I cannot believe it. August is over. SOB! I love summer Im a summer person Im a warm weather person and WINTER IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER.
Ok I know we still have fall to go through and I love fall, I really do. It's just...not summer anymore. Fall means work and I KNOW its all that cold weather coming right around the corner. We have had a great weather summer and it's been hot and awesome and fall likely will too and we will have some awesome running weather. The mornings will cool off and the humidity will drop and it will be nice for running some good times, rather than struggling to draw in this wet air ;) BUT IT ISN'T SUMMER!
So I had a nice run this morning. I could not remember exactly what sort of run the program called for but I knew it was about 4 miles and I suspected it was a Tempo run which is really hard on my hilly runs... I decided Fartleks were the way to go since my 8 km route is hilly. 8 km? Yeah I was like 7.7 away from going over 200 km for the month so I planned for 8 km. What difference does it make LOL.
Feeling really great after Sunday's run (as long as it's not stairs SIGH) and it was nice to get out and stretch after a rest day yesterday. A little tired but really, good to be out. I decided to do Fartleks with no real goal except finishing 8 km in under 48 minutes. That was all I planned. And despite the last mile being all up hill, I finished 8 km in 47:50 minutes. :):):):) GOAL! lol. 8.3 complete in 50:26, feeling good at the top of the hill and off to get ready for work :)
So finished August with a tad over 200 km for the month and put my year total over 1100 so far for the year. Good month!
I have a feeling it's going to be way hot tomorrow morning. Im supposed to do hills (9 repeats...that's not going to happen. Im thinking MAYBE 6, considering I've been skipping them til last week). Im not sure how Im going to manage these hills since Scott won't be home and the kids will. I do not like driving away to run and leaving them asleep. But if I go super early, they will sleep through.
But that would depend on getting into bed at a decent time tonight. THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ;)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Long Run again
This week we repeated 29 kms and it went really well; We went the same route but ran it backwards, and I liked it a lot better last week ;) started a little earlier, still had the same breakfast and had a trail mix bar at 115 and 230 hours in, drank lots of watered down gatorade, and got to the end feeling really good. Granted we walked a bit in the last hour and our time was closer to 320 this week for a couple of reasons :) but Im not concerned about the time, more so about feeling at the end of the 29 km that I could have totally kept going and that makes me happy :)
Points of concern? Head ache about half way through; hips aching, and funny pull on the outside of my knee at various points. But I think for the most part Im feeling pretty confident right now about this full marathon! (that might change if I have a bad run ;))
I think it's funny that at the end of a 10 km run I feel just as tired as I do at the end of 29 km. Almost.
Points of concern? Head ache about half way through; hips aching, and funny pull on the outside of my knee at various points. But I think for the most part Im feeling pretty confident right now about this full marathon! (that might change if I have a bad run ;))
I think it's funny that at the end of a 10 km run I feel just as tired as I do at the end of 29 km. Almost.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Midweek longish
I really thought this would be a longer run ;) I hadnt mapped it but remembered it being longer...But I ran up Valleydale and College and Old Courthouse and still had to do some Greenfield to come up to 10 km this morning. Humidity - over 80% and warm! bit like swimming, really. Tough to breath, legs heavy. Come on fall weather, Im working so you might as well come! LOL
Thursday, August 26, 2010
trying out some hill repeats
If Ive had to miss a run in the last few weeks, the hill run seems to be the easiest to miss; mostly because it requires specifics like a hill to repeat, and I haven`t gone looking for a hill. LOL Yesterday I did manage a hill repeat run; it`s been so long since I did them, I only repeated 4 times; the hill was a little short, but I did a version. And it was SO hot and muggy it was grossly hot so after 4 I just ran home for a total of 8 km in 51:18 minutes.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Longest of the Long Runs to date
was this week; 29 km on the schedule. I was intimidated. I was also wrong.
I mapped out 29 km and M and I planned to go early on Sunday morning but not too early because of the night before being Saturday night and there was some company and some knitty fun going on; mainly blocking my Exhibition entries :)
29 km on a map of town looks like a reallllly long way. It kind of goes everywhere.
It is likely better if you can map it out without looking at it if you are at all intimidated. That rarely works tho. So I had to look and it looked like we were going everywhere ;)
Some of it was new and I reallllly enjoyed it. And some of the roads I knew I hated, I still hated LOL.
BUT thank god for company. I don't know about doing these long runs alone; its so long and boring and intimidating and just knowing someone is beside you makes it shorter and more enjoyable and less intimidating.
OMG I said long runs were boring. Does that mean Im not a real runner? Im not just IN THE MOMENT of the run? SIGH. It's still boring lol.
Anyway we got out about 730 am and it was pleasant temperature but promising to get super hot. We had a quick stop at Tim's to pee, and then I went once more on a back road with a nice spot LOL nice enough to go back. Darned morning coffee....could pee a lot. But then once you are good and sweaty the need for pee becomes less. M was somewhat dehydrated and felt kinda crappy and VERY thirsty for a lot of the second part of the run.
There are some hilly sections on this run which I simply could not avoid no matter how much I tried :( and I really tried but should not since Hills are our Friends. It's just a really long way to go. We were actually doing realy well time wise and walk break-wise, stopping fairly regularly to drink and have little snacks. I was hoping to finish the 29 km in less than 3.5 hours. Considering heat and time.
We foolishly passed a store and had to stop a few km up at a farm to fill our water bottles with almost cool water from a hose lol but that was good water.
We ended up stopping at another store and buying water (loads of water omg) which was cold and the best water I ever tasted hehehe And despite all that water I didnt need to pee until later in the afternoon LOL
Finished the 29 km (longest run so far ever) in about 3:19 almost. So well under the time. Pace wasnt great but it was hot and we were tired. I think in cooler weather we would have knocked a lot of time off.
And I felt really good. I think things Im doing right: Oatmeal Breakfast, snack bar on the run (Quaker usually), Gatorade in the water bottle seems to be the biggest change for the better. Bananas help too. Need to be hydrated and keep electrolytes on those really super long runs.
I was really happy with the run. And the Omelet and Smoothie breakfast Scott served up when we were finished :):):)
Can't wait til next weeks' repeat of 29 km. Hehe.
I mapped out 29 km and M and I planned to go early on Sunday morning but not too early because of the night before being Saturday night and there was some company and some knitty fun going on; mainly blocking my Exhibition entries :)
29 km on a map of town looks like a reallllly long way. It kind of goes everywhere.
It is likely better if you can map it out without looking at it if you are at all intimidated. That rarely works tho. So I had to look and it looked like we were going everywhere ;)
Some of it was new and I reallllly enjoyed it. And some of the roads I knew I hated, I still hated LOL.
BUT thank god for company. I don't know about doing these long runs alone; its so long and boring and intimidating and just knowing someone is beside you makes it shorter and more enjoyable and less intimidating.
OMG I said long runs were boring. Does that mean Im not a real runner? Im not just IN THE MOMENT of the run? SIGH. It's still boring lol.
Anyway we got out about 730 am and it was pleasant temperature but promising to get super hot. We had a quick stop at Tim's to pee, and then I went once more on a back road with a nice spot LOL nice enough to go back. Darned morning coffee....could pee a lot. But then once you are good and sweaty the need for pee becomes less. M was somewhat dehydrated and felt kinda crappy and VERY thirsty for a lot of the second part of the run.
There are some hilly sections on this run which I simply could not avoid no matter how much I tried :( and I really tried but should not since Hills are our Friends. It's just a really long way to go. We were actually doing realy well time wise and walk break-wise, stopping fairly regularly to drink and have little snacks. I was hoping to finish the 29 km in less than 3.5 hours. Considering heat and time.
We foolishly passed a store and had to stop a few km up at a farm to fill our water bottles with almost cool water from a hose lol but that was good water.
We ended up stopping at another store and buying water (loads of water omg) which was cold and the best water I ever tasted hehehe And despite all that water I didnt need to pee until later in the afternoon LOL
Finished the 29 km (longest run so far ever) in about 3:19 almost. So well under the time. Pace wasnt great but it was hot and we were tired. I think in cooler weather we would have knocked a lot of time off.
And I felt really good. I think things Im doing right: Oatmeal Breakfast, snack bar on the run (Quaker usually), Gatorade in the water bottle seems to be the biggest change for the better. Bananas help too. Need to be hydrated and keep electrolytes on those really super long runs.
I was really happy with the run. And the Omelet and Smoothie breakfast Scott served up when we were finished :):):)
Can't wait til next weeks' repeat of 29 km. Hehe.
Went away for an overnighter with the kids to PEI. It was Scott who suggested I take the running stuff and actually do a run there; but I jumped because I was a run short of the week and needed another day before the long run :) Glad to go, thank you Scott ;)
It was kind of hot when I started out and it only got warmer as I went. The run through the Resort was pretty nice but out on the road it was more boring LOL just...roads. PEI is where I am doing my marathon in October and all I could think was...this road is SO boring! LOL Sheesh. It was shadier on one side so I ran on one side with an Ipod (so against rules) and did an out and back. Roads were rolling but nothing bad. Time was pretty good (dont really remember what it was LOL).
We went to Summerside and a beach before landing at Rodd Mill River where there is a golf course that Scott Moaned about because he WAS NOT on it Lol and there was other stuff to do there as well. All we did manage was to go to the pool. And then supper and sleep. No one complained; everyone was tired.
Resort Road
Looking so forward to PEI ;)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
11 km longish
The family picked me up part way up the hill so I got in 11.25 km in 1:12 which isnt a great time but i'll take it, being tired and somewhatcranky, and very hungry ;)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Almost Famous?
I answered a blog call a few weeks ago and was contacted recently; re: running my first marathon. There is this fit lady, Melinda Hinson Neely, with a together website and blog, sharing info, tips, recipes, and anything else you can imagine about fitness, writing a book about First Marathons and training/preparing. And she was to feature a few first timers in it. Hey Im one of those first timers, so I answered the call and so many people did, the direction of the book may change so that many of us can be included with our stories! And Im one of those many! LOL the post can be viewed HERE: http://melindahinsonneely.com/blog/fitness/calling-all-first-time-marathoners-and-the-winner-is-part-ii/ for interest to see those of us to be featured at least a little bit in the book; there are some who will be featured in more in depth who seem to have slightly more unique stories (I guess) and wither way I might get some of my story in the book! Because after all, if I can pull off this marathon, anyone can. ANYONE. lol.
6 km Tempo Run
Just a quick tempo run this morning; stressed for time and heat lol. cannot seem to shake out of bed at a decent hour.
Recovery from the run on Monday was uneventful. Rest day yesterday and back at it today with the tempo run which went well; 6 km in about 35:30 and 6.6 km in 40 minutes. Includes warm up, cool down, and those freaking hills.
Tomorrow is hills day; 7 hills actually with a warm up and cool down. Scott is away again so not sure how this is going to work SIGH. By the time he gets home its too hot. Not a decent hill for this sort of thing around here. Wont leave the kids and drive into town. Maybe just a regular 10-12 km run instead LOL.
29 km this weekend coming up. Im somewhat intimidated by this; it's uncharted territory and Im not sure Im mentally prepared. Physically no idea; I felt better on my 26 km run than my 22 so its completely weather dependent and fatique/preparation dependent I guess. Im just never really sure. LOL
Will see and try to formulate a plan this week.
Started going to work this week unofficially banking a few hours of "leniency" for some upcoming stuff lol. It's cutting into my run time already!
And I passed 1000 km for the year this morning - 1006 something to be more sure...which was where I wanted to be by the end of this month; 2/3 done the year, 2/3 done the km. But after the marathon I expect the miles to drop off somewhat, so it's likely a good thing to get ahead. The long runs in my future are going to put those miles on like mad I suspect :):):)
Recovery from the run on Monday was uneventful. Rest day yesterday and back at it today with the tempo run which went well; 6 km in about 35:30 and 6.6 km in 40 minutes. Includes warm up, cool down, and those freaking hills.
Tomorrow is hills day; 7 hills actually with a warm up and cool down. Scott is away again so not sure how this is going to work SIGH. By the time he gets home its too hot. Not a decent hill for this sort of thing around here. Wont leave the kids and drive into town. Maybe just a regular 10-12 km run instead LOL.
29 km this weekend coming up. Im somewhat intimidated by this; it's uncharted territory and Im not sure Im mentally prepared. Physically no idea; I felt better on my 26 km run than my 22 so its completely weather dependent and fatique/preparation dependent I guess. Im just never really sure. LOL
Will see and try to formulate a plan this week.
Started going to work this week unofficially banking a few hours of "leniency" for some upcoming stuff lol. It's cutting into my run time already!
And I passed 1000 km for the year this morning - 1006 something to be more sure...which was where I wanted to be by the end of this month; 2/3 done the year, 2/3 done the km. But after the marathon I expect the miles to drop off somewhat, so it's likely a good thing to get ahead. The long runs in my future are going to put those miles on like mad I suspect :):):)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Stepdown Week
Was pretty nice to only be running 19 km this week for my long run ;) next week's 29 will be tough. Im sure of it. We got out running a bit late; met Irongroup ;) at the college and we ran from there out to Onslow and down the highway (rather high traffic and no shoulder to speak of) and then out on the trail past the water stop; on the way back we filled the water bottles back up and then ran back to the trail at the highway and all the way to Walker street, then back to the college. M was particularly tired today after her long week of ball hockey and she also has some sore issues that need some REST but aren't getting it; I think with all that and the heat she was not having fun but I gotta say I had quite a good little run today, feeling pretty energetic even at the end and not too thirsty as has been troubling lately. Had Gatorade and part of a cereal bar which seems to be working ok :) None of the run was very taxing today; not much for hills and stuff. Was good.
about 2:02:00 for time which is pretty good.
Planning to take tomorrow off and then do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, take Saturday off, then run the LSD on Sunday of 29 km. This should put me back on Sunday LSD day and for working this is where I need to be putting those runs. Officially back to work next Monday. YAY lol.
Today's run was a good confidence boost.
about 2:02:00 for time which is pretty good.
Planning to take tomorrow off and then do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, take Saturday off, then run the LSD on Sunday of 29 km. This should put me back on Sunday LSD day and for working this is where I need to be putting those runs. Officially back to work next Monday. YAY lol.
Today's run was a good confidence boost.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
11 km Midweek Longish Run and a Fast 7.5 km
Doing ok this week, on Friday I got in my longish midweek run; schedule said 10, I planned 12 and went 11 because Scott picked me up and I wanted the drive back lol. We then spent the rest of the day at the beach :):):) The run wasnt bad, heat and humidity are either backing off a little or I am getting used to it.
I was checking the conversion of Celcius to Farenheit to compare to the americans who are always commenting on their heat and I wondered how hot it really was....
there are people running (still running) at 98 F which I believe is aout 32 something celcius, a temp at which I would not even lace up my sneakers because its TOO hot for sneakers lol. I don't really enjoy over 20-23C, which is about....68 - 70 F. I try to run before it gets that hot. I do not always succeed but my runs are usually pretty unpleasant if I let it get that hot.
Which is why on Saturday when it was calling for very hot temps (80's F) I got up at the ass crack of dawn and ran in town with Lavinia. She is much, much.....MUCH faster than I am, but she so kindly slowed down for me and we ran 7.5 km together in about 45 minutes more or less (maybe less....Garmin didnt keep track of first km). That had to be excruciatingly slow for her...she was able to chat away the whole time and often all I could manage was a grunt in reply. We have not ran together since spring...and I can honestly say, it was much easier this time. IM IMPROVING!! lol. I've been doing speed work (ok not recently and not this week but I have used that tool) and my mileage has also increased so I am going further and I am doing it faster. I used to try to keep my long runs arounf 6:45 minutes per km....now I am aiming for about 6:15. Its all good! Im never going to be fast but by running with people who are faster than I am, I hope to keep improving. Lavinia is moving really far away and Im really going to miss her, including her influence on my running! Hope she keeps in touch. ;)
Going to take Sunday off....spent Saturday and going to spend all of Sunday at soccer Jamborees for the kids. Long run on Monday morning of 19 km (stepdown week) and by next Sunday I should have my long runs back on Sunday. LONG next week; more uncharted territory. Going back to work TOMORROW sigh summer is over for me and unexpectedly, so Im feeling a bit cheated of my last couple of weeks LOL. SIGH.
I was checking the conversion of Celcius to Farenheit to compare to the americans who are always commenting on their heat and I wondered how hot it really was....
there are people running (still running) at 98 F which I believe is aout 32 something celcius, a temp at which I would not even lace up my sneakers because its TOO hot for sneakers lol. I don't really enjoy over 20-23C, which is about....68 - 70 F. I try to run before it gets that hot. I do not always succeed but my runs are usually pretty unpleasant if I let it get that hot.
Which is why on Saturday when it was calling for very hot temps (80's F) I got up at the ass crack of dawn and ran in town with Lavinia. She is much, much.....MUCH faster than I am, but she so kindly slowed down for me and we ran 7.5 km together in about 45 minutes more or less (maybe less....Garmin didnt keep track of first km). That had to be excruciatingly slow for her...she was able to chat away the whole time and often all I could manage was a grunt in reply. We have not ran together since spring...and I can honestly say, it was much easier this time. IM IMPROVING!! lol. I've been doing speed work (ok not recently and not this week but I have used that tool) and my mileage has also increased so I am going further and I am doing it faster. I used to try to keep my long runs arounf 6:45 minutes per km....now I am aiming for about 6:15. Its all good! Im never going to be fast but by running with people who are faster than I am, I hope to keep improving. Lavinia is moving really far away and Im really going to miss her, including her influence on my running! Hope she keeps in touch. ;)
Going to take Sunday off....spent Saturday and going to spend all of Sunday at soccer Jamborees for the kids. Long run on Monday morning of 19 km (stepdown week) and by next Sunday I should have my long runs back on Sunday. LONG next week; more uncharted territory. Going back to work TOMORROW sigh summer is over for me and unexpectedly, so Im feeling a bit cheated of my last couple of weeks LOL. SIGH.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
5 km tempo run
Which should have been 6.4 km or so but due to bad planning and time constraints I shortened it to 5 km more or less. I really dont know what happened Today!
LOL ok I do know what happened. Last night I went out and had a life; girls night in the hot tub to be precise.

A few drinks, a late night, and boom your morning run goes out the door. I didnt get out the door until like 11 am (it wasnt too too hotttt) and by then I had to pick up kids at 12 and I was kinda in a panic because Id left so late and SHEESH it was a quick but hot run and shower and back out the door packing in bikes and helmets (remembered the helmets ) lol then picked up kids and off to a birthday party then the pool and then soccer and ice cream and WHAM its bed time. I need to go to sleep soon. Wonder if I can wrangle these 5 wonderful children into bed?
So only 5.25 km this morning, 5 k in 29 minutes (remember the hillllls! and it was a tempo therefore there WAS a warm up; shorter cool down) and the total run was 31 minutes. :) Time was ok for heat and hills.
My commitment wavers from totally committed to running the program and getting ready for a full, to OMG I cannot do this. I was talking to someone today about training and SHE said to do at least 5 - 32 km runs before the big one; I counted I dont even have that much time left! UGH! I see 2 32 km runs coming up; I see a few 29 km runs that I suppose could be made longer. I am not sure I want to end with 32 km, I might want to go further once or so to see if I can. SIGH. But Im down to less than 10 weeks to the marathon now and Im NOT happy about that LOL where does time go? Im doing well sticking to this program SIGH Why can't time go slower?
Tomorrow - morning run IF I can fit it in (5 kids here blech) will be maybe 12 km? Might skip speed work again this week ie hills or track; Something has to give and Im not going for a time, really Im not. And I get loads of hills.
LOL ok I do know what happened. Last night I went out and had a life; girls night in the hot tub to be precise.
A few drinks, a late night, and boom your morning run goes out the door. I didnt get out the door until like 11 am (it wasnt too too hotttt) and by then I had to pick up kids at 12 and I was kinda in a panic because Id left so late and SHEESH it was a quick but hot run and shower and back out the door packing in bikes and helmets (remembered the helmets ) lol then picked up kids and off to a birthday party then the pool and then soccer and ice cream and WHAM its bed time. I need to go to sleep soon. Wonder if I can wrangle these 5 wonderful children into bed?
So only 5.25 km this morning, 5 k in 29 minutes (remember the hillllls! and it was a tempo therefore there WAS a warm up; shorter cool down) and the total run was 31 minutes. :) Time was ok for heat and hills.
My commitment wavers from totally committed to running the program and getting ready for a full, to OMG I cannot do this. I was talking to someone today about training and SHE said to do at least 5 - 32 km runs before the big one; I counted I dont even have that much time left! UGH! I see 2 32 km runs coming up; I see a few 29 km runs that I suppose could be made longer. I am not sure I want to end with 32 km, I might want to go further once or so to see if I can. SIGH. But Im down to less than 10 weeks to the marathon now and Im NOT happy about that LOL where does time go? Im doing well sticking to this program SIGH Why can't time go slower?
Tomorrow - morning run IF I can fit it in (5 kids here blech) will be maybe 12 km? Might skip speed work again this week ie hills or track; Something has to give and Im not going for a time, really Im not. And I get loads of hills.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
omg I googled the calories in the DQ Blizzard I had last night after the kids had soccer; Chocolate Xtreme small size had 650 calories! Even if I didnt finish it, I still ate a lot of calories. I don't count calories but I certainly dont need extra ones! Thank goodness that is a rare treat. LOL
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size (287g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 650 Calories from Fat 260
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 29g 45%
Saturated Fat16g 80%
Trans Fat0.5g
Cholesterol 50mg 17%
Sodium 370mg 15%
Total Carbohydrate 88g 29%
Dietary Fiber3g 12%
Protein 12g 0%
Vitamin A 20%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 35%
Iron 20%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.Your daily values may be higher or lower
depending on your calorie needs:
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size (287g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 650 Calories from Fat 260
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 29g 45%
Saturated Fat16g 80%
Trans Fat0.5g
Cholesterol 50mg 17%
Sodium 370mg 15%
Total Carbohydrate 88g 29%
Dietary Fiber3g 12%
Protein 12g 0%
Vitamin A 20%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 35%
Iron 20%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.Your daily values may be higher or lower
depending on your calorie needs:
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ticking off the Kilometers and the Pounds :)
Yay just updated my kilometer ticker at the bottom of the page....in the 8th month of the year Ive checked off over 950 kilometers! My goal of 1500 for the year doesnt look so very bad!
I am having a bad month tho...August is starting off SLOW! have done 49 km this month....and 26 of those were today! Bad runner....i think that balance is off by a bit! lol Something to work on for this month I guess!
Good newswise? Scale is settling and Im happy to say Ive reached the 30 pounds off mark! I usually make the scale tell me this for a couple of weeks before I believe it has nothing to do with water retention/dehydration etc. It can fluctuate so severely....in fact this morning on my long run I lost about 4 pounds....pretty much all sweat. Its coming back on now lol as I guzzle water. But Ive been looking at the same numbers for a couple of weeks now and Im determined to keep this off as well...no yoyoing for me anymore! Its slow to come off because I dont make myself suffer to lose weight...but this way I figure it will stay off :):) We cannot train for a marathon and starve! Healthy choices and healthy portions will do it for me :)
I am having a bad month tho...August is starting off SLOW! have done 49 km this month....and 26 of those were today! Bad runner....i think that balance is off by a bit! lol Something to work on for this month I guess!
Good newswise? Scale is settling and Im happy to say Ive reached the 30 pounds off mark! I usually make the scale tell me this for a couple of weeks before I believe it has nothing to do with water retention/dehydration etc. It can fluctuate so severely....in fact this morning on my long run I lost about 4 pounds....pretty much all sweat. Its coming back on now lol as I guzzle water. But Ive been looking at the same numbers for a couple of weeks now and Im determined to keep this off as well...no yoyoing for me anymore! Its slow to come off because I dont make myself suffer to lose weight...but this way I figure it will stay off :):) We cannot train for a marathon and starve! Healthy choices and healthy portions will do it for me :)
LSD 26 km
After the race on the weekend I took 2 days off (well not really, just didnt do any runs lol) Sunday was travelling day and Monday I played ball hockey and should have run but just didnt.
This morning I did the Sunday LSD of 26 km. Im only 2 days off. SIGH. How am I going to get the rest of the runs in? I dunno.
So the route was just a big ol loop and I didnt really try to find loads of hills but I didnt avoid them either (this is Truro) It was pretty boring and Im glad I had some music.
Garmin screamed LOw Battery at me as soon as I turned it on but it lasted over 2.5 hours and got me to almost 24 km so I cant complain I suppose. I stopped when I figured 26 km had been reached and estimated a time.
Hips pained off and on.
Took some Gatorade and Jelly Beans at 7 km and had an Apple Cereal Bar at 14 km. Took some money to get more water but didnt go get it; figured I had enough as temps were cooler and it was mostly cloudy. Wish I had gotten some as I got very thirsty in the last 10 km and finished the gatorade with 7 to go. Sun started coming out at 18 km but remained mostly cloudy til I was almost done. About 20 C with Humidex of about 26 I believe I heard.
SIGH. I called Scott to come get me when I was done so I could avoid the climb up the hill to home. He brought water; good man.
A little lay down and feeling much better now. Not nearly as bad as the 27 km Greenspace run in SJ, not nearly as bad as the 22 km run at Shortts Lake last week. Thinking it might be the weather.
Now to reorganise the schedule for the rest of the week SIGH.
This morning I did the Sunday LSD of 26 km. Im only 2 days off. SIGH. How am I going to get the rest of the runs in? I dunno.
So the route was just a big ol loop and I didnt really try to find loads of hills but I didnt avoid them either (this is Truro) It was pretty boring and Im glad I had some music.
Garmin screamed LOw Battery at me as soon as I turned it on but it lasted over 2.5 hours and got me to almost 24 km so I cant complain I suppose. I stopped when I figured 26 km had been reached and estimated a time.
Hips pained off and on.
Took some Gatorade and Jelly Beans at 7 km and had an Apple Cereal Bar at 14 km. Took some money to get more water but didnt go get it; figured I had enough as temps were cooler and it was mostly cloudy. Wish I had gotten some as I got very thirsty in the last 10 km and finished the gatorade with 7 to go. Sun started coming out at 18 km but remained mostly cloudy til I was almost done. About 20 C with Humidex of about 26 I believe I heard.
SIGH. I called Scott to come get me when I was done so I could avoid the climb up the hill to home. He brought water; good man.
A little lay down and feeling much better now. Not nearly as bad as the 27 km Greenspace run in SJ, not nearly as bad as the 22 km run at Shortts Lake last week. Thinking it might be the weather.
Now to reorganise the schedule for the rest of the week SIGH.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Digby Scallop Days 5 km Fun Run
We were in Digby this past weekend for the Digby Scallop Days so we decided to go to the Fun Run; It actually wasnt that easy, we were awake late the night before with a bonfire on the beach and accompanying beverages, had to be up early that morning because no one was registered, and it was hard to wake the kids. Holly wanted to go and run the run with Lane but she would not wake up and apparently did not wake for a few more hours after we left lol Taylor came to take photos and Leanne and Lane and I ran the 5 k run in 2 loops around Digby.
Leanne and Lane coming to the midway point; they stopped as neither had trained for this event at all ;)
Coming up to the finish I was trying hard to gain some ground on the woman in front of me but she had really long legs :)
Going through the finish past the princesses :) Finished the 5th km in 27:10 minutes (5:08 minutes) total Race 27:18 (30 m over ish) Its been ages since I have done a 5 km Race but this would be my best time. I wonder how good it would have been if the route had been flat? ;)
We go around a corner and then begin climbing the first of a few hills :) It was a long, gradual hill. Did I mention long?
First km done in 5:25 minutes. Second in 10:38 (5:13 minutes for km 2.)
Just under 13 minutes there.
Had a Downhill around 1.75 km but then up and down to the half way. Then we do the lap again.
3rd km was done in 16:21 (5:44 minutes; starting to lose a little time. Had some of the hill in it)
4rth km in 22:01 (5:40 minutes; more hill.)
There were lots of draw prizes at the end which we won none of, no age-group prizes for my age group apparently LOl but a lot of fun had and it was a nice way to see Digby on foot :):):) Definitely have this on my list for next year!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Fairly Uneventful 10 km run
I reallllly need to consider getting out running earlier. It seems no matter when I think I am going to go running, Im later and it gets hot SIGH. I didnt get out today until almost 10 am and it was HOT. Humidity in high 80's low 90's and it was about "feels like" 32 C. HOT. And I didnt take water and was thirsty by about 7 km.
BUT it's done and it wasnt bad; I missed a hill workout yesterday and did a route today with some hills in it. It's not the same but I can't really catch up tomorrow; 5 km Race on Saturday in Digby :) I might get a short run in tomorrow morning but Im not counting on it.
10 km in 1:06:14 including a warm up and cool down and 4 significant hills at increased effort. Took extra walk breaks because of the heat. LOADS of hills.
BUT it's done and it wasnt bad; I missed a hill workout yesterday and did a route today with some hills in it. It's not the same but I can't really catch up tomorrow; 5 km Race on Saturday in Digby :) I might get a short run in tomorrow morning but Im not counting on it.
10 km in 1:06:14 including a warm up and cool down and 4 significant hills at increased effort. Took extra walk breaks because of the heat. LOADS of hills.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Back to "serious" running
Or something to that effect. Not that I take any of it very seriously. Today is an example of how easy it is to be derailed.
Yesterday I was totally on schedule, getting out in the morning to run my 6 km/4mi tempo run and doing it ok with hills and all, 40:18 minutes for 6.4 km. km warm up and cool down and 4.4 km hard running. It was good.
Came home VERY sweaty and nasty, lol and Taylor comes upstairs and says Washing Machine gone crazy and water all over the floor in the basement. Sure enough, there was water everywhere, but after attempting to sop it up, realised it wasnt stopping and investigated; hot water heater leaking from every corner. Shut water off, mopping up and calling plumber, noticed black cat (16 year old black cat) was missing, but in the mess didnt really have a chance to fret; power went out so no lights in basement, clothesline fell down so clothes full of ants. Yesterday was too much.
after a sleepless night, full of thunder and listening for a cat who has been missing for 2 nights by now, just didnt have it in me to go do my hills workout in the pouring rain and thunder left over. And as of right now, its still pouring and thundering half an hour ago. I would like to still go tonight but Im not holding out hope and in my exhausted state, I dont care. Off the rails. But Its still a good week! Tomorrow I can do my hills workout.
Keeping on to the marathon...
Yesterday I was totally on schedule, getting out in the morning to run my 6 km/4mi tempo run and doing it ok with hills and all, 40:18 minutes for 6.4 km. km warm up and cool down and 4.4 km hard running. It was good.
Came home VERY sweaty and nasty, lol and Taylor comes upstairs and says Washing Machine gone crazy and water all over the floor in the basement. Sure enough, there was water everywhere, but after attempting to sop it up, realised it wasnt stopping and investigated; hot water heater leaking from every corner. Shut water off, mopping up and calling plumber, noticed black cat (16 year old black cat) was missing, but in the mess didnt really have a chance to fret; power went out so no lights in basement, clothesline fell down so clothes full of ants. Yesterday was too much.
after a sleepless night, full of thunder and listening for a cat who has been missing for 2 nights by now, just didnt have it in me to go do my hills workout in the pouring rain and thunder left over. And as of right now, its still pouring and thundering half an hour ago. I would like to still go tonight but Im not holding out hope and in my exhausted state, I dont care. Off the rails. But Its still a good week! Tomorrow I can do my hills workout.
Keeping on to the marathon...
2nd Annual Beer Mile

Ive never done a Beer Mile before. I'd only heard of such a thing. But our running club did one last year and had the second this year :) And I kind of thought I would go, as it sounded like tonnes of fun :) Thing was, I was doubtful I could drink 4 beers and run 4 laps of a quarter mile each. Let alone, do it quickly. Either way, I showed up to do it with a couple of friends to "support" but not run. It was awesome to have them there :) Beer Miles are a worldwide thing, done with some loose rules and humerous results. http://www.beermile.com/
At the start, this motley crew was brave and boastful. Ok some of them were. Some were quaking. I was quaking. I was seriously doubtful of being able to drink all that beer. That was a lot of beer.
Note the 2 women. Me and another. Lavinia was a sport to make an attempt at this fun. We were in support of each other lol us against the men!
The idea was when someone said go, we all opened a beer and started drinking. When we were finished it, we run a lap that was 400 meters around a grass field. Wobbly footing made it even more fun.
The finishers, no worse for wear :) The wig guy was second place :) imagine! And he says he doesnt run, just plays soccer.

It's nice to run something just for fun once in a while, and although this year has had a few funny silly runs, this has to top them all! we enjoyed some social time afterwards, and seriously this was not that hard. I do think, having done it now, I could have done it faster and might next year. Was being careful; might be more wreckless next year lol.
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