Oh ugh. Windy. And it didnt bother me last time; bothered me today. could not catch my breath until I got into some shelter (houses) and then just tired. LIkely sabotaged myself; instead of going this morning I visited and had coffee with Gill then toast and peanut butter with Beth and then tried to run in wind. Really tired now; have not even stretched yet.
Garmin says 7.81 km; Im not picky, was only supposed to do 6.4 but I lost my key and I had to go back for it; cant drive without a key. It was around 55 minutes; time not that accurate due to some stops and going back to get key.
Registered for the Bluenose Chronicle Herald 10 K Run in Halifax in Mid May. Yikes.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Day 31 of 84
Dont get excited, that is not a run. Today is 2 mile run OR cross train so I went for an 18.2 km bike ride; and the gym for weight training. Im kinda feeling a little rubbery right now.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Day 29/30 of 84
Monday was a stretch and strengthen day. So worked bottom body parts at gym and then took a relaxing yoga class - tonnes of stretching; my back felt great this morning.
Tuesday was a 4 mile run. Today heated up and maybe more walk breaks are needed? lol felt like death at some points. SIGH. 6.7 km in 45 minutes 21 seconds. Speeds are coming up.
Tuesday was a 4 mile run. Today heated up and maybe more walk breaks are needed? lol felt like death at some points. SIGH. 6.7 km in 45 minutes 21 seconds. Speeds are coming up.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Day 28
The end of the fourth week in this 12 week training program called for another 5 mile/8 km run. After the success I had last week I was sure this would be a pleasant venture.
Not so much.
I woke up sore from yesterday's workout and then sitting long hours on those hard small plastic chairs at the swim meet. And a little cranky. And still thinking a nice long slow run was just what I needed.
Started out ok; walked almost a km then started a nice comfortable run; up the first set of hills (about 2 km of nice gradual climb) and then back down into the little Valley; up and out and onto the main street where it was still nice. Went up a different street to stretch my 4 mile route into a 5 mile route; it was long and straight and boring. And deceivingly hilly.
Then there was a nice downhill that went on for quite awhile and that was where I first felt it...pressure in my belly. Figured I needed to pee...what a pain. Down at the bottom and into the last km - nausea. Wondered if I was running to hard. And not feeling energetic. More like Get this over with. Fast.
So walked back up the hill to my house and by this time was sure there were pains in my belly that had nothing to do with needing to pee. Cramps. Sharper pains. Nausea.
Bathroom required.
Did the stretching routine quick and had a bath and feeling better now but very tired and needing of water.
8 km run - 56:17 minutes.
Not so much.
I woke up sore from yesterday's workout and then sitting long hours on those hard small plastic chairs at the swim meet. And a little cranky. And still thinking a nice long slow run was just what I needed.
Started out ok; walked almost a km then started a nice comfortable run; up the first set of hills (about 2 km of nice gradual climb) and then back down into the little Valley; up and out and onto the main street where it was still nice. Went up a different street to stretch my 4 mile route into a 5 mile route; it was long and straight and boring. And deceivingly hilly.
Then there was a nice downhill that went on for quite awhile and that was where I first felt it...pressure in my belly. Figured I needed to pee...what a pain. Down at the bottom and into the last km - nausea. Wondered if I was running to hard. And not feeling energetic. More like Get this over with. Fast.
So walked back up the hill to my house and by this time was sure there were pains in my belly that had nothing to do with needing to pee. Cramps. Sharper pains. Nausea.
Bathroom required.
Did the stretching routine quick and had a bath and feeling better now but very tired and needing of water.
8 km run - 56:17 minutes.
Day 26/27 of 84
Friday (26) was Rest Day; Did little all day then played a game of Ball Hockey in the evening.
Saturday was cross train/strength train day; didnt really get the cross training in but can we count the Ball Hockey game? that's a lot of running!
Strength training - worked out at the gym with free weights - arms and a little core.
Saturday was cross train/strength train day; didnt really get the cross training in but can we count the Ball Hockey game? that's a lot of running!
Strength training - worked out at the gym with free weights - arms and a little core.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Day 25 of 84
3.5 miles tonight done very well despite a headwind strong enough with gusts to push me into the road a few times. Actually did 5.73 km in 37:22 minutes; faster than previous 3.5 mile times. Yay. Not sure what the difference was since it was very windy and not very nice.
Ran to the arena and had Ball Hockey practice; considered a little cross training lol although gotta say didnt put a lot of effort into it :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Day 24 of 84
Could have run 2 miles today or done cross training; since it was raining cats and dogs, I picked the cross training today. Only did 25 minutes of eliptical and then crunches X 100. Then it was time to go home from the gym ;)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Day 23 of 84
3.5 miles today ; Im not sure that I shouldnt have rested after the long run yesterday; but Im kinda smooshing a day in the program after not doing anything Sunday. Getting back on track or something.
Tried to keep the pace up; not finding Im winded at all on most runs so Im thinking Im not pushing myself hard enough but I just end up with aching ankles and hips.
Disappointed with the 5 K time of 34 minutes. That's as bad as my worst and first time last spring. Came in the 5.6 km at 38 minutes 2 seconds. A lot of up hill at the end but I should be used to that.
Maybe just too much after yesterday?
Going to do some stretching at Yoga tonight and then some strength training (or the other way around).
ETA that map is backwards lol I was just trying to figure out why the elevations were so wrong but its because I mapped it out backwards and there was actually FAR more up hill than down hill in that run!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Day 21/22 of 84
Getting there! 1/4 done!
Ok So Sunday turned into mostly a rest day. No stars aligned and made a run appealing. No time, no person to watch kids...
Did however go to ballhockey practice and did lots of running there; so not a completely inactive day.
Today (day 22) was long run day again. 5 miles/8 km. Did a loop I did with Chris C last fall that involved a lot of hill. That may not have been so wise; 3 km of uphill SUCKED! But the stretching out and getting the knots out on the way back down was really nice. Ankles ACHING but felt better after some down hill.
8.3 km in 59:12 minutes.
Ok So Sunday turned into mostly a rest day. No stars aligned and made a run appealing. No time, no person to watch kids...
Did however go to ballhockey practice and did lots of running there; so not a completely inactive day.
Today (day 22) was long run day again. 5 miles/8 km. Did a loop I did with Chris C last fall that involved a lot of hill. That may not have been so wise; 3 km of uphill SUCKED! But the stretching out and getting the knots out on the way back down was really nice. Ankles ACHING but felt better after some down hill.
8.3 km in 59:12 minutes.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Day 20 of 84
Saturday = Crosstraining day. Which could be almost anything. this week it was 2 hockey games 1 hour apart. And what a butt whooping. lol I certainly got my skating in...lots of cardio! Lots of puck chasing. And a fair amount of time spent on my ass. I do think I covered cross training.
Tired Sunday (day 21 = 5 mile run). After long drive home and anticipating a ball hockey practice tonight, unsure of what is going to happen here.
Tired Sunday (day 21 = 5 mile run). After long drive home and anticipating a ball hockey practice tonight, unsure of what is going to happen here.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Day 18/19 of 84
Yesterday again was too busy for a 3.5 mile run (actually didnt do anything other than work and drive the kids around all stinking day!) So yesterday was designated rest day and today became 3.5 mile day which became actually 6.56 km in 45:56 minutes. I misjudged the distance badly and kept running because I didnt really care lol. It didnt feel too bad but I have a few achey spots tonight, including hips and back. the weather was very nice although chilly starting out at about -2. It was bright and sunny and I didnt overheat. I did waste about 2.5 minutes trying to tell some out of towners how to get to the catholic church. Why would these ladies pass all the walking people and stop the one person who was sweating and straining and running, and make that person stand on the cold sidewalk in the wind shivering? Sheesh.
I wonder if they found the church.
tomorrow is cross training day and I think the games of hockey will cover that. Sunday is 5 mile/8km run. If I can map a route in Sydney CB where I am spending the weekend.
ETA well yesterday wasnt a total wash, I did do an hour long ball hockey practice and that was an activity.
Just played a hockey game (Friday night) and although we got a butt kicking, we did exercise and we learned a lot and remembered how to be playin hockey :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Day 17 of 84
2 mile run today. could have done cross training and likely should have lol.
went to the gym this afternoon, worked out arms and legs and back. It takes a long time lol. After picking up the kids I went running at home (kids here) and ran up and down my road. 2.5 times. Its 0.65 km one way. Running from the bottom end to the top (up hill all the way) and then top to bottom (down hill all the way) 2 times, then back up 0.4 and back down 0.4 (waving to Annika in the driveway each time) never more than .4 away from the house; was quite a workout. Nice elevation there lol.
3.2 km in 22:50 minutes. Not a super good time but it WAS half hill.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Day 16 of 84
Despite morning dizziness I pulled it together and did the 3.5 miles required for today's run. Not a huge fan of the route; dont like out and backs, and that's a busy road.
Before leaving I did the Runners World series on Never Get Hurt warm up exercises hahaha and I hope if I am consistent with that I will have better runs. It was a good warm up. I still get a lot of hip pain when running over 5 km.
Not a bad run. Likely could have gone further but not as "nice" as last Friday's run.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Day 15 of 84
was supposed to be stretch and strengthen. But everything was missed on the weekend and I wouldnt say last week went all that well either.
On Friday my run was awesome; great weather, flat road course, it was a good run and actually, gave me some hope that with some walking I could actually DO a half marathon lol.
Went to the gym today; did 2 miles on the treadmill at a fairly fast pace and at varying inclines. Then did workout; arms, back, some legs. And some stretching (not nearly enough but I didnt have my long run yesterday.)
Tomorrow is 3.5 miles and hopefully it will be run outside.
On Friday my run was awesome; great weather, flat road course, it was a good run and actually, gave me some hope that with some walking I could actually DO a half marathon lol.
Went to the gym today; did 2 miles on the treadmill at a fairly fast pace and at varying inclines. Then did workout; arms, back, some legs. And some stretching (not nearly enough but I didnt have my long run yesterday.)
Tomorrow is 3.5 miles and hopefully it will be run outside.
Bad Runner. BADDDDD runner.
Days 13/14 of the running program have been a Complete write off. Completely. Getting up at dawn and running to hockey games an hour away and not getting back til bed time; Easter Sunday and then more hockey games and home and cold rain, snow, misery.
No running to be had over the weekend.
Which is really why I did the long run on Friday. Even tho I was off schedule and behind; it still seemed more important to get some sort of a long run in on Friday rather than leaving it, knowing the snow/rain and hockey weekend would get the better of me.
So, Supposed to be starting week 3 today. and it is SNOWING. I am going to get to the gym which will be packed. I am also going to clean my house, check out the Wii Fit for Core programs, and attempt a short run? Weather dependent. I just dont want to run in the snow. Im OVER WINTER. GIVE ME SPRING!
No running to be had over the weekend.
Which is really why I did the long run on Friday. Even tho I was off schedule and behind; it still seemed more important to get some sort of a long run in on Friday rather than leaving it, knowing the snow/rain and hockey weekend would get the better of me.
So, Supposed to be starting week 3 today. and it is SNOWING. I am going to get to the gym which will be packed. I am also going to clean my house, check out the Wii Fit for Core programs, and attempt a short run? Weather dependent. I just dont want to run in the snow. Im OVER WINTER. GIVE ME SPRING!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Day 11/12 of 84
Ugh. Never stay on schedule. Thursday was supposed to be a 3 mile day with strength training and I didnt make it to gym; went easter shopping instead. Did go for a really short run with T and K and E and did the walk/run thing; newbies ;)
Friday got up and ran to town. Was going to go to gym but remembered part way there that this is not Saturday, its' Good Friday and therefore gym wasnt open but it was an AMAZING day for a run. Ended up running 6.55 km in about 45 minutes although at the end the time was messed up because I waited for a train and I talked to Scott and the kids.
After our run we ate fast then met friends and dogs for a walk in Debert and a little Geocache hunt. The kids were thrilled with their little prizes and the dogs loved their walk. We walked 4.4 km in about 1:25 with some pretty rough land and some ice and snow. It was an amazing weather day. Make up for the busy, crappy weather weekend ahead.
Saturday I will try to make it to the gym after being in HFX all day with Holly. If I dont make it, no biggie; I should be doing some gym training but I also cant skip kid stuff and I did run long today.
Sunday is long run which was done today if I should happen to not make it. Its easter.

Friday got up and ran to town. Was going to go to gym but remembered part way there that this is not Saturday, its' Good Friday and therefore gym wasnt open but it was an AMAZING day for a run. Ended up running 6.55 km in about 45 minutes although at the end the time was messed up because I waited for a train and I talked to Scott and the kids.
After our run we ate fast then met friends and dogs for a walk in Debert and a little Geocache hunt. The kids were thrilled with their little prizes and the dogs loved their walk. We walked 4.4 km in about 1:25 with some pretty rough land and some ice and snow. It was an amazing weather day. Make up for the busy, crappy weather weekend ahead.
Saturday I will try to make it to the gym after being in HFX all day with Holly. If I dont make it, no biggie; I should be doing some gym training but I also cant skip kid stuff and I did run long today.
Sunday is long run which was done today if I should happen to not make it. Its easter.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Day 10 of 84
Weather cleared up nicely for a 3 mile run today; ran with Sarah from her place up up up Harmony Road which I must mention is 1 straight km of HILL. Up. All the way up. Ugh. and then we tried to run up Barry Av too. So I figure the hills count for a little distance. OK Im feeling guilty about cutting the distance a bit. Not three miles.
Tomorrow I will make up for it by running with Taylor and doing my own run; and I will try to get to the gym.
Tomorrow I will make up for it by running with Taylor and doing my own run; and I will try to get to the gym.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Day 9 of 84
Crappy crappy weather today; much rain, much wind, much nasty.
So rather than the 3 mile run today I did tomorrow's 2 mile run on the treadmill. And tomorrow I will do the 3 mile run outside. I just dont see doing more than 2 miles on the treadmill...its so boring and my ankle hurts!!
It wasnt a bad run on the treadmill...it was so very hot in the gym tho, I was sweating and it was disgusting. But its done. I did stretch and do some hip ab and adductor reps and that was it.
Im researching a few exercises; a Never Get Hurt routine, hip strengthening routine, and a core exercises routine. Need to develop some of these. :)
So rather than the 3 mile run today I did tomorrow's 2 mile run on the treadmill. And tomorrow I will do the 3 mile run outside. I just dont see doing more than 2 miles on the treadmill...its so boring and my ankle hurts!!
It wasnt a bad run on the treadmill...it was so very hot in the gym tho, I was sweating and it was disgusting. But its done. I did stretch and do some hip ab and adductor reps and that was it.
Im researching a few exercises; a Never Get Hurt routine, hip strengthening routine, and a core exercises routine. Need to develop some of these. :)
Monday, April 6, 2009
day 7/8 of 84
OK I admit it, on my Sunday Supposed to Cross Train I did nothing. Nothing. Nada. Just tireddddd and cold and damp and it was raining and misery. So I did nothing.
Im concerned that Im already bucking the program and its only the first week.
So tonight after spending the day in Halifax I went to the gym and did 25 ish minutes on the eliptical machine (before damned thing turned off...time limits stupid) and then did arms, a little legs, and back on the machines. I actually think that went pretty well. Did a little extra stretching.
Then I picked Taylor up and went to soccer. We tied.
I think I did some adequate training tonight.
Tomorrow is a 3 mile run. Fun. Might get to go with Lavinia. Might not if its raining like it is supposed to. Not sure about 3 miles on a treadmill.....ugly.
Im concerned that Im already bucking the program and its only the first week.
So tonight after spending the day in Halifax I went to the gym and did 25 ish minutes on the eliptical machine (before damned thing turned off...time limits stupid) and then did arms, a little legs, and back on the machines. I actually think that went pretty well. Did a little extra stretching.
Then I picked Taylor up and went to soccer. We tied.
I think I did some adequate training tonight.
Tomorrow is a 3 mile run. Fun. Might get to go with Lavinia. Might not if its raining like it is supposed to. Not sure about 3 miles on a treadmill.....ugly.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Day 6 of 84
Today was supposed to be a cross training day but I again adjusted lol based on the weather forecast; today was raining and warm, tomorrow is supposed to be raining and cold so I did decide to go for my long run today rather than waiting and being stuck. I did the 4 mile loop on Valleydale Road which was Exactly 4 miles AWESOME and it was good; a lot of uphill on the way out and a lot of downhill on the way back. My hips Ached on the way home; better look for some hip strengthening exercises before they fall apart. But it was an awesome run, very enjoyable.
So cross training tomorrow, and this will be done at the gym; may also make it to a pick up hockey game in Tatamagouche tomorrow afternoon. Then a shorter run on Monday.
So cross training tomorrow, and this will be done at the gym; may also make it to a pick up hockey game in Tatamagouche tomorrow afternoon. Then a shorter run on Monday.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Day 5 of 84
Ooops. Garmin malfunction and I didnt know how far I went for first section; went 4.76 km in 35.07 minutes once it was working. Was supposed to only go 4.8 km in total (3 miles) but actually ended up going 3.7 miles or 5.95 km. The good news? I didnnt feel bad at all at the end. When I stopped, I didnt feel winded or tired, just a little achey at the hips and ankles. SIGH. It may be time to use new sneakers.
After the run I went into the gym and did some arm and shoulder and back weights. Think I am going to do Wii Fit core training starting tomorrow morning before I go to the gym. Tomorrow is cross training so I am going to bike to the gym :)
Day 4 of 84
Yup totally copped out already; I switched Friday's rest day with Thursdays 3 miles and strength training; Thursday was just SO busy and Friday was just so...not. Worked hard Thursday to finish some things up and now Friday after a meeting is so clear. Not that Im any less tired; I was totally dragging butt yesterday; but adrenaline might get me through today and a nap before going out tonight will really help the consciousness potentials. :) So Day 4 I did nothing but walk up the road with the kids. OH and worked. But Friday...will be a hard workout day :)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Day 3 of 84
Don't know how long I can keep this up! Its hard to find this much time in a day ;) let alone every day.
Only ran 3.21 km today (2 miles) but I was in a total time crunch to get kids picked up from school, and I tried to make it too fast. It felt like a much longer run that it actually was.
3 miles tomorrow.
Only ran 3.21 km today (2 miles) but I was in a total time crunch to get kids picked up from school, and I tried to make it too fast. It felt like a much longer run that it actually was.
3 miles tomorrow.
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