Wed and Thurs of last week were days spent in the city at a conference; by the time I got home Wed night the kids were waiting with a soccer ball so rather than go running I let tired win and I played soccer with the kids instead. Decided it was a better use of my time. Thursday night I was earlier but Annika had soccer tryouts and I had a banquet to get to for Grad so there was again no run; Annika's tryouts went well and she made the Tier 2 U10 soccer team; Banquet was also good, going to miss those grads!!!! I didnt get out of there until 10 :( 6 am the next morning came awfully early.
Friday morning after taking kids to school and Taylor to the Heritage Fair I met Lavinia for a run in the park; 7.7 km on trails 47 minutes it was nice! :) Then we did some Cross Country business and I went to work.
It was graduation day and after seeing the grads off to their ceremony I picked up the kids at heritage fiar (skipped hiking club) and went home to watch theg rad ceremony online and then gardened/weeded/edged the gardens. they are looking great :)
Then we had a ball hockey game against a tough team; I stepped on a stick and totally hit the wall where the door and the bottom don't meet quite smoothly :( I landed knee first and seriously was out for like half the game with ice and super bad pain. I did rejoin the game as it didnt hurt a lot more to run than it did to sit there, I got an assist in our 5-1 loss :( But Im suffering for the crash as running is painful and impact is worse :(

Saturday morning had a long run planned but we got out super late and I was not really comfortable; we went to the park for lower impact but it was just tiring and my right side started to hurt so we cut our long run short at 6 miles and called it good. I rested a lot fot eh rest of the day, but for a walk we did on the Cobequid Trail in Old Barns to put up Bird Houses the kids made with Ducks Unlimited as part of their 4H program. It was really fun for them and for us :)

Saturday night I tried to stay up to see the "big moon" but wasn't so impressed with it at full so I went to bed :)
Sunday was just a bad day. Not much to say about that. Knee still hurts. No run. No workout. No nothing. Did some cleaning in the gardens and in the house. Had the crappiest ball hockey game we have had in 4 years (first year doesnt count;)) and I am sore today in places I dont remember harming. :(:(:( What an unpleasant experience. we lost 3-0.
Now it's Monday and it's a typical Monday that I would like to sleep through. It's even raining to boot. But we are still planning to go for a run at lunch time. If I make it that long :)
1 comment:
Hey there girl... that sucks about the knee!! You are a tough lady ... playing despite the injury.
Stopping by to say hi... come visit my new site because I don't check the old one much anymore.
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