It wasnt bad, but a couple of things concern me.
I was tired. Im still tired. I think I might be working off a teensy cold, but more annoying, Scott brought me lilies which sounds very very nice, a great big vase full of my fav flowers in my fav colours.
I've some aches and pains Im not loving :) I have pain in the OUTSIDE of my hip now (not inside where it's always been) and it runs down to my knee. SIGH. I only have to get throught this one week and then I can rest.
im counting on the taper to cure everything. Im not completely confident that will happen.
Ive started the weather watch; I think it is supposed to rain next Sunday. BRR. October and Rain is really unpleasant. But I hate wind more; I hate running in the wind and the wind has been blowing for weeks! NS is in it's windy season now. Not that the wind ever stops blowing here.
Anyway off to run now, got a Cross Country practice at the park and I have a little run to get in as well :):)
Weather for ch'town
Cloudy. Low 7. High 10.
But it's early yet....
I see RAIN. A lot of Rain. Loads of rain. Oh and wind. Let's not forget the wind. 5 hours of running in rain and wind. LOVELY Sunday plan don't you think?
I want to check out your weather forecast. Where are you looking?
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