Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Almost Famous?

I answered a blog call a few weeks ago and was contacted recently; re: running my first marathon. There is this fit lady, Melinda Hinson Neely, with a together website and blog, sharing info, tips, recipes, and anything else you can imagine about fitness, writing a book about First Marathons and training/preparing.  And she was to feature a few first timers in it. Hey Im one of those first timers, so I answered the call and so many people did, the direction of the book may change so that many of us can be included with our stories!  And Im one of those many!  LOL the post can be viewed HERE: for interest to see those of us to be featured at least a little bit in the book; there are some who will be featured in more in depth who seem to have slightly more unique stories (I guess) and wither way I might get some of my story in the book!  Because after all, if I can pull off this marathon, anyone can.  ANYONE. lol. 

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