OK so its been a pretty dismal workout log since Vegas. After the trip and the run I totally concentrated on finishing up some work and getting ready for Christmas. I didnt do a single thing as far as working out and running. Just cant wrap my mind around it all. Sometimes I needed the physical activity to feel better but just wouldnt take the time to do it.
Yesterday (27th) I did get back out for a run. It wasnt anything special just 4 miles of comfortable running. Just keep going until spring and real training begins.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Rock N Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon Race :)
Only taking a week to get this done; not very photo heavy because there was no one there to take photos :) the ones the photographers took were great but way too expensive. Even for this once in a lifetime chance.
This is the first time the RnR people did the Vegas run and consensus was they did a good job despite the complaints I heard AND the freaking long long wait to get going.
The Race Expo was awesome. The dinner...was ok. But the expo had tonnes of stuff to see and do and we only saw a bit of it despite going the day it opened when there were fewer people there. It was a long walk from our room (albeit all inside hehe.)
We got up at about 430 am to get ready. The night before we did the gear checks and pinned bibs on and got mostly ready; Ive never been so ready. I got up and the first thing I did was go get coffee. I need to start with coffee. Got to get things moving ;) The lobby was absolutely full of runners. I know I had seen a lot of them around but this was like they were all there waiting to get going. Some were actually running. I was in jammies getting coffee hehe.
So we did get presentable looking and climbed into more or less appropriate running clothes, we were not really dressed for the weather as I really was not expecting to be running at 0 C! In Vegas! It was COLD. I wore shorts and a tank top and a long sleeved shirt; I also had a fleece coat I could "toss away" when finally warmed up as there no one to grab stuff. I tossed a pair of gloves too; I hate running with hot hands haha. I wore the Canada running hat Scott got for me to wear; bright red is hard to miss ;) CHILL.
We didnt check any bags at the bag check but carried all we needed; we walked to the race start getting there in plenty of time and at this time we
were a little confused about where we should go; there were lines for the bag drop off and on the other side, over a bank, behind the portapotties, there were corrals set up. We were supposed to be in corral 17 but this confusion left people wandering and it was obvious as soon as the race started that people were not where they should be, as they were totally walking from the start. SIGH.
The gun went off and there were fireworks for a good 15 minutes which was nice but it was dark and it was cold and we waited for our chance to go for like 45 minutes! By the time we went we were cold and stiff and not well warmed up. And it was the slowest start ever! Once we got to the start and began jogging we had to pass many many people who were jogging and walking and TEXTING yes texting or even talking on Cell phones. Although it was nice to be passing people it was also frustrating and we spent a lot of time running up on the edges of the road or diving to avoid people who stopped in the middle of the road to text or rest. It was like this the entire 21.1 km. Honestly. Great mentally to be passing people all the way but very frustrating to be passing people all the way. that is why they set people up in corrals; to avoid the start stop confusion. I didnt love that.
The route took us out of town for a bit (desert running; very cool) and then back up the strip; this was awesome. Even with the passing and texting ;) Always something awesome to see. The water stops were out of water very quickly and people totally rude about crossing in front and stopping to drink RIGHT in front rather than moving off to a side.
Because of this I dont think I stopped for water/Cytomax (sport drink) often enough. Was pretty nauseous later. I also didnt have anything to eat; no Jelly beans or anything just a bite of fruit bar and that didnt go down so well. I really like something in my stomach to settle it and that added to the nausea felt later. I dont mind pushing it to get a better time but I should have also added some food during that running part. LOL Missed my oatmeal bar.
Past the strip (and that tower -

Annie really encouraged me through the last 3 miles or so; it was awesome to have someone to run with; she set a good pace for the end (even tho I know I held her back) and helped me get to the end still running hard; with a time that was 7 minutes faster than my previous best! at 2:17 dead on, we were in the top half of the race!
17880 finishers

11356 of those female :)
I was 7305 overall...
3579 of the women...
Ill break it down when my Garmin is near ;)
After the finish we kept moving; picked up the medal ITS AN AWESOME MEDAL and moved on to the food area where rock hard bagels and an assortment of snacks were offered up PLUS water thank goodness lol and then we kept moving to the hotel and back to our room. We showered and slept for a bit before heading for the hot tub downstairs. All in all didnt feel toooo bad.
It was an awesome race and an awesome experience and I was really lucky to be able to go thanks to the help of Scott and some good friends :) and Lucky to experience it wish Annie who continues to be a wonderful friend despite 8 years passing since we last saw each other. Im already looking forward to the next time :):)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Before the Rock n Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon
After a long run of 12.8 km on Monday I didnt run again until Thursday, before leaving for Las Vegas. It was dark and cool in the morning when I went and it was nice although running those roads in the dark isnt my favorite thing to do. 4.9 nice slow km and I was ready to go! Everything packed up and in the car, work finished, off to Vegas!
Trip was stressful because of the unfamiliar nature of flying standby which Im now familiar with lol I snoozed a little on the second flight, and by the time I landed in Vegas it was almost 11 their time which is almost 3 am our time; awake for alomst 24 hours and really tired.
What an exciting city; I couldnt sleep at all for ages. Annie was out so I took some photos out the room window and went to bed; only because I was sure I wuld feel awful the next day if I did not.
Morning got up and Went for coffee at about 630 Vegas time. Was good. Annie wasnt feeling well so I went for a run at about 8 to loosen up and stretch. Again just easy running, 5.6 km at a really easy pace. I didnt know my way around so I tried to keep things in sight like familiar landmarks (hotel, MGM Grand, mountains on the same side...) and I didnt get lost. I crossed a few over the street walkways and circled the Block our hotel was on (5.6 km...big block) went around the Excalibur, the Luxor, and Mandalay Bay. At one point the city kinda ended and it was like running in desert. It was beautiful, not too hot, and absolutely awesome for running. Couldnt wait for the half to come! Decided to rest HAHA til then.
That afternoon Annie felt better so we went for a walk through the hotels; we could go through 3 without going outside; we shopped a little and then went to the Race expo (so walked that way twice) which is a lot of walking lol
Race Expo was really excellent with loads of stuff to see and buy. I wanted to buy a sweater like Annie's at Adidas but they were all gone by the time I went there. And there wasnt anything at the expo I could afford. Ok I didnt look hard enough either ;) It was late and we had to leave.
Next day was Saturday and instead of resting we went walking around lol. It was really nice. We went to Adidas and we went to the M and M World and bought candy; Got some facial stuff at Lush and at the least had an early evening.
Race on Sunday morning EARLY!
Trip was stressful because of the unfamiliar nature of flying standby which Im now familiar with lol I snoozed a little on the second flight, and by the time I landed in Vegas it was almost 11 their time which is almost 3 am our time; awake for alomst 24 hours and really tired.
What an exciting city; I couldnt sleep at all for ages. Annie was out so I took some photos out the room window and went to bed; only because I was sure I wuld feel awful the next day if I did not.
Morning got up and Went for coffee at about 630 Vegas time. Was good. Annie wasnt feeling well so I went for a run at about 8 to loosen up and stretch. Again just easy running, 5.6 km at a really easy pace. I didnt know my way around so I tried to keep things in sight like familiar landmarks (hotel, MGM Grand, mountains on the same side...) and I didnt get lost. I crossed a few over the street walkways and circled the Block our hotel was on (5.6 km...big block) went around the Excalibur, the Luxor, and Mandalay Bay. At one point the city kinda ended and it was like running in desert. It was beautiful, not too hot, and absolutely awesome for running. Couldnt wait for the half to come! Decided to rest HAHA til then.
That afternoon Annie felt better so we went for a walk through the hotels; we could go through 3 without going outside; we shopped a little and then went to the Race expo (so walked that way twice) which is a lot of walking lol
Race Expo was really excellent with loads of stuff to see and buy. I wanted to buy a sweater like Annie's at Adidas but they were all gone by the time I went there. And there wasnt anything at the expo I could afford. Ok I didnt look hard enough either ;) It was late and we had to leave.
Next day was Saturday and instead of resting we went walking around lol. It was really nice. We went to Adidas and we went to the M and M World and bought candy; Got some facial stuff at Lush and at the least had an early evening.
Race on Sunday morning EARLY!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Run ugh
I was right, the weather did get nasty for the week; its not cold at all but so rainy and Im trying really hard not to get a cold or anything.
I tried after 3 days of not running to get a dreadmill run in at home; no one has any business running on THAT treadmill LOL. Walking only.
Saturday afternoon finally got a 6.4 km run in.
Sunday was windy as hell. And I played 2 games of hockey.
So Monday a last longish run; 12 km planned - ended up 12.8 km when I figured might as well be an even 8 miles. Went all the way up College Road and all the way back down Pictou, and back up to the college. It wasnt cold although I thought it was when I left. And Ive some chafe in places Ive not had chafe before. Feet are sore.
Rest of the week should be slow and short. Leave on Thursday.
I tried after 3 days of not running to get a dreadmill run in at home; no one has any business running on THAT treadmill LOL. Walking only.
Saturday afternoon finally got a 6.4 km run in.
Sunday was windy as hell. And I played 2 games of hockey.
So Monday a last longish run; 12 km planned - ended up 12.8 km when I figured might as well be an even 8 miles. Went all the way up College Road and all the way back down Pictou, and back up to the college. It wasnt cold although I thought it was when I left. And Ive some chafe in places Ive not had chafe before. Feet are sore.
Rest of the week should be slow and short. Leave on Thursday.
Monday, November 23, 2009
LSD 18 km long
Today was long long day run :) the last one before Vegas RnR half! It was a nice sunny day not to warm not too cool. Quite nice mostly (6C). Ran from home to College Rd to Main and then Park, across into Truro and over to Arthur, up to Brunswick and took that to Prince and home. It was actually about 18.4 km to the end of our road so I went to there :) 18.4 km in 2 hours 6 minutes 52 seconds. No records made today. Very tired and sore now :)
But it was so so much better than last week's freezing cold 16 km run. Much more pleasant. Im a sunny weather runner lol I guess.
Ive been taking short walk breaks every few km although I am not sure after a while that it makes any difference lol. But its the way ive been training; any run over...about 8 km right now gets a walk break.
Ive also on one of these breaks been eating a snack; even when I eat before I leave I find on long runs my stomach gets upset and it helps to put something besides water in it. A granola bar or oatmeal bar seem to be keeping the nausea at bay :)
Right now running with a long sleeved shirt and a light coat seems to be most comfortable; not always but most of the time I dont get too hot but the coat keeps the cold winds out. Gloves have been used; as has a stocking hat. But this past week of weather has been super nice and Ive foregone the extras. I cant imagine what it is going to be like to sweat to death in Vegas next week; its such a change of climate. Drastic. Im planning to take shorts and a tank top, and my RR hat and that should be about it. I might take a sweater that I dont like so I can wear it early (630 ish start could be really chilly) and then toss it away and not worry about whether or not I find it again later (I likely wont). I can plan to just toss it and run away. No one to gather gear at this run. :):)
My current rotation of sneakers might be losing a member; my Gel Cumulus 10's are at 411 km and not feeling the best; my knee was aching today as was right ankle SIGH and I really need to be careful not to get into the trouble I did last spring with the pain in ankles/knees due to the New Balance shoes not being made for me. I wear them around non-running time now. :) Im taking the 11's to Vegas with me.
SIGH soccer game tonight!
But it was so so much better than last week's freezing cold 16 km run. Much more pleasant. Im a sunny weather runner lol I guess.
Ive been taking short walk breaks every few km although I am not sure after a while that it makes any difference lol. But its the way ive been training; any run over...about 8 km right now gets a walk break.
Ive also on one of these breaks been eating a snack; even when I eat before I leave I find on long runs my stomach gets upset and it helps to put something besides water in it. A granola bar or oatmeal bar seem to be keeping the nausea at bay :)
Right now running with a long sleeved shirt and a light coat seems to be most comfortable; not always but most of the time I dont get too hot but the coat keeps the cold winds out. Gloves have been used; as has a stocking hat. But this past week of weather has been super nice and Ive foregone the extras. I cant imagine what it is going to be like to sweat to death in Vegas next week; its such a change of climate. Drastic. Im planning to take shorts and a tank top, and my RR hat and that should be about it. I might take a sweater that I dont like so I can wear it early (630 ish start could be really chilly) and then toss it away and not worry about whether or not I find it again later (I likely wont). I can plan to just toss it and run away. No one to gather gear at this run. :):)
My current rotation of sneakers might be losing a member; my Gel Cumulus 10's are at 411 km and not feeling the best; my knee was aching today as was right ankle SIGH and I really need to be careful not to get into the trouble I did last spring with the pain in ankles/knees due to the New Balance shoes not being made for me. I wear them around non-running time now. :) Im taking the 11's to Vegas with me.
SIGH soccer game tonight!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Another Nice Day Run
Nice warmish day today although Im getting so used to the cold Im not sure what I would do with warm ;)
8 km in 51:30 a good nuff run I wasnt really trying :)
8 km in 51:30 a good nuff run I wasnt really trying :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Nice Weather
Ran the other day in snow, ice, rain; ran today in Tshirt and shorts. Love NS weather :) Really pushed speed today; planned to go 5K but went 8 instead. Didnt hold the speed over the entire time but did seem to be a little bit faster :) 5 K in 30:30 ish time; 8.2 km in just over 51 minutes. The weather was super nice :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Frustrating attempts to get runs in
Very frustrating. Time is just too short, particularly to get those long runs in because they take like 3 hours when you count prep time and getting recovered which isnt exactly short.
Planned to run yesterday while the weather was absolutely amazing lol temps of 12 plus, sun, wonderful. Was going to go as soon as some students finished writing a make up test; ugh. extra stuff. They were late which means I was in my office when coworker comes along and says "you're driving for my lab this afternoon right?" ugh and there I was, ready to run, not able to go. :( SO grumpy! lol
I did take the hour I was left with and went for 7.2 km and it was pretty good; the weather really was nice :):):) We dont have many (any?) of those left :(
7.2 km in 45:39 minutes. Was a good run.
So today; back to absolute crap weather with cold (3C), rain drizzle, and yes, that was snow and ice drops on your head. But I planned to run the long run today (running out of time) and I need to do 18 km this weekend so the run just has to happen today.
And I did get rained on. And snowed on. It was really cold. And if I stopped to walk I got really really cold. So I kept moving especially when it was raining.
I felt very sick just before 6 km; wished to turn around; stopped to pee and ate oatmeal bar and felt better.
Felt better at 10 K than 5.
Avg 7:01/km
5 k 34:30
8.2 km 56:41
10 k 1:08:33
12 K 1:23:38
16 k 1:52:11
Planned to run yesterday while the weather was absolutely amazing lol temps of 12 plus, sun, wonderful. Was going to go as soon as some students finished writing a make up test; ugh. extra stuff. They were late which means I was in my office when coworker comes along and says "you're driving for my lab this afternoon right?" ugh and there I was, ready to run, not able to go. :( SO grumpy! lol
I did take the hour I was left with and went for 7.2 km and it was pretty good; the weather really was nice :):):) We dont have many (any?) of those left :(
7.2 km in 45:39 minutes. Was a good run.
So today; back to absolute crap weather with cold (3C), rain drizzle, and yes, that was snow and ice drops on your head. But I planned to run the long run today (running out of time) and I need to do 18 km this weekend so the run just has to happen today.
And I did get rained on. And snowed on. It was really cold. And if I stopped to walk I got really really cold. So I kept moving especially when it was raining.
I felt very sick just before 6 km; wished to turn around; stopped to pee and ate oatmeal bar and felt better.
Felt better at 10 K than 5.
Avg 7:01/km
5 k 34:30
8.2 km 56:41
10 k 1:08:33
12 K 1:23:38
16 k 1:52:11
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Run to the pool
Had a nice Friday night run to the pool :) It wasnt too cold and it was very dark ;) 8 km in 50:25 wasnt toooo bad :)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Short Run
It took me 3 more days to get out for a run again; busy and been sick with a belly ache so taking it easy and resting a lot; Im exhausted and things are piling up :(
This run was short; I almost dont bother putting on my sneakers for less than 5 miles but I kept this one to 4 miles and tried to go quickly (after warming up) and although times dont necessarily reflect, I did put more energy into hills and faster downhills and had a 42:21 minute 4 miles which isnt awful considering the 10 minute warm up and the 2 km uphill at the start and the .63 km uphill on the road to home; it wasnt a total disaster. But that's a pretty short run :(
Long run is going to be really difficult this weekend; work long day Friday then away all Saturday and Sunday with the swim meet; when is that long run going to happen? :(:(:(
Going to run tonight and tomorrow night (while Taylor swims) and try for a visit with Chris again while I am waiting for her to finish :(
But I need to get that long run in! 16 km this week!
This run was short; I almost dont bother putting on my sneakers for less than 5 miles but I kept this one to 4 miles and tried to go quickly (after warming up) and although times dont necessarily reflect, I did put more energy into hills and faster downhills and had a 42:21 minute 4 miles which isnt awful considering the 10 minute warm up and the 2 km uphill at the start and the .63 km uphill on the road to home; it wasnt a total disaster. But that's a pretty short run :(
Long run is going to be really difficult this weekend; work long day Friday then away all Saturday and Sunday with the swim meet; when is that long run going to happen? :(:(:(
Going to run tonight and tomorrow night (while Taylor swims) and try for a visit with Chris again while I am waiting for her to finish :(
But I need to get that long run in! 16 km this week!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Long Run Sunday back to 14 km
Ugh and it was SO cold! LOL
It was hovering around freezing and the sun went down and I was very sweaty and brr it took me hours and a hot tub to warm up again, combined with my usual post run shivers.
14 km done over rolling hills, 1:33:38 (not horrid time) but pretty achy at the end. ON target for a 2:20 finish in the next half.
10 km time was 1:05: something. That was pretty good (wasnt trying to beat 10 K time lol)
Have a new UnderArmour shirt long sleeves; was comfy and warmer than the Tshirt from the last run. I miss warm weather running. After this half, long runs may be put away until March lol its tooooo stinkin cold to be that sweaty out there for that long! Would a few shorter (8-10km) runs suffice instead? lol
Ah well. Spring will be here soon.
It was hovering around freezing and the sun went down and I was very sweaty and brr it took me hours and a hot tub to warm up again, combined with my usual post run shivers.
14 km done over rolling hills, 1:33:38 (not horrid time) but pretty achy at the end. ON target for a 2:20 finish in the next half.
10 km time was 1:05: something. That was pretty good (wasnt trying to beat 10 K time lol)
Have a new UnderArmour shirt long sleeves; was comfy and warmer than the Tshirt from the last run. I miss warm weather running. After this half, long runs may be put away until March lol its tooooo stinkin cold to be that sweaty out there for that long! Would a few shorter (8-10km) runs suffice instead? lol
Ah well. Spring will be here soon.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Good Run
On thursday not Wednesday. Sick kids and lack of time leaves one lacking :(
But Thursday was sunny and nice and went for a run just before it got dark (thanks for not being home Scott ;)) ran up the hill to the cream horse and back down. 8 km but my watch got shut off so I dont know how long it took. Was home before I knew it and the run felt really good; no walk breaks. I assumed I went slower (no idea) and gave myself 54 minutes for the run. But that might be wrong; I dont really care ;)
But Thursday was sunny and nice and went for a run just before it got dark (thanks for not being home Scott ;)) ran up the hill to the cream horse and back down. 8 km but my watch got shut off so I dont know how long it took. Was home before I knew it and the run felt really good; no walk breaks. I assumed I went slower (no idea) and gave myself 54 minutes for the run. But that might be wrong; I dont really care ;)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Saturday was too busy for running;
Sunday was rainy and I played hockey 2 times and mother visited;
Monday was running day :) went 8 km (51 minutes? 52?) before picking up the kids at school and heading off to ride the pony.
Tuesday Too busy.
Wednesday? Yet to see.
Sunday was rainy and I played hockey 2 times and mother visited;
Monday was running day :) went 8 km (51 minutes? 52?) before picking up the kids at school and heading off to ride the pony.
Tuesday Too busy.
Wednesday? Yet to see.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Intervals again
if not doing these regularly, Im not sure they do any good. But Im feeling amazing amounts of pressure to be getting under 6 minutes a km for the Cabot Trail Relay in May (I know, 7 months away) and I dont know if I can get that out of my head. So for the next 7 months Im going to be attempting to run my ass off and get used to staying under 6 minutes. Its torture. Im not fast. SIGH.
So I did intervals tonight; 6X400 and not tooooo fast since I was on a lot of hills but a little faster than usual and I suppose that is all one can work on. 6.8 km in 44 minutes with a warm up of about 9 minutes, then intervals with one walk break in the middle, then about a 12 minute cool.
So I did intervals tonight; 6X400 and not tooooo fast since I was on a lot of hills but a little faster than usual and I suppose that is all one can work on. 6.8 km in 44 minutes with a warm up of about 9 minutes, then intervals with one walk break in the middle, then about a 12 minute cool.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Run run Run
Tired tonight; after classes today did 13 km on the trail; it may have been slightly optimistic all things considered (ie missed like 4 whole running days in between last run and today). Felt pretty nauseated at the end and for awhile after but improved significantly when I hit Deb's hot tub and rested a bit. Headache tonight.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Good Running Week
Had a good running week last week with 10 km on Sunday, 6 ish on Tuesday, 8 ish on Thursday, and then CRASHED on the weekend with no running and 2 hockey games. I have no idea when IM supposed to get the time to run :( Im so stressed!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Quick run with the Dog
Took Dylan out this morning; was only planning 5 km so i figured he could come along. He was so well behaved; but tired lol.
finished with a long uphill up WMR and Glenabbey. To thetop :) 5.15 km in 37 slow minutes!
finished with a long uphill up WMR and Glenabbey. To thetop :) 5.15 km in 37 slow minutes!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Recovery in Progress
Finally starting to feel better even tho I am still coughing up more crap than I would have liked at this point; cough has definitely calmed down a little! :D
Did 8.5 km Thursday night this week, little better than Monday; LSD Sunday was only 10 km this week; dont want to be completely dead lol. And fatique is definitely a factor. :(
When i went to leave for my run today I turned out the driveway and felt VERY sick; weird since I had been fine before; but i was SURE I was going to throw up. I managed to make it past the neighbor's front yard and the feeling passed. But I continued to feel woozy for most of the run.
Ran up Old Court House Branch; now I thought that looked like an absolutely horrible hill and had never tried it before; it actually wasnt that bad at all. I will make more use of that hill. About a km and it has steep parts but not long; it was actually very manageable. Should have tried it ages ago. Ran down College Road and up Prince to Hockeyville where Scott had finished his hockey game and he took me home :)
Missing the PEI Marathon experience today; I am pretty sure I never would have made it anyway SIGH but I wish things had been different :( Lavinia qualified for Boston and Rob got 3rd overall in the half marathon there; good for them!
Restarting week 6 in the training this week in preparation for Dec 6 in Vegas!! WHOOOOO!
Did 8.5 km Thursday night this week, little better than Monday; LSD Sunday was only 10 km this week; dont want to be completely dead lol. And fatique is definitely a factor. :(
When i went to leave for my run today I turned out the driveway and felt VERY sick; weird since I had been fine before; but i was SURE I was going to throw up. I managed to make it past the neighbor's front yard and the feeling passed. But I continued to feel woozy for most of the run.
Ran up Old Court House Branch; now I thought that looked like an absolutely horrible hill and had never tried it before; it actually wasnt that bad at all. I will make more use of that hill. About a km and it has steep parts but not long; it was actually very manageable. Should have tried it ages ago. Ran down College Road and up Prince to Hockeyville where Scott had finished his hockey game and he took me home :)
Missing the PEI Marathon experience today; I am pretty sure I never would have made it anyway SIGH but I wish things had been different :( Lavinia qualified for Boston and Rob got 3rd overall in the half marathon there; good for them!
Restarting week 6 in the training this week in preparation for Dec 6 in Vegas!! WHOOOOO!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Admitting Defeat
Its been a long week; saw a doc and got a bronchitis conclusion and some antibiotics that made me feel yucky and now I am finished them and was feeling somewhat less coughish and out of breath; ran this morning 8 km in 56 minutes (I actually thought the route was shorter than that distance! Honest!) and coughed and spit and gagged the whole way. Was way tired; couldnt breath deeply or a coughing fit resulted.
I admit defeat. I wont be running a half marathon this weekend coming nor the next (swim meet instead :()
Aiming for the half in Vegas I guess!
I admit defeat. I wont be running a half marathon this weekend coming nor the next (swim meet instead :()
Aiming for the half in Vegas I guess!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hungry Hungry Hungry
OH so veryvery hungry. So hungry I cant concentrate. Cant think. cant function. UGH. I need lunch. I need an entire buffet.
Went running last night. Wasnt technically a run night but I totally scrimped on the weekend long run and Im not going to ahev the time nor should I attempt at this point to squish it into an already overloaded week. So when Leanne called and said lets go I went. 1.3 km light run then 4.2 more of run/walk. It was good to stretch legs. Was pretty much asleep by 930 pm tho....forcing to remain awake til after 1030 tho trying to get things done and failed miserably anyway at everything.
Have a scheduling conflict with the half marathon of choice; the Moncton Legs for Literacy marathon; I had settled on this one because of the extra week being allowed for recovery for the still present cough cough cough. Taylor has a swim meet the same day. In another town. In fact, in another province. SO do I let her go alone (with father or nanny) or do I say she cant go, or do I run the PEI marathon a week earlier instead? WHAT to do, what to do.
I dont know what to do.
Just keep running running running.
Went running last night. Wasnt technically a run night but I totally scrimped on the weekend long run and Im not going to ahev the time nor should I attempt at this point to squish it into an already overloaded week. So when Leanne called and said lets go I went. 1.3 km light run then 4.2 more of run/walk. It was good to stretch legs. Was pretty much asleep by 930 pm tho....forcing to remain awake til after 1030 tho trying to get things done and failed miserably anyway at everything.
Have a scheduling conflict with the half marathon of choice; the Moncton Legs for Literacy marathon; I had settled on this one because of the extra week being allowed for recovery for the still present cough cough cough. Taylor has a swim meet the same day. In another town. In fact, in another province. SO do I let her go alone (with father or nanny) or do I say she cant go, or do I run the PEI marathon a week earlier instead? WHAT to do, what to do.
I dont know what to do.
Just keep running running running.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
CIBC Run for the Cure 2009
Despite the rain and wind was a pretty good event; I didnt find Shelley there and that was really disapopinting since I was there to run with her:(
We got there early for once which was pretty amazing considering we have lateness issues lol. We looked around for ages and didnt find anyone we knew, actually. And I know there were other people there. I mean, that I know.
But by the time the run was starting I hadnt found Shelley SIGH. Bummer. Its like the one day a year Ive seen her for the past 2 years! :(:(
So I ran the run, trying to stay at a hard working pace and using the downhills to pick up some rest and lower time; the uphills were plentifull but I didnt really find them difficult. There was a point at about 3.5 km that I was regretting the pace but it passed and it was good.
Finished up the last corner and knew there as no way it was going to be a 5 km race SIGH. Bummer because I was on a really good pace. Last year I did the 4.8 km in 30:27 minutes; This year it was 28:21 minutes! Im happy with that; average a 5:54 minutes per km pace. That's excellent for me lol Speed just isnt my thing but Ive been working on it!
Went to Cora's for lunch then bought a new sport bra and went home. SLEEPY.
Now I still have to get my long run in for this week and I have NO idea when I will do that.
Trying to get the runs in
but not really anything Im thrilled about lol
Missed Thursday run (Scott away and working late) and Friday was a rest day but didnt have time to get a run in anyway
Saturday morning was bright and sunny and I got out for a bit so I did 10 nice slow km. Took 1:07:56 (maybe) but the last km was up the hill at the house so Im not really counting that. It was a really hilly run. Good for the legs. Still coughing a lot and it leaves me dizzy lol.
Went and rode a pony in the afternoon then crashed for the evening after visiting grands and taking some photos of the young people.
Missed Thursday run (Scott away and working late) and Friday was a rest day but didnt have time to get a run in anyway
Saturday morning was bright and sunny and I got out for a bit so I did 10 nice slow km. Took 1:07:56 (maybe) but the last km was up the hill at the house so Im not really counting that. It was a really hilly run. Good for the legs. Still coughing a lot and it leaves me dizzy lol.
Went and rode a pony in the afternoon then crashed for the evening after visiting grands and taking some photos of the young people.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mid Week Run
I really need to get more than one run a week in. Ran Sunday then not again until Wednesday evening; a little late now to be worrying lol
Wednesday night a nice run from the pool to home; didnt want to run up our hill so I added a few side roads through Truro and ended up .5 km over :) its all good.
Still having a lot of coughs; felt rather out of breath a lot of the run. Rested at 3 km to catch breath and stretch then ran the rest more easily and comfortably. it was a good run.
Wish I had gotten a Tuesday run in; I finished this month 3 km short of getting a new monthly record ;) 117.24 km for the month.
Im amazed at home dark it is getting now; I mean I know it was like 7 pm in September but it seemed dark! lol Daylight savings time is coming!
Maybe get a run in on Friday then long run on Saturday and the CIBC Run for the Cure is Sunday; a nice little warm up run :)
Wednesday night a nice run from the pool to home; didnt want to run up our hill so I added a few side roads through Truro and ended up .5 km over :) its all good.
Still having a lot of coughs; felt rather out of breath a lot of the run. Rested at 3 km to catch breath and stretch then ran the rest more easily and comfortably. it was a good run.
Wish I had gotten a Tuesday run in; I finished this month 3 km short of getting a new monthly record ;) 117.24 km for the month.
Im amazed at home dark it is getting now; I mean I know it was like 7 pm in September but it seemed dark! lol Daylight savings time is coming!
Maybe get a run in on Friday then long run on Saturday and the CIBC Run for the Cure is Sunday; a nice little warm up run :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
LSD Sunday Sept 27
3 weeks to Half Marathon #2!!! Im feeling pretty confident about this one! I dont necessarily think I will beat my time in the Johnny Miles! But I do believe, that I will survive it! HAHAH
Long run today was in good weather (7C ish) and cloudy. 18 Km was mapped out more or less; running right from our house to the InLaws in OB was not far enough! Can you imagine? So a few side roads in Truro added a km or so, and then adding .5 at the end running towards the church past the house trail added the last bit needed to get 18 km in.
Health update? Still have a chest cold but feeling better than I was Thursday and Friday. Cough is less, achiness is less. Feeling ok over this run.
No idea what clothing I will wear. I was pretty comfy today in a cotton tank top (lace on bottom...sexy runner! HAHAHA) and a long sleeve wicking shirt (Johnny Miles shirt from last year). I got a sore spot on a toe last week from my new sneakers so not sure also which sneakers I will wear in the run. Try to get some more runs in this week with the new sneakers on.
Wondering if the socks were pulled on too tight making toes sore lol. No new blisters or anything today.
Long run today was in good weather (7C ish) and cloudy. 18 Km was mapped out more or less; running right from our house to the InLaws in OB was not far enough! Can you imagine? So a few side roads in Truro added a km or so, and then adding .5 at the end running towards the church past the house trail added the last bit needed to get 18 km in.
Health update? Still have a chest cold but feeling better than I was Thursday and Friday. Cough is less, achiness is less. Feeling ok over this run.
No idea what clothing I will wear. I was pretty comfy today in a cotton tank top (lace on bottom...sexy runner! HAHAHA) and a long sleeve wicking shirt (Johnny Miles shirt from last year). I got a sore spot on a toe last week from my new sneakers so not sure also which sneakers I will wear in the run. Try to get some more runs in this week with the new sneakers on.
Wondering if the socks were pulled on too tight making toes sore lol. No new blisters or anything today.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
mid week run
still trying to kick this cold, it isnt going so well. Today I feel sicker than before. I didnt feel this bad at the start! :(
Last night run to the pool to pick up Taylor; started off down the hill and I dont think I was really warmed up that well :( speed was ok. Hard to maintain at the end. But finished 8 km in just over 50 minutes. Not sure if I will run tonight; rest seems to be needed.
Last night run to the pool to pick up Taylor; started off down the hill and I dont think I was really warmed up that well :( speed was ok. Hard to maintain at the end. But finished 8 km in just over 50 minutes. Not sure if I will run tonight; rest seems to be needed.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
LSD Sunday this week
Whew.Scott's been away and its been hard to get motivated. Did spend Friday as a rest day; owed Saturday 8 km but didnt get out at it and only ran a little ways for Chris. Sunday tho was long run day.
Got up and coughing with chest cold/stuffed up with allergies. took Tylenol Cold and also some generic Allergy formula. Together. Bad idea. Mom left with the kids to deliver them to church and drama, and I finished my coffee and contemplated my 16 km run route. Then I felt dizzy and sick and cold and weak....very suddenly. So I climbed into the bed for 10 minutes. And ventured back out an hour 20 later. UIgh. Didnt so much sleep as shiver and be nauseous.
Then it passed and I got up and did the 16 km route through Bible Hill and Truro back to home.
I actually didnt get the 16 km because mom was concerned and came to find me; I didnt think the last .3 km would make much difference in the long run LOL.
Its a really hilly route but none of the hills seemed that bad today. It was actually a really nice run!
Got up and coughing with chest cold/stuffed up with allergies. took Tylenol Cold and also some generic Allergy formula. Together. Bad idea. Mom left with the kids to deliver them to church and drama, and I finished my coffee and contemplated my 16 km run route. Then I felt dizzy and sick and cold and weak....very suddenly. So I climbed into the bed for 10 minutes. And ventured back out an hour 20 later. UIgh. Didnt so much sleep as shiver and be nauseous.
Then it passed and I got up and did the 16 km route through Bible Hill and Truro back to home.
I actually didnt get the 16 km because mom was concerned and came to find me; I didnt think the last .3 km would make much difference in the long run LOL.
Its a really hilly route but none of the hills seemed that bad today. It was actually a really nice run!
Friday, September 18, 2009
5 K Between Classes
There is a race at the college called the NSAC Oktoberfest 5K run that I havent run since I was IN college so think mid 90's. I might run it this year (not sure when it is and if it fits with other races). :( but between classes and lab on Thursday I ran the route and I ran it like it was a race; race pace. AS Close as I can get anyway.
So its pretty hilly but I still managed the 5 k in 31 minutes (good for me, honest). That's a pace of 6:08 / km. Yeah, its good for me.
So Friday was rest day and WAY too busy to run anyway. Scott still away but the grandmothers might let me get out running Saturday and Sunday. One can hope anyway.
So its pretty hilly but I still managed the 5 k in 31 minutes (good for me, honest). That's a pace of 6:08 / km. Yeah, its good for me.
So Friday was rest day and WAY too busy to run anyway. Scott still away but the grandmothers might let me get out running Saturday and Sunday. One can hope anyway.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Midweek struggles
Ugh. lol theme for this training period is ugh.
Got out for a run tonight. Not ideal, it was after supper and I swear I could feel my meal every single step, but its done. Started at the pool and ran home, 8 km to Glenabbey. uphill for last 1.5 ish km. ALL the way up the hill. So the last km was slower than the previous 7 had been. Im ok with that. 53 minutes for the run.
Running is different now; the temps can still be higher...15 c...but the humidity is down and the air feels a lot cooler. It makes running much easier but also I never know what to be wearing lol. Fall is definitely in the air. Leaves are falling off the trees and coasting to the ground; they are laying on the sidewalks and crunching. Dark is coming really early AND it is staying dark in the morning very late. This is my least favorite thing about fall. Dark is depressing. Sometimes it is really hard to get out running when Im just mentally not in a place to do anything at all. Yes I always feel better when Im done, but getting out there can be like pulling teeth. SIGH.
PLanning a quick 5 km run tomorrow between classes. Scott is away for a few days and I wont have a lot of free time til he gets home. Sigh Sigh.
Got out for a run tonight. Not ideal, it was after supper and I swear I could feel my meal every single step, but its done. Started at the pool and ran home, 8 km to Glenabbey. uphill for last 1.5 ish km. ALL the way up the hill. So the last km was slower than the previous 7 had been. Im ok with that. 53 minutes for the run.
Running is different now; the temps can still be higher...15 c...but the humidity is down and the air feels a lot cooler. It makes running much easier but also I never know what to be wearing lol. Fall is definitely in the air. Leaves are falling off the trees and coasting to the ground; they are laying on the sidewalks and crunching. Dark is coming really early AND it is staying dark in the morning very late. This is my least favorite thing about fall. Dark is depressing. Sometimes it is really hard to get out running when Im just mentally not in a place to do anything at all. Yes I always feel better when Im done, but getting out there can be like pulling teeth. SIGH.
PLanning a quick 5 km run tomorrow between classes. Scott is away for a few days and I wont have a lot of free time til he gets home. Sigh Sigh.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
LSD Sunday
Slow start to the morning after a really late night of drinking ;) but its all good. Got out shortly after 11 and was surprised how HOT it was. Yeah it is threatening rain but it was really super hot. and Humid. I had no idea lol. Thank goodness the sun didnt shine too much. That would have been brutal.
A lot of uphill in the first 2 km then rolling hills for another 3 km. Downhill for a km then flat and then more uphill for 2 more km. lol then rolling until almost home; last 2 km were gradual uphills. By the time I got to the top of WMR I was pretty much shuffling. But I went all the way to the top to get in the 14.4 km needed (9 miles).
Noticing changes in gait that started fairly early (IMO) like about 8 km. Rougher and more jarring. Need to work on keeping it smooth.
A lot of uphill in the first 2 km then rolling hills for another 3 km. Downhill for a km then flat and then more uphill for 2 more km. lol then rolling until almost home; last 2 km were gradual uphills. By the time I got to the top of WMR I was pretty much shuffling. But I went all the way to the top to get in the 14.4 km needed (9 miles).
Noticing changes in gait that started fairly early (IMO) like about 8 km. Rougher and more jarring. Need to work on keeping it smooth.
Short Run
Work is putting yet another crimp in my schedule SIGH I need more time for myself lol
Managed a short 6.4 km run for Saturday morning when I missed the tempo run on Wednesday, a 5 km on Thursday, and owed Saturday 8 km. SIGH. How can I expect to do the long distances at this rate?
Managed a short 6.4 km run for Saturday morning when I missed the tempo run on Wednesday, a 5 km on Thursday, and owed Saturday 8 km. SIGH. How can I expect to do the long distances at this rate?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Excellent Tuesady Night run
in week 8 of the training program; Tuesday night was a 4.5 mile run. Went late at almost dark; did this in town since Id wasted so much time and knew it was going to get dark before I was finished. It was pretty warm out!
NOt a lot of elevation on either the trail or the roads I was running on so it was a fairly good test of maintaining speeds. The first couple of km were fairly fast but surprisingly I was able to keep it up and had a 5 km time of 31:30 minutes which was my fastest sicne last spring. Finished the 7.2 km in 46:09 minutes which means I kept up the speed to the end; Its nice to see Im starting to be able to pick up a pace and keep it consistently for longer times :) and it was fairly effortless; not completely but I didnt feel completely wrecked by the time I got home! Pretty good!
NOt a lot of elevation on either the trail or the roads I was running on so it was a fairly good test of maintaining speeds. The first couple of km were fairly fast but surprisingly I was able to keep it up and had a 5 km time of 31:30 minutes which was my fastest sicne last spring. Finished the 7.2 km in 46:09 minutes which means I kept up the speed to the end; Its nice to see Im starting to be able to pick up a pace and keep it consistently for longer times :) and it was fairly effortless; not completely but I didnt feel completely wrecked by the time I got home! Pretty good!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Confidence in this next Half Marathon is wavering; Ive not trained like a good little runner, all of my runs are slower, and Im only running better now thanks to the better running weather. I dont think my training is going to prepare me for a long run in 5 little weeks. I need to keep better track.
So after spending Saturday not doing tonnes, I did get out for my long, Slow Distance run on Sunday. (LSD, get it?) I did 12 km on the trail from Scott's parents house to the highway and back (and a little further because it wasnt far enough). Its pretty flat out there and I didnt go that fast but it was..doable. For now. 1 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds (ish. Im not sure exactly because I cannot remember and the watch is too far away.)
Funny things of interest:
I ran slower this week and took fewer walk breaks (hmm) and my 10 K time was only 1 minute slower than when I tried to run it harder and had to walk a few times. Granted the wind was less.
5 K time was still over 33 minutes. I just cannot seem to keep it any lower.
No matter how I was feeling, when I had to run past the trail back to the house to add on another 1.2 km, I felt like death. THAT is all mental.
Very large numbers of people on the trail on sunny sunday mornings. Funny, there were some joggers and I think this one girl I met as soon as I hit the trail thought she almost caught me peeing. She smirked. I was only coming down from the InLaws house and hadnt peed yet. In fact I made it the whole run. Good thing since there were so many PEOPLE! She ran faster and so did this guy who passed me; but then the two of them turned around and ran back. Hell if I were running 4 km or so, I could run faster too! Nee Ner.
We'll see how 14 km feels next week.
So after spending Saturday not doing tonnes, I did get out for my long, Slow Distance run on Sunday. (LSD, get it?) I did 12 km on the trail from Scott's parents house to the highway and back (and a little further because it wasnt far enough). Its pretty flat out there and I didnt go that fast but it was..doable. For now. 1 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds (ish. Im not sure exactly because I cannot remember and the watch is too far away.)
Funny things of interest:
I ran slower this week and took fewer walk breaks (hmm) and my 10 K time was only 1 minute slower than when I tried to run it harder and had to walk a few times. Granted the wind was less.
5 K time was still over 33 minutes. I just cannot seem to keep it any lower.
No matter how I was feeling, when I had to run past the trail back to the house to add on another 1.2 km, I felt like death. THAT is all mental.
Very large numbers of people on the trail on sunny sunday mornings. Funny, there were some joggers and I think this one girl I met as soon as I hit the trail thought she almost caught me peeing. She smirked. I was only coming down from the InLaws house and hadnt peed yet. In fact I made it the whole run. Good thing since there were so many PEOPLE! She ran faster and so did this guy who passed me; but then the two of them turned around and ran back. Hell if I were running 4 km or so, I could run faster too! Nee Ner.
We'll see how 14 km feels next week.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Evening Walk with more meaning than you can imagine
Friday instead of making it out for a run We went for a walk instead. A special walk.
After the race last Sunday, my friend Chris went home to his family and had a very bad brain bleed. It was termed catastrophic and there was no hope. This was the news I heard first, and it was unexpected and shocking. I heard later that he was not dead but was instead on life support waiting for Organ Donation to begin. This isnt really any better. I thought about all of the things I had never said to Chris that I should have; what a great friend he was, how much I enjoyed talking to him and how much I appreciated it when he supported my running and ran with me. Even when I was much slower and could go much shorter distances.
Chris wouldnt accept the death sentence; He has defied the odds not to die, and has a chance of a good quality of life once his healing is further along. He didnt die, he instead improved and surgery was performed that has saved him. but his struggle isnt over; he faces many challenges now and in the future. Only time will tell the story of this miracle. His story is being told on a blog set up by his family - Marathon of Hope.
Friday night friends and family gathered for a Hope Run (walk, whatever). It was a time for people to come together and get news, comfort each other, and do something productive that would help the family in the months to come. We went and took the kids and walked it for CHris. And Im going to join the challenge to run every day he is healing to continue his streak of thousands of days. Might be difficult today with the blisters I developed last night during the walk (weird huh?) but its nothing in comparison lol

Walked 6.5 km.
After the race last Sunday, my friend Chris went home to his family and had a very bad brain bleed. It was termed catastrophic and there was no hope. This was the news I heard first, and it was unexpected and shocking. I heard later that he was not dead but was instead on life support waiting for Organ Donation to begin. This isnt really any better. I thought about all of the things I had never said to Chris that I should have; what a great friend he was, how much I enjoyed talking to him and how much I appreciated it when he supported my running and ran with me. Even when I was much slower and could go much shorter distances.
Chris wouldnt accept the death sentence; He has defied the odds not to die, and has a chance of a good quality of life once his healing is further along. He didnt die, he instead improved and surgery was performed that has saved him. but his struggle isnt over; he faces many challenges now and in the future. Only time will tell the story of this miracle. His story is being told on a blog set up by his family - Marathon of Hope.
Friday night friends and family gathered for a Hope Run (walk, whatever). It was a time for people to come together and get news, comfort each other, and do something productive that would help the family in the months to come. We went and took the kids and walked it for CHris. And Im going to join the challenge to run every day he is healing to continue his streak of thousands of days. Might be difficult today with the blisters I developed last night during the walk (weird huh?) but its nothing in comparison lol
Walked 6.5 km.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Havent had the heart to run?
Yeah. I said it. Im just not feeling it. But today I went back out and got in 7.3 km in about 50:30 minutes. inconsistent and sad. But the run wasnt bad. It was hot and breezy and the run was nice. Heart might be returning. Good stress relief if nothing else.
Cobequid Trail 10 K Race
I couldnt see how this was going to go off. Tropical Storm Danny blew through NS at the time of the race and all night before. I didnt sleep. I felt like crap. It was raining. Sideways.
but we braved the weather all the same, and headed out to run this thing in the rain and the wind. The wind. OMG the wind.
The rain stopped. Gotta say that was amazing timing. Yay. But the wind did not, and the trail was pretty muddy.
But it was ok. It was the wind.
I went out way too fast. Did the first km in about 5:32 and the second by 11:55. Those are fast km. When you get in that crowd it is hard to not get carried away and IM way out of shape unfortunately.
Got into a rhythm after that and kept a consisten 6:20 ish pace. It was pretty humid and warm but could have been worse. The wind blew into our faces the entire 5 km out on the trail to the turn around. Then it was like heaven. Wind at our backs, no more taking away of breath, no more running backwards.
The second 5 km wasnt too bad despite the tired. But getting back to the start was a welcome site.
As you are coming up to it you can hear the announcer yelling encouragement and the music blasting. And then I hear my name...he is calling my name. ;) I look ahead and there is little Amy and Laurel waiting and cheering for me! They both got to cheer my name over the mike! TOO CUTE!
MY Deb was waiting at the finish got to LOVE her with the camera and water and welcomes and congrats SO good of her! LOVE her!

Here I come feeling very strong
And finishing up with an effort! lol Yes that is my official time there on the screen :)
94 3846 Teri-Lynn Masters Murray Siding NS CA 17/21 F2039 1:06:03 6:37
Not better than the 10K time at the Bluenose Marathon 10K. But much better than last year at the Trail run when I had the flu.
Talked to a few friends then picked up the kids and went home as I wasnt feeling so well...often like a lay down when done.
(to note Chris has a really good run....went home to his family and then began his own marathon of hope and healing that continues even now. Thinking of you, buddy. )
The rain stopped. Gotta say that was amazing timing. Yay. But the wind did not, and the trail was pretty muddy.
But it was ok. It was the wind.
I went out way too fast. Did the first km in about 5:32 and the second by 11:55. Those are fast km. When you get in that crowd it is hard to not get carried away and IM way out of shape unfortunately.
Got into a rhythm after that and kept a consisten 6:20 ish pace. It was pretty humid and warm but could have been worse. The wind blew into our faces the entire 5 km out on the trail to the turn around. Then it was like heaven. Wind at our backs, no more taking away of breath, no more running backwards.
The second 5 km wasnt too bad despite the tired. But getting back to the start was a welcome site.
As you are coming up to it you can hear the announcer yelling encouragement and the music blasting. And then I hear my name...he is calling my name. ;) I look ahead and there is little Amy and Laurel waiting and cheering for me! They both got to cheer my name over the mike! TOO CUTE!
MY Deb was waiting at the finish got to LOVE her with the camera and water and welcomes and congrats SO good of her! LOVE her!

Here I come feeling very strong

94 3846 Teri-Lynn Masters Murray Siding NS CA 17/21 F2039 1:06:03 6:37
Not better than the 10K time at the Bluenose Marathon 10K. But much better than last year at the Trail run when I had the flu.
Talked to a few friends then picked up the kids and went home as I wasnt feeling so well...often like a lay down when done.
(to note Chris has a really good run....went home to his family and then began his own marathon of hope and healing that continues even now. Thinking of you, buddy. )
Saturday, August 29, 2009
more UGHS this past few weeks than anything else. Exhibition week was impossible to get in the runs I wanted. UGH. Weather has become cooler tho, so the runs are not going to be as uncomfortable now.
Almost half way through this training schedule now; 6 weeks to the half marathon in October and Im feeling extremely unprepared for anything. Not enough runs, not enough long runs.
Have a 10 K run tomorrow; Cobequid Trail 10K run. Totally not ready for it; had 6 days off running and then went for nice 7.5 km on Thursday. That actually was nice. lol Friday went to massage and now going for a 5 k this morning. Slowly. Will see how that goes. Need to be more persistent for next 6 weeks to get this half in! more UGH. Because fall is really busy and I expect to be busier than ever. UGH. lol
Almost half way through this training schedule now; 6 weeks to the half marathon in October and Im feeling extremely unprepared for anything. Not enough runs, not enough long runs.
Have a 10 K run tomorrow; Cobequid Trail 10K run. Totally not ready for it; had 6 days off running and then went for nice 7.5 km on Thursday. That actually was nice. lol Friday went to massage and now going for a 5 k this morning. Slowly. Will see how that goes. Need to be more persistent for next 6 weeks to get this half in! more UGH. Because fall is really busy and I expect to be busier than ever. UGH. lol
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tough getting the runs in around here Sigh
But still slogging away at them! Ugh the weather has been nasty hot and humid continueing all this week. Im glad we are having summer but not so glad that its really affected my running.
Tuesday and Wednesday running didnt happen. Tuesday was awesome for a bike ride tho. Long and a lot of hills. Must do that more often.
Thursday evening after soccer I went for a run 6.4 km and did 6 400m intervals of faster running. That actually went really well :):):)
Kickass ball hockey game on Friday night. We lost but it was good exercise lol.
Planned for the weekend a run on Saturday (didnt happen) and one on Sunday (LSD? depends on the weather. Currently way too hot. Humidex of 33C. And raining buckets. And I heard some thunder out there a bit ago. SIGH) SO time will tell.
Tuesday and Wednesday running didnt happen. Tuesday was awesome for a bike ride tho. Long and a lot of hills. Must do that more often.
Thursday evening after soccer I went for a run 6.4 km and did 6 400m intervals of faster running. That actually went really well :):):)
Kickass ball hockey game on Friday night. We lost but it was good exercise lol.
Planned for the weekend a run on Saturday (didnt happen) and one on Sunday (LSD? depends on the weather. Currently way too hot. Humidex of 33C. And raining buckets. And I heard some thunder out there a bit ago. SIGH) SO time will tell.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day 29 second time around
Hot hot days of summer :) I love them but they are killing the running!
Ive been trying to get up earlier to beat the heat but there is one thing or another in my way! Today it was alarm clock failure.
Saturday went horseback riding
Sunday went horseback riding, beach, and then a ball hockey game (won! Got a goal to boot!)
So Monday became long run day. And I didnt get up early. So I got pissy and went at 9 am - only supposed to be 16 C (94% humidity) and I had the wrong water bottle (leaked all over my back) and the wrong shoes(my New Balance are agony!) and I went anyway.
I sure paid for it. First little bit was ok, I just went slower and walked a lot. Didnt push it much, not even getting much speed up on the downhill portions. Swerved across the road taking advantage of the shade. Around km 7, I felt very dizzy and miserable and nauseous. I took a long walk break (almost 5 minutes, .4 km) and went up a hill. So downhill for a bit, I started running again and felt better at 9 km than I had at 7. But I hit the bottom of our hill (9.4 km) and just couldnt face it. I felt sick again and just stopped dead. WISHING for a ride up the hill. SO I finished that 0.6 km short of the 10 K I wanted, and walked up the hill. Scott did come pick me up about 2/3 of the way up (not sure why) and it was 21 C and I was nauseous and sweating/chills for the rest of the morning and well into the afternoon.
Going to ride my bike tomorrow. Intervals on Wednesday, run on Thursday plus gym?? Rest on Friday.
Ive been trying to get up earlier to beat the heat but there is one thing or another in my way! Today it was alarm clock failure.
Saturday went horseback riding
Sunday went horseback riding, beach, and then a ball hockey game (won! Got a goal to boot!)
So Monday became long run day. And I didnt get up early. So I got pissy and went at 9 am - only supposed to be 16 C (94% humidity) and I had the wrong water bottle (leaked all over my back) and the wrong shoes(my New Balance are agony!) and I went anyway.
I sure paid for it. First little bit was ok, I just went slower and walked a lot. Didnt push it much, not even getting much speed up on the downhill portions. Swerved across the road taking advantage of the shade. Around km 7, I felt very dizzy and miserable and nauseous. I took a long walk break (almost 5 minutes, .4 km) and went up a hill. So downhill for a bit, I started running again and felt better at 9 km than I had at 7. But I hit the bottom of our hill (9.4 km) and just couldnt face it. I felt sick again and just stopped dead. WISHING for a ride up the hill. SO I finished that 0.6 km short of the 10 K I wanted, and walked up the hill. Scott did come pick me up about 2/3 of the way up (not sure why) and it was 21 C and I was nauseous and sweating/chills for the rest of the morning and well into the afternoon.
Going to ride my bike tomorrow. Intervals on Wednesday, run on Thursday plus gym?? Rest on Friday.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Day 26
Thursday was again a rest day; when Scott has to milk in the morning and we have little girls soccer at night running never seems to happen.
Friday morning ran from Queen/Walker to home. Ran 5 km it was HOT HOT. Walked about .7 then ran up Wilson Mountain Road (=hill) until I completed 6 km. Freaking hot. Forgot my bandana so I had sweat in my eyes the whole way; stings. How do people run without something to stop the sweat? Am I the sweatiest person out there? Sheesh.
Friday morning ran from Queen/Walker to home. Ran 5 km it was HOT HOT. Walked about .7 then ran up Wilson Mountain Road (=hill) until I completed 6 km. Freaking hot. Forgot my bandana so I had sweat in my eyes the whole way; stings. How do people run without something to stop the sweat? Am I the sweatiest person out there? Sheesh.
Day 24
Monday and Tuesday ended up being rest days lol Due to busy schedules etc. Wednesday was a good running day; 6.6 km in. Was supposed to be tempo but really wasnt, just ended up being a hill run.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Take 2 Day 21
Didnt think I was going to get it in but I just got up and went and got my 8 km run done! YAY! :)
It was hot but not too hot, windy but not too windy, and not so humid (88% down to 68%, 18 C) so actually quite nice for a run :)
After I finished the 8 km I wasnt quite home so I did another .7 km very slowly up the hill until Scott came to get me; he had to go umpiring and I was incringing on his time SIGH. Its ok, the rest of the run was all up hill and I dont feel gypped at all LOLOLOL
Tomorrow is stretch and strengthen and with Scott being on Vacation I should actually make it to the gym!!!!
It was hot but not too hot, windy but not too windy, and not so humid (88% down to 68%, 18 C) so actually quite nice for a run :)
After I finished the 8 km I wasnt quite home so I did another .7 km very slowly up the hill until Scott came to get me; he had to go umpiring and I was incringing on his time SIGH. Its ok, the rest of the run was all up hill and I dont feel gypped at all LOLOLOL
Tomorrow is stretch and strengthen and with Scott being on Vacation I should actually make it to the gym!!!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fast Forward to Day 20
after battling fatigue and super high humidity/heats, I decided what I might need was some time off. After a few days the cause of the fatigue became obvious; I have a summer cold. Nasty one. So I did what any smart person would do; I went camping. That was actually fairly restful mentally and a great change of scenery :)
Now it is day 20 and I did a good 5 km run this morning. Schedule for tomorrow is a 5 k Race; I actually planned to do a 5 km in Digby today but am not; could do a 5 km race in Halifax tomorrow but again, Im not. Just not ready for it; still struggling with the cold. But at least I got out again.
Nasty tough ball hockey game last night with lots of lasting soreness. We were short-staffed lol so lots of shifts. WHich works out really well. Ankle concerns the most; not obvious how it got so sore so Im not sure how long it will take to feel better.
Plan for tomorrow is a nice easy 8 km which should be done as early as possible :)
Now it is day 20 and I did a good 5 km run this morning. Schedule for tomorrow is a 5 k Race; I actually planned to do a 5 km in Digby today but am not; could do a 5 km race in Halifax tomorrow but again, Im not. Just not ready for it; still struggling with the cold. But at least I got out again.
Nasty tough ball hockey game last night with lots of lasting soreness. We were short-staffed lol so lots of shifts. WHich works out really well. Ankle concerns the most; not obvious how it got so sore so Im not sure how long it will take to feel better.
Plan for tomorrow is a nice easy 8 km which should be done as early as possible :)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Take 2 Day 12 of 84
got in 5 km this morning before it was too hot although it was 19 C and 97% Humidity. It was misting and cooler but humid and sweaty. The air is hard to breath when its that wet ;)
Have a ball hockey game tonight - another hour of running. Going to go ride the horse afterwards.
Have a ball hockey game tonight - another hour of running. Going to go ride the horse afterwards.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Take 2 Days 9, 10, 11 of 84
Summer hours and Scott working so much is taking a toll on my running :( Between him not being here and the kids being here, and the hot muggy weather, I am barely getting out running at all. :(
Tuesday was a rest day. Not planned to be but no time.
Wednesday got up early and ran a tempo run in the morning. Going to have to do that at the track or the TCT because hills here make it way too hard to keep a consistent pace. Tempo run was not very nice.
Thursday was another rest day. Scott was home for half an hour but it was muggy and gross and I didnt go out :(
May get out Friday morning (day 12) :(
Tuesday was a rest day. Not planned to be but no time.
Wednesday got up early and ran a tempo run in the morning. Going to have to do that at the track or the TCT because hills here make it way too hard to keep a consistent pace. Tempo run was not very nice.
Thursday was another rest day. Scott was home for half an hour but it was muggy and gross and I didnt go out :(
May get out Friday morning (day 12) :(
Monday, July 27, 2009
Take 2: Day 8 of 84
Since long run Sunday became Long Run Monday, got up at ass crack of dawn to run the scheduled 8 km. It wasnt hot (19 C) but humidity was 100%. SHEEIT. The air felt wet. Did a familiar 8 km route which wasnt bad but felt absolutely awful at about 6.5 km in. Dont know how I kept going. Ugh humidity sucks.
Ball hockey in the evening for 50 minutes.
Ball hockey in the evening for 50 minutes.
Take 2: Day 6/7 of 84
weekend = Rest. Busy with the picking up of the horse, the horse show, the visiting of the horse. So no running was to be had.
Take 2 Day 4/5 of 84
Thursday I made into a rest day (busy week!) and Friday became an easy 3 miles day. Did it on the roads out here. Hot. LOVE hot. Except for when Im running.
Take 2 Day 3 of 84
Was a big day :)
Rained and I thought I could totally wait it out but then the skies opened up so I went to the gym and did 3 miles on the treadmill. THAT SUCKS.
Then since Day 3 is supposed to be interval day I went and did those while Taylor was at soccer; again avoiding the rain but not the humidity.
Warmed up for a km then Did 5 X 400 m intervals at about 5:30 minutes/km average. It was actually a nice change but hard :)cooled off for a km.
Big day.
Rained and I thought I could totally wait it out but then the skies opened up so I went to the gym and did 3 miles on the treadmill. THAT SUCKS.
Then since Day 3 is supposed to be interval day I went and did those while Taylor was at soccer; again avoiding the rain but not the humidity.
Warmed up for a km then Did 5 X 400 m intervals at about 5:30 minutes/km average. It was actually a nice change but hard :)cooled off for a km.
Big day.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Take 2: Day 1/2 of 84
Supposed to be Stretch and Strengthen. Didnt do it; 4 H projects need to be done. Didnt worry too much, since its only the first day.
Day 2: supposed to be 5 km run. Again 4H took over and didnt make the run. Also Pony Club Rally so a few hours were spent vet checking horses. Just really tired now.
Maybe Day 3 is the charm!!
Day 2: supposed to be 5 km run. Again 4H took over and didnt make the run. Also Pony Club Rally so a few hours were spent vet checking horses. Just really tired now.
Maybe Day 3 is the charm!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Just a hot morning :)
Yesterday I went to the gym. I didnt know how much I missed it! I didnt expect to! So I rode my bike there (7.65 km) and worked out weights (arms and legs) and then biked home (7.65 km) for a nice workout.
Today it was back to the sneakers and pavement. I had Scott drop me off about 6.4 km away (plus some room for walking warm up/cool down). And it was pretty hot.
Walked half a km (about 5 minutes) before starting the run which was backwards from how I usually run in that area and I liked it backwards better lol. Got to the bottom of WMR at 6.4 km (4 miles)in 41:54 minutes and walked up to the house;About another km in about 10 minutes. Hot. Ok likely not that hot but 19 C felt hot to us after the chill we have been having. lol
Today it was back to the sneakers and pavement. I had Scott drop me off about 6.4 km away (plus some room for walking warm up/cool down). And it was pretty hot.
Walked half a km (about 5 minutes) before starting the run which was backwards from how I usually run in that area and I liked it backwards better lol. Got to the bottom of WMR at 6.4 km (4 miles)in 41:54 minutes and walked up to the house;About another km in about 10 minutes. Hot. Ok likely not that hot but 19 C felt hot to us after the chill we have been having. lol
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Still in Limbo
8 days and counting to the next training schedule - right on track for the Valley Harvest Half Marathon on October 11!! As long as Scott doesnt mind spending our Anniversary hanging out in Wolfville lol.
Went to the Pictou County Run for the Lobster this morning with Lavinia. Despite the On Site registration I resisted signing up; haven't run enough in the past 2 weeks, would have had a poor time, and the shirt wasnt that great lol. Not in a Race sort of place right now with having taken a lot of the past 2.5 weeks off :)
So while she raced her butt off (winning the 10 K race) I did a couple (4.3) km around the town trying hard to avoid the racers without knowing where the course was going. There was a lot of hill which I ran up and down, got a little bit lost, and got back to the race site a bit after Lavinia finished. Meant to see her finish :( she said she was a little out of it when she was done; very hot and tired. :(
After getting a bit to eat and drink we did a couple of slow km UP ANOTHER HILL and back down to keep moving and cool down. That was kinda nice, lots of talk about nutrition and relaxing stretch of muscles. Gotta remember to do that more often because it felt really nice. I am guilty of neglecting warm up and cool down.
Working out the training schedule this afternoon and trying to find some races to match up with the schedule dates. Can do some adjusting but it would be nice if things would just fall into place lol. there are NO 15 km races around here at any time including the 20th of September...hahha might have to just do another 10 K on that day. Going to do a 5 K around the beginning of August; not sure which one because I wanted to do the 6 mile Natal Day Run (too far and wrong day) and there is a 5 K Lung Association run on the 9th (right day, right distance lol) and a 10 K at the end of August; Cobequid 10 K falls on just the right day :):). Got all my LSD runs and week start/ends all stuck on the calendar. Should put to paper. Cant remember to check calendars!
So not sure what to do this week. I should follow a modified version of the Schedule I will be using for this last night relaxing week just to start the habits. Throw in some cross training :)
Whatever will be.
Went to the Pictou County Run for the Lobster this morning with Lavinia. Despite the On Site registration I resisted signing up; haven't run enough in the past 2 weeks, would have had a poor time, and the shirt wasnt that great lol. Not in a Race sort of place right now with having taken a lot of the past 2.5 weeks off :)
So while she raced her butt off (winning the 10 K race) I did a couple (4.3) km around the town trying hard to avoid the racers without knowing where the course was going. There was a lot of hill which I ran up and down, got a little bit lost, and got back to the race site a bit after Lavinia finished. Meant to see her finish :( she said she was a little out of it when she was done; very hot and tired. :(
After getting a bit to eat and drink we did a couple of slow km UP ANOTHER HILL and back down to keep moving and cool down. That was kinda nice, lots of talk about nutrition and relaxing stretch of muscles. Gotta remember to do that more often because it felt really nice. I am guilty of neglecting warm up and cool down.
Working out the training schedule this afternoon and trying to find some races to match up with the schedule dates. Can do some adjusting but it would be nice if things would just fall into place lol. there are NO 15 km races around here at any time including the 20th of September...hahha might have to just do another 10 K on that day. Going to do a 5 K around the beginning of August; not sure which one because I wanted to do the 6 mile Natal Day Run (too far and wrong day) and there is a 5 K Lung Association run on the 9th (right day, right distance lol) and a 10 K at the end of August; Cobequid 10 K falls on just the right day :):). Got all my LSD runs and week start/ends all stuck on the calendar. Should put to paper. Cant remember to check calendars!
So not sure what to do this week. I should follow a modified version of the Schedule I will be using for this last night relaxing week just to start the habits. Throw in some cross training :)
Whatever will be.
Friday, July 10, 2009
got to go 2.7km last night. SIGH. It was a beautiful night and a beautiful road and 2 little tired girls on bicycles didnt want to go any further and burst into tears so we sat in the car instead and waited for Taylor to be finished her 4H meeting. It WAS a really nice night for running :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
attempt to remain consistent
until starting a new program next week; made a 6.4 km run Tuesday and going to go again Thursday. Walked Wednesday night. Not easy to eke out time these days with the warm temps and kids home.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
After 4 days off
pulled off 6 hot km on Friday to start off the month. Same ol route, same ol results. lol
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Not Since Moses 2009
Last weekend was the Not Since Moses Run; Saturday and Sunday with a collection of 5 and 10 K runs and a Basket Run for the kids (1km) all done on the Ocean Floor of the Bay of Fundy at low tide.
Its really a Unique event :)
We planned to camp the night before but didnt manage it with poor weather forecasts and cranky kids and now I am regretting that because the weather didnt turn out awful (not too much rain) and it would have been a lot of fun. :(
So we drove up the morning of the race. I thought we were too late for the Basket Run (for kids) but we ended up in time; I couldnt convince Holly to go in it but we watched it and I think she thought it would be fun :)
The Bay of Fundy has really high and low tides. When it goes out it leaves miles of ocean floor uncovered. So we waited until tide was way out, and then started from the beach. :)
Behind me and the lighthouse you can see the five Islands named Moose, Diamond, Long, Egg, and Pinnacle lol. Long Island is the big one back there behind the lighthouse, where we landed.
The girlies on the lighthouse :)
I think that is Moose Island. Im not sure. lol
Girls on the beach
And the other girl on the beach. Left them all there and ran away on this awesome trek!

This is us starting out on the beach :) It was loose gravel which ended up being comparatively easy to run in ;)I thought it would be hard...it was nothing compared to the loose sand moguls.
Crossing some water after the mud. The first few puddles I was thinking Oh dont get my feet wet. What was I thinking? there was No choice but to get feet wet :):):)
Lovely sucking, slippery mud. OH my gads like nothing you've ever ran in! lol
Amazing view of the rocks behind Sarah :)
After crossing mud up to our ankles we went into water. THIS water wasnt deep and cleaned the mud off of our shoes. Not out of them, but off of them haha. There was a lot of water like this and sometimes so deep and with such a current that we almost fell into it lol. we crisscrossed lots of ocean rivers like this. It was almost impossible to run in ;) The waterways were kind of interesting and forced some walking breaks for us. lol

lol After Sarah and I were separated I was reduced to taking my own photo lol behind me is the mud we were running in and the islands that we were running to; once we left the beach there was no time to get back before the tide came back in so we landed on one of the "Five Islands" (Long Island) to wait for boats. That behind me is one of them.
This hole through Long Island was crossed twice. once on the way too and once on the way back.

Some of the Rocky Terrain we crossed.
LOL rock.
So we went around these islands when there was No water surrounding them (this was later when tide was coming back in) and between those rocks out there and back through the hole on the big Island (picture it to the right...you can see the trail where hundreds of runners passed through....)

Second time through the "Keyhole" was annoying; I was still running but some of these people stopped and others were finished...and they blocked the hole and they stood in front of me and they basically made me climb over rocks so that they could take photos. There was a lack of etiquette at this race.
Not much photo taking after this; between the soft sand which was hard to run over, and the moguls caused by tides and waves, I was doing pretty well just to finish. I felt more tired after this race than I did after the 21 km the week before! lol

View of the Finish line from on top of the Island; can see the mainland in the distance from where we came :) The tide soon covered this area.
Once Sarah was back we had a bit of food and then went to grab the bags; someone thought they were on top of the Island so I climbed the 194 steps to the top to get the bags. They were not there by the way; they were on the beach. Sarah waited on a rock a few feet away from them for me to come down lol but once I was at the top I didnt go back down until I had looked around! and the view was AMAZING.
The Stairs
This boardwalk was all over the Island to protect the plants and ferns on the top of the Island.
One of the Views from One of the 4 cottages on the Island. It was neat from up there!
There was a "dumbwaiter" on the beach for hauling up heavy things; I stood on the edge to take this photo of the runners resting below on the beach.
And from the beach this is looking up at the platform.
Neat view of a cliff on the Island
Hard to see but Blomidon/Cape Split is over there. Normally only seen from Wolfville! I thought it neat to see it from this other side.
Once into drier clothes moods improved hahah
View of the dock on the beach with the stairs climbing from there. Portapotties not normally there of course. This dock floats.
The tide creeping closer. Boats almost floating!!
This is the boat we made it onto...I think it was the fifth trip.
The beach from the boat....Few people left :)
Hanging on for dear life!
Ready to go!
And the Island from the boat.
And the boat ride back was SO Awesome on a speedboat! TOTALLY AWESOME!
So my 10 km took me 1:23:15 to do, which isnt a best time but under those conditions I was not going for a best time! I was exhausted, after the mud, water, soft sand, rocks with barnacles, seaweed.....and did I mention moguls? Yea the sand in the tides forms moguls lol try running up and down those!
Definitely the best race ever! I hope everyone gets to experience races like the Not Since Moses!
Its really a Unique event :)
We planned to camp the night before but didnt manage it with poor weather forecasts and cranky kids and now I am regretting that because the weather didnt turn out awful (not too much rain) and it would have been a lot of fun. :(
So we drove up the morning of the race. I thought we were too late for the Basket Run (for kids) but we ended up in time; I couldnt convince Holly to go in it but we watched it and I think she thought it would be fun :)
The Bay of Fundy has really high and low tides. When it goes out it leaves miles of ocean floor uncovered. So we waited until tide was way out, and then started from the beach. :)

This is us starting out on the beach :) It was loose gravel which ended up being comparatively easy to run in ;)I thought it would be hard...it was nothing compared to the loose sand moguls.
Amazing view of the rocks behind Sarah :)

After crossing mud up to our ankles we went into water. THIS water wasnt deep and cleaned the mud off of our shoes. Not out of them, but off of them haha. There was a lot of water like this and sometimes so deep and with such a current that we almost fell into it lol. we crisscrossed lots of ocean rivers like this. It was almost impossible to run in ;) The waterways were kind of interesting and forced some walking breaks for us. lol

lol After Sarah and I were separated I was reduced to taking my own photo lol behind me is the mud we were running in and the islands that we were running to; once we left the beach there was no time to get back before the tide came back in so we landed on one of the "Five Islands" (Long Island) to wait for boats. That behind me is one of them.

Some of the Rocky Terrain we crossed.

Second time through the "Keyhole" was annoying; I was still running but some of these people stopped and others were finished...and they blocked the hole and they stood in front of me and they basically made me climb over rocks so that they could take photos. There was a lack of etiquette at this race.
Not much photo taking after this; between the soft sand which was hard to run over, and the moguls caused by tides and waves, I was doing pretty well just to finish. I felt more tired after this race than I did after the 21 km the week before! lol

View of the Finish line from on top of the Island; can see the mainland in the distance from where we came :) The tide soon covered this area.
Once Sarah was back we had a bit of food and then went to grab the bags; someone thought they were on top of the Island so I climbed the 194 steps to the top to get the bags. They were not there by the way; they were on the beach. Sarah waited on a rock a few feet away from them for me to come down lol but once I was at the top I didnt go back down until I had looked around! and the view was AMAZING.
And the boat ride back was SO Awesome on a speedboat! TOTALLY AWESOME!
So my 10 km took me 1:23:15 to do, which isnt a best time but under those conditions I was not going for a best time! I was exhausted, after the mud, water, soft sand, rocks with barnacles, seaweed.....and did I mention moguls? Yea the sand in the tides forms moguls lol try running up and down those!
Definitely the best race ever! I hope everyone gets to experience races like the Not Since Moses!
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