Sunday, February 6, 2011

How on Earth did I get here?

Sunday night where did you come from? This weekend has been such a blur! I have gotten nothing done! Ugh. Double. Im not ready to go back to work!  Wah!

Ok Well Friday night was a great sleepover, 5 little girls came to stay with Holly and they were so cute LOL It went really well right up until the party ended. Holly started to thrown up, and continued to do so for 12 hours straight, missing her hockey, being really sad. 

I played 7 am hockey then stayed with Holly when Scott took Annika to hockey practice. I took her to her game, and then although I layed down with Holly for a few minutes, I mustered the strength to go for a run, knowing it was relatively warm and  I would likely not be running the next day.  Storm again.  I did 5.3 km in about 36:30 and never mind the freaking slush and ice. I did wear the new trail shoes; they are wonderful in snow, with lots of grippy goodness. But stiff, no padding, narrow.  I can imagine sore knees, sore ankles, and a rubbing on my toe.  Aw well time will tell.

Came home and spend an hour doing P90X Day 10, Arms and Shoulders. Lots of weights and stuff.  I don't find this one too hard but I really do want a few more sets of weights.  Not enough choice. I used Scott's bands but I broke a handle; Im such a brute.

Then off to Scott's Surprise 40th Birthday party. Stayed up too late, drank too much.  Up too early this morning; sleeeeepy day.  It snowed and freezing rained on us last night and drizzled and was windy all day.  Did some work for this week, need a week off to get ahead of work LOL.  Had hockey at 3; scored a goal in our 6-1 win.  came home and put in P90X Day 11 Yoga :) I actually finished the entire 1.5 hours this time. Last time I guess I was one move away from finishing the moving poses and moving on to balance, stretching, Ab work, and Ohhhhmmmms that made the kids giggle.  I did like it better this time; maybe better when Im not so sleepy in the morning? But it is super long. An hour and a half....most days this program is taking an hour and a half; it's time consuming.  I have not done the ab ripper since the other day; hopefully pain is gone away now.

Anyway might take tomorrow off since it's my very long day at work. Need to get a run in, and maybe one Tuesday before our next 6-10 inches of snow comes. Yay.

1 comment:

Gaspegirl said...

Hey, sounds like you had a fun-filled weekend, well except for the puking and illness. I agree that P90x is time consuming... especially in a schedule like yours! We started today, round 2 and I am looking forward to it!

Make it a great day!

2012 km Goal