Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 47 of 84

Have a 10 K race on Sunday and I have a very sore hamstring! Thought it was bruised from ball hockey game but it is getting worse and worse. Can run, but its uncomfortable and walking has kinda taken on a funny stride so its not very efficient. Worried about the Bluenose run.
Which, is going to take place in pouring rain, from the look of the forecast. As of now, Saturday morning, its going to be 10-15 mm rain with winds at 30 km/hour. Over the MacDonald Bridge in Halifax. I hope no one blows off.

So the workout for Friday was a gym workout - 2 miles on the treadmill to see if running was realistically possible. Which it was; a lot of the discomfort decreased while running. So there is hope for tomorrow.
Did a few weights and spent more time stretching than usual.

Race Kit Pick Up Day!
We went to Halifax to pick up the Race Kits for Sunday, and visited the live Expo which was actually really interesting. I spun a wheel and won a hat; forgot to get money and buy Body Glide to stop the chafing of clothes and skin lol.
We wanted to go to the Running Room and meet John Stanton but time got short so we went to the WTCC instead for our kits. My run shirt doesnt fit very well; the sizing chart was WAY off.

Resting for much of Saturday to be ready for Sunday morning! Check me out in the race - Bib # 3956!!!

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