawled into bed with a book and never left again, even for supper ;) SO tired! LOL
Thursday was SO windy! What a weird day. It was forecast to rain but the rain held off for the longest time. There was actually some sun, missleading with that nasty wind. I thought my car was going to tip.
In the morning when there was no rain, I actually had a visit from my mother, she brought me snacks and a daphne, and we toured my building, and then when she was off and driving again, it was almost time to pick up the kids. We killed a little time over coffee while Holly was at run club, and then a little more while Taylor was getting out, and by the time we were free for an hour, it was raining!
Rush to get some food into the kids before heading off to pictou County for soccer practice and the drive in the rain was unpleasant. I think my car was sliding across the road and I had just been reading about a mother/daughter who had died 10 years ago coming home from soccer after hydroplaning so all I could think about was use sliding off and dying :( So I drove very slow. And the rain and wind continued all night. I didnt run and I hate working out at night so I didnt do that either. I went to sleep. Another day written off.
So We made a plan and Friday morning Toni and I went for a run earlier. I went to work for a couple of hours and then we ran a quickish 8.25 km in 52 minutes. I was TIRED. Annika woke me at 4 and didnt let me go back to sleep; SOMEONE decided to do the dishes at 5 am (wasn't me)...and Alarm at 6 I almost wanted to smash it. UGH. So I was lacking energy and then my ankles started to ache in that "these are old shoes" way which is kinda sudden lol. My shoes are old. Both of them. Time for new ones. That made me super annoyed because it was a long way to go. But we ran up a steep hill and at the top they were hurting less so it could be too many rest days this week? SIGH.
Now I am finishing up here so I can pick up kids and hike with their school this afternoon. I think an early night will be appreciated tonight.
Wednesday night...I totally opted for the book. In fact, the rain was such that soccer was cancelled. I am so glad I had my run done, because it only got worse. I think the wind was the actual reason, rain with gusting winds is not productive for soccer. So after arranging to get the kids all where they needed to go, one didn't need to go, so I seriously crawled into bed with a book and never left again, even for supper ;) SO tired! LOL
Thursday was SO windy! What a weird day. It was forecast to rain but the rain held off for the longest time. There was actually some sun, missleading with that nasty wind. I thought my car was going to tip.
In the morning when there was no rain, I actually had a visit from my mother, she brought me snacks and a daphne, and we toured my building, and then when she was off and driving again, it was almost time to pick up the kids. We killed a little time over coffee while Holly was at run club, and then a little more while Taylor was getting out, and by the time we were free for an hour, it was raining!
Rush to get some food into the kids before heading off to pictou County for soccer practice and the drive in the rain was unpleasant. I think my car was sliding across the road and I had just been reading about a mother/daughter who had died 10 years ago coming home from soccer after hydroplaning so all I could think about was use sliding off and dying :( So I drove very slow. And the rain and wind continued all night. I didnt run and I hate working out at night so I didnt do that either. I went to sleep. Another day written off.
So We made a plan and Friday morning Toni and I went for a run earlier. I went to work for a couple of hours and then we ran a quickish 8.25 km in 52 minutes. I was TIRED. Annika woke me at 4 and didnt let me go back to sleep; SOMEONE decided to do the dishes at 5 am (wasn't me)...and Alarm at 6 I almost wanted to smash it. UGH. So I was lacking energy and then my ankles started to ache in that "these are old shoes" way which is kinda sudden lol. My shoes are old. Both of them. Time for new ones. That made me super annoyed because it was a long way to go. But we ran up a steep hill and at the top they were hurting less so it could be too many rest days this week? SIGH.
Now I am finishing up here so I can pick up kids and hike with their school this afternoon. I think an early night will be appreciated tonight.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Rain Rain Rain
I think it stopped raining for awhile this morning but when we went out it was raining again and the wind was gusty. Lucky it was warm. we did a short quick run, 7.1 km in 43:30, with the headwind for half (loop) and rain to cool us. I wore my coat (warm!) and unzipped the vents which means I became a parachute! The coat blew right up like a balloon lol.
It felt like work. I checked the schedule; I was supposed to do 10X400 intervals. I am thinking tonight while Annika has soccer I might go do those intervals. Or run hills. 10X hills. I hear there is a perfect one in Truro that those in the know use.
Or I might sit in the car with a book. I ran today ;)
It felt like work. I checked the schedule; I was supposed to do 10X400 intervals. I am thinking tonight while Annika has soccer I might go do those intervals. Or run hills. 10X hills. I hear there is a perfect one in Truro that those in the know use.
Or I might sit in the car with a book. I ran today ;)
Did I mention my New Fav Shorts?
Because on my 12 + km run the other day, I wore new shorts. Shorts I got for....Valentine's Day maybe? It was ages ago. It was too cold to wear them, then it was too scary; these things have a liner and they are short; much shorter than my typical shorts. I have been having some real issues with chafing and I worry about new stuff. And its not so wise to debut new things on a longer run.
![LIVESTRONG Tempo 3]()
Im pretty sure this is them.
They were like wearing Nothing. At. All. I did the commando thing, TMI? But chafing is misery and too much material is asking for trouble. What is the liner for, anyway? It was incredibly comfortable. No chafe.
The length was pretty short. So before I went out I wisely applied Body glide to legs areas that even considered touching. And there was absolutely no issue.
Now I am sad when they are in the wash and I have to wear something else. LOL Return of the chafe will be fierce LOL. There are just some places Body Glide doesnt belong.
I wish greatly to try some other light as air shorts LOL.
Tuesday was not a running day. well actually it was supposed to be. What went wrong? too much work, too little planning, lack of organization. And picking up Holls an hour early did not help. She refused to go to choir after school. And I always give in. So we walked while Annika attended choir and got in 3 km (not very fast). Then it was scooting from kid pick up to eat to soccer (I considered getting in a 20 minute run but there just wasnt time to get back to acceptable for a drive to soccer (40 minutes) and sitting through soccer (chilly) and drive home) then night time stuff to do and kids into bed. Before crashing myself (sleeeepy).
Now I wasted the sun, its raining, and Im GOING to run today! Wednesday Tempo Run (not intervals I dont think). Better check Training plan ;)
Im pretty sure this is them.
They were like wearing Nothing. At. All. I did the commando thing, TMI? But chafing is misery and too much material is asking for trouble. What is the liner for, anyway? It was incredibly comfortable. No chafe.
The length was pretty short. So before I went out I wisely applied Body glide to legs areas that even considered touching. And there was absolutely no issue.
Now I am sad when they are in the wash and I have to wear something else. LOL Return of the chafe will be fierce LOL. There are just some places Body Glide doesnt belong.
I wish greatly to try some other light as air shorts LOL.
Tuesday was not a running day. well actually it was supposed to be. What went wrong? too much work, too little planning, lack of organization. And picking up Holls an hour early did not help. She refused to go to choir after school. And I always give in. So we walked while Annika attended choir and got in 3 km (not very fast). Then it was scooting from kid pick up to eat to soccer (I considered getting in a 20 minute run but there just wasnt time to get back to acceptable for a drive to soccer (40 minutes) and sitting through soccer (chilly) and drive home) then night time stuff to do and kids into bed. Before crashing myself (sleeeepy).
Now I wasted the sun, its raining, and Im GOING to run today! Wednesday Tempo Run (not intervals I dont think). Better check Training plan ;)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Never seems activity is balanced; it's either loads of stuff or no stuff. I guess rest days are super important and I usually try for active rest days, but days like yesterday are tiresome.
So after lunch I put on the running gear and crammed in a run; didnt expect the distance but it was like 12.45 km! Whoops. 1:18:40 was the time. I figured I was JUST in time to pick up Holly from School but I was caught in the hallway with a chatty someone to whom I could not comfortably say "sorry can we do this another day I gotta pick up" and besides I thought Scott was getting her; so late getting Holly :) Luckily she barely noticed, she was playing with friends on the playground and she IS 11 so its not like she's a baby SIGH. Yeah felt a little bad.
After work and supper Annika had her first soccer practice which seemed to go super well. Taylor took Maggie to the dog park but she got so worked up she came to soccer practice and we took Maggie back to the dog park where she was fine. We walked around that thing like 4 times before we headed back to get Annika.
Then taylor went to TKD while Annika went to a 4H meeting and there were Maggie and I with nothing to do; so we went for a walk on the trail for another 2.5 km. So just a lot of moving around.
No wonder I didnt want to get out of bed this morning.
So after lunch I put on the running gear and crammed in a run; didnt expect the distance but it was like 12.45 km! Whoops. 1:18:40 was the time. I figured I was JUST in time to pick up Holly from School but I was caught in the hallway with a chatty someone to whom I could not comfortably say "sorry can we do this another day I gotta pick up" and besides I thought Scott was getting her; so late getting Holly :) Luckily she barely noticed, she was playing with friends on the playground and she IS 11 so its not like she's a baby SIGH. Yeah felt a little bad.
After work and supper Annika had her first soccer practice which seemed to go super well. Taylor took Maggie to the dog park but she got so worked up she came to soccer practice and we took Maggie back to the dog park where she was fine. We walked around that thing like 4 times before we headed back to get Annika.
Then taylor went to TKD while Annika went to a 4H meeting and there were Maggie and I with nothing to do; so we went for a walk on the trail for another 2.5 km. So just a lot of moving around.
No wonder I didnt want to get out of bed this morning.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Over 600 km
The counter hit over 600 km just now :) the year is 1/3 over and Im 1/3 through my km :)
Totally deleted a post I had started a few days ago since I never got back to it and now the info is out of date :(
Wed and Thurs of last week were days spent in the city at a conference; by the time I got home Wed night the kids were waiting with a soccer ball so rather than go running I let tired win and I played soccer with the kids instead. Decided it was a better use of my time. Thursday night I was earlier but Annika had soccer tryouts and I had a banquet to get to for Grad so there was again no run; Annika's tryouts went well and she made the Tier 2 U10 soccer team; Banquet was also good, going to miss those grads!!!! I didnt get out of there until 10 :( 6 am the next morning came awfully early.
Friday morning after taking kids to school and Taylor to the Heritage Fair I met Lavinia for a run in the park; 7.7 km on trails 47 minutes it was nice! :) Then we did some Cross Country business and I went to work.
It was graduation day and after seeing the grads off to their ceremony I picked up the kids at heritage fiar (skipped hiking club) and went home to watch theg rad ceremony online and then gardened/weeded/edged the gardens. they are looking great :)
Then we had a ball hockey game against a tough team; I stepped on a stick and totally hit the wall where the door and the bottom don't meet quite smoothly :( I landed knee first and seriously was out for like half the game with ice and super bad pain. I did rejoin the game as it didnt hurt a lot more to run than it did to sit there, I got an assist in our 5-1 loss :( But Im suffering for the crash as running is painful and impact is worse :(
The colour is just starting to come into it today :( But damned if the things that hurt the most never bruise the best.
Saturday morning had a long run planned but we got out super late and I was not really comfortable; we went to the park for lower impact but it was just tiring and my right side started to hurt so we cut our long run short at 6 miles and called it good. I rested a lot fot eh rest of the day, but for a walk we did on the Cobequid Trail in Old Barns to put up Bird Houses the kids made with Ducks Unlimited as part of their 4H program. It was really fun for them and for us :)
The weather turned out fairly nice and we had a nice walk on the trail. the birdhouses are going to be fun for quite some time!
Saturday night I tried to stay up to see the "big moon" but wasn't so impressed with it at full so I went to bed :)
Sunday was just a bad day. Not much to say about that. Knee still hurts. No run. No workout. No nothing. Did some cleaning in the gardens and in the house. Had the crappiest ball hockey game we have had in 4 years (first year doesnt count;)) and I am sore today in places I dont remember harming. :(:(:( What an unpleasant experience. we lost 3-0.
Now it's Monday and it's a typical Monday that I would like to sleep through. It's even raining to boot. But we are still planning to go for a run at lunch time. If I make it that long :)
Wed and Thurs of last week were days spent in the city at a conference; by the time I got home Wed night the kids were waiting with a soccer ball so rather than go running I let tired win and I played soccer with the kids instead. Decided it was a better use of my time. Thursday night I was earlier but Annika had soccer tryouts and I had a banquet to get to for Grad so there was again no run; Annika's tryouts went well and she made the Tier 2 U10 soccer team; Banquet was also good, going to miss those grads!!!! I didnt get out of there until 10 :( 6 am the next morning came awfully early.
Friday morning after taking kids to school and Taylor to the Heritage Fair I met Lavinia for a run in the park; 7.7 km on trails 47 minutes it was nice! :) Then we did some Cross Country business and I went to work.
It was graduation day and after seeing the grads off to their ceremony I picked up the kids at heritage fiar (skipped hiking club) and went home to watch theg rad ceremony online and then gardened/weeded/edged the gardens. they are looking great :)
Then we had a ball hockey game against a tough team; I stepped on a stick and totally hit the wall where the door and the bottom don't meet quite smoothly :( I landed knee first and seriously was out for like half the game with ice and super bad pain. I did rejoin the game as it didnt hurt a lot more to run than it did to sit there, I got an assist in our 5-1 loss :( But Im suffering for the crash as running is painful and impact is worse :(

Saturday morning had a long run planned but we got out super late and I was not really comfortable; we went to the park for lower impact but it was just tiring and my right side started to hurt so we cut our long run short at 6 miles and called it good. I rested a lot fot eh rest of the day, but for a walk we did on the Cobequid Trail in Old Barns to put up Bird Houses the kids made with Ducks Unlimited as part of their 4H program. It was really fun for them and for us :)

Saturday night I tried to stay up to see the "big moon" but wasn't so impressed with it at full so I went to bed :)
Sunday was just a bad day. Not much to say about that. Knee still hurts. No run. No workout. No nothing. Did some cleaning in the gardens and in the house. Had the crappiest ball hockey game we have had in 4 years (first year doesnt count;)) and I am sore today in places I dont remember harming. :(:(:( What an unpleasant experience. we lost 3-0.
Now it's Monday and it's a typical Monday that I would like to sleep through. It's even raining to boot. But we are still planning to go for a run at lunch time. If I make it that long :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Lots of Moving :)
People who move tend to lose more weight or be less overweight so moving is a big deal around here, no matter how we are moving. The kids walk and bike, I run or work out, Scott has been walking even the dogs have walked more and run in the yard more.
Not a lot more moving on Sunday; We took the dog and kids for a walk up the street.
But Monday there was activity!
At noon we walked Toni's Dogs :) We went 4.75 km and it was chillllly :)
After the kids went to bed I went downstairs and after a lot of debate, I put in P90X Legs and Back. Debate? After long run, legs are supposed to rest. But I could go slow. Not ready to do Chest and Arms again. No point in doing Plyo or Kenpo when resting. What to do? SIGH. Legs and Back it was.
I sort of took it easy. As easy as one can and still do the exercises. Then I finished up with Ab Ripper X and went to bed.
Tuesday May 1 started a Yoga Challenge - 30 days of yoga daily with Run to the Finish. I did the 30 minute Path of Yoga on Eastlink TV and after doing Yoga X, I found this pretty cheesy! :) But I did the whole thing :)
After work, Music Festival, Work, kid pick up, Music Festival, and home, I changed and headed for a run with Toni; 8.75 km in 55 minutes. Came home for supper, walked dogs and kid, rest for night. SIGH.
Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be long days in the city; might have to postpone runs for evenings if I can make myself go. Long days need extra motivation and determination, I lack the discipline but will try my best! :)
Not a lot more moving on Sunday; We took the dog and kids for a walk up the street.
But Monday there was activity!
At noon we walked Toni's Dogs :) We went 4.75 km and it was chillllly :)
After the kids went to bed I went downstairs and after a lot of debate, I put in P90X Legs and Back. Debate? After long run, legs are supposed to rest. But I could go slow. Not ready to do Chest and Arms again. No point in doing Plyo or Kenpo when resting. What to do? SIGH. Legs and Back it was.
I sort of took it easy. As easy as one can and still do the exercises. Then I finished up with Ab Ripper X and went to bed.
Tuesday May 1 started a Yoga Challenge - 30 days of yoga daily with Run to the Finish. I did the 30 minute Path of Yoga on Eastlink TV and after doing Yoga X, I found this pretty cheesy! :) But I did the whole thing :)
After work, Music Festival, Work, kid pick up, Music Festival, and home, I changed and headed for a run with Toni; 8.75 km in 55 minutes. Came home for supper, walked dogs and kid, rest for night. SIGH.
Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be long days in the city; might have to postpone runs for evenings if I can make myself go. Long days need extra motivation and determination, I lack the discipline but will try my best! :)
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