Attempted early sleep the night before which was difficult because I couldnt sleep. SIGH. Why do I try?
Was up early in morning and had coffee/breakfast in a relative non-rush with preps night before and being up early. Even showered. Bathroom upsets made us slightly later but we had planned to be early so it was good. Met the girls and headed off to New Glasgow
We found parking which was different because the start of the race was on the other side of the river than usual; not at the park but on a downtown street. Lots of portapotties and lines were not really bad although I was shocked at the number of people who either butted in line or just made themselves a new one; and then there were the 5 k runners who pushed to the front despite the fact that they left 10 minutes later than the Full/Half/10 K runners (there were so many of them!)
So we had our potty stop and headed for the start. I really would have loved a last minute pee but I didnt get it. lol I have a theory if I go 3 times I will be empty and wont have to stop. This one shot deal wasnt in my plan. Luckily it all worked out because despite being sure I had to pee at the start, I did the entire race without one stop at the many potties along the route (it was reassuring they were there, however, knowing the bushes were not my only option had I had to go. MANY people there.)
We waited in line and SCOTT took off with our coats and bags and camera (ugh yes camera - no pre race photos) and my pace bracelet that I took the time to seal in packing tape so it would not sweat off....SIGH. lol.
Started quite fast as usual and it took me awhile to settle into a reasonable pace (8 km!) which likely bit me later with a couple of slower km. Finally sorted out how the Garmin would keep track of my run By Km which I love :):):) I can tell where I was too fast and where too slow but I remember so little it kind of leaves me wondering Why? lol.
The sun came out fairly early on and it was quite steamy. At most of the water stops I had water and poured what was left of my cup on my head. That was super nice. Felt kind of tired at 4 miles but that passed and really didnt come back. Seriously felt pretty good throughout the entire race. Time goal of under 2:10 was in my reach! LOL Up the paved road, very crowded and did the usual up over the curb to avoid this dumbass or across the pylons to avoid that stupidbugger who stopped right in front.
Turned on to the trail which I LOVE because the footing is good and there was shade :) It was hot, despite what certain spectators said. Loved the trail but for the detour. There was a detour. The trail was being worked on, and there was a detour up a HILL and I mean a steeeeeep hill onto a parking lot and around a washed out culvert maybe? It was loose gravel and STEEP and really unpleasant. Gee we only had to do it 2 times!
Shortly after that met Scott and he was taking photos and offering snacks (didnt have them there). He had a good spot because it was uncrowded and he could walk up across the trail up onto the street and met me at about half way ;)
I kept picking people in front of me to pass; reel them in then pick someone else; of course at the start they were a lot of 10 K runners who might have been going a little faster than someone doing 2 times that distance might have been. Either way its totally a mental bonus to be able to pass people along the way and not only be passed by everyone. Which happened sometimes too :):)
So we went under the bridge and along the trail to the road; last year this road would have looped around a street up and down a hill but this year due to the changed start/finish line, they had us go up the street and had a turn around which we hate but got over, having to do it 2 times.
Back down the street, through the usual half way point at the park, where the 10 K runners finally peeled off, and onto the second loop of the run. Met Scott, had my half an oatmeal bar, a drink of yogurt, and off again up the hill. Ugh spent almost 5 minutes swallowing that oatmeal bar hahahahah. and on a hill! lol
Second time around much the same as the first. Loving the trail, not so much the road OH yeah there was construction on the road by the highway so we ran over pot holes and loose gravel and puddles and mud. Blech.
On the trail second time I saw Brian and he took some photos and I was sure...I could see Sarah in the distance. It was about 17 km into the run. Right at the start I lost sight of everyone and just had a vague idea that Sarah was ahead somewhere and Margie and Coralee were somewhere behind. But we do run our own races.
Broken down by km
km 1 - 5:50/5:50
km 2 - 11:29/5:38
km 3 - 17:34/6:06 trying to convince myself to slow down here ;)
km 4 - 23:27/5:53
km 5 - 29:11/5:44
km 6 - 35:15/6:04
km 7 - 41:14/5:59 settling a bit into a stride
km 8 - 47:16/6:02
km 9 - 53:18/6:03km 10 - 59:25/6:07 (check out that 10 K time - a little fast lol)
km 11 - 1:05:52/6:27 through half way point a little slowed by what? not sure. Was pretty hot.
km 12 - 1:11:52/5:59 better
km 13 - 1:18:23/6:31 gulp
km 14 - 1:24:38/6:15km 15 - 1:30:29/5:51
km 16 - 1:36:43/6:14
km 17 - 1:43:16/6:34 ran into Sarah on this km.
km 18 - 1:50:19/7:02 some walking to make sure she kept going
km 19 - 1:56:48/6:30
km 20 - 2:03:36/6:48 hills
km 21 - 2:08:54/5:33 strong finish. My garmin must be different from the race measure because I came up 50 m short of 21 km, not 21.1 but Im sure they measure carefully, being a Boston qualifier and all.
Finally caught us in one spot for a End of the race photo :):):) We all look like awesome Half Marathon runners!!!
So this is likely one of my best runs yet; timewise anyway (hard to beat Vegas) but it was a good idea of how the Marathon might go IF prepared properly and trained right :):)
Taking a bit of an easy week and then hopping into marathon training WHILE still yet running a few summer races and having a life.
1 comment:
Way to go on achieving another personal best Terri Lynn! You continue to amaze me with your commitment to the sport!
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