Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ran with Lavinia

who is so very speedy :)

Wanted to run this morning because this evening was 4H meeting and it was supposed to get rather breezy (and it did) so get that run out of the way.

Running Room training plan said 4 km tempo run.

Higdon training plan said to run 6 mile steady run.

Now usually these two plans match up pretty close so that only a little adjustment needs to be made. But these are 2 runs that do not really go together in any way. lol

So Lavinia says Lets do 10 K. IM all like um just did that.

And she said ok well this loop is almost 8 km....if we do that its somewhere in between. And off we went.
She was pushing Miles in the stroller and still was much faster than I...she claims not to mind but I dunno how she couldnt hahaha at least I dont run with her every day so she can get her speedy runs in when Im not around. That little 8 K run...she could always go again later (and who knows maybe she did heheheheh)
8 km in 49 minutes so a 6:07 pace :)

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