Out of the hockey rink for an extra couple of hours this morning so I eventually went for a run! I need to be getting up earlier for these things, considering I am so barely getting them in it isnt funny! I realised tonight I am about 12.2 km away from 1700 for the year, and I need to get those in during the next 2 days. Friday is only a 5 km Resolution Run day so I need 7.2 km in tomorrow ;) Playing hockey at 8 am tomorrow so it will be after that but before the kids have to be at Drama SIGH there is always something and they didnt get to their movie tonight :( I am very proud of Holly's hockey team for getting to the final round of their hockey tournament when no one including the parents thought they would. Impressive it was :)
So this morning's 6.15 km in 38 minutes (ugh) puts me over 100 km for December. Not a great month but usually December is terrible for me running-wise so I should be happy; the weather has been great but today in snow it was an entirely new dimension in running. Running up hill in snow is challenging. Im determined not to resort to any sort of sneaker traction devices; terrain is way too varied for that :)
-4 C, ran in long sleeves and a vest, left the gloves home which was good, but for when the wind was in my face; fingertips got chilly. I did like the temps for running in less than bundled clothing :)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Boxing Day run
after 4 days of doing little but shopping and getting ready for Christmas I finally got out for a run; the weather was nice and not too cold, and it wasnt raining or windy. but 4 days of shopping and getting ready for Christmas and late nights took it's toll, and 6.8 km was torture ;) actually the first 3 km were fine; the rest was torture. and I was ReALLY super sick when I got home; had a shower but was nauseous and threw up a little bit; dehydrated? tired? hungry? Who knows. Was not a pleasant experience. Return of the rain to follow.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dreadmill Run Dec 21
First day of winter came dreary, rainy, and windy :) Really windy! Since I am enjoying my free week at the gym I took the opportunity to play on the treadmill. It really is quite convenient for the tempo and speedwork runs.
Today was a tempo run and since Im really not sure what those are anymore I just did what I always do; I had 4 miles to go and I warmed up then I just increased the speed gradually for about 3/4 of the run, ran at top speed for a bit, then eased it back during the last couple of minutes for 4.15 km in 45 minutes including cooling off. Afterwards we did a little arms and stuff....not a tonne but about half an hours worth of show and tell ;)
This afternoon I took the kids to a skating party at the rink for 4H; it's nice for them to get to just skate and not have to be worried about practicing and playing hockey games :)
Today was a tempo run and since Im really not sure what those are anymore I just did what I always do; I had 4 miles to go and I warmed up then I just increased the speed gradually for about 3/4 of the run, ran at top speed for a bit, then eased it back during the last couple of minutes for 4.15 km in 45 minutes including cooling off. Afterwards we did a little arms and stuff....not a tonne but about half an hours worth of show and tell ;)
This afternoon I took the kids to a skating party at the rink for 4H; it's nice for them to get to just skate and not have to be worried about practicing and playing hockey games :)
Long Run Dec 19
Was only 10 km this week; end of week 2 :) I thought I might put it off until Monday with Sunday being hockey day and all, but the bright sun convinced me (and the forecast of rain for Monday/Tuesday). I did put it off until rather late in the morning ad was therefore hungry the entire run; Annika had hockey and then Drama, which was really hard to get to. She forgot her clothes and they were late and then she didnt want to go in, and was really sad....etc. So I was very late for my run.
I have a pass at the gym for a week so I decided to run from there; got slightly sucked into conversations and maybe wasted a little more time; warmed up on the bike for a few minutes then got outside for the run.
It was chilly; under 0 with a wind; but the sun had so much warmth there were some really awesome areas :) I stayed on fairly flat areas knowing if I pushed too much hockey in the afternoon would be difficult.
I did the first 3 km at about 6 minute pace but didnt manage to hold it up for the entire run Thank you wind, and finished the 10 km in about 1:04:20. Not a great time....
Hockey in the afternoon was ok; legs certainly were tired and shakey but I scored a goal and we did win the game so it didnt hurt anything :)
I have a pass at the gym for a week so I decided to run from there; got slightly sucked into conversations and maybe wasted a little more time; warmed up on the bike for a few minutes then got outside for the run.
It was chilly; under 0 with a wind; but the sun had so much warmth there were some really awesome areas :) I stayed on fairly flat areas knowing if I pushed too much hockey in the afternoon would be difficult.
I did the first 3 km at about 6 minute pace but didnt manage to hold it up for the entire run Thank you wind, and finished the 10 km in about 1:04:20. Not a great time....
Hockey in the afternoon was ok; legs certainly were tired and shakey but I scored a goal and we did win the game so it didnt hurt anything :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Dec 17 Run
The weather was clearish today (no promised sun of course) and temps were ok (-4) so out for a run I went; 4 miles on the plan and I went around Vimy and Farnham and Main and back up...for a total of 5 miles of tempo run (which was barely tempo since I kept forgetting :):)) 50:15 minutes. Getting a bit nippish but still better than raining. Need some running pants!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
10 km mid week longish run
Timing was not great but I did still manage to get in a nice not too cold 10 km run mid week! :) After work and meetings run late, with a children's party and christmas concert looming, I still managed to get on the running clothes and headed out the trail from work, around the top of the loop and back down to the bottom of the trail and back to my office; exactly 10 km and even tho I was on trails that were very wet (we have had some terribly wet weather this week) I still managed 1 hour 4 minutes and change. It was really pleasant, actually.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dreadmill Run
The weather outside is frightful! Seriously! I so hate high winds and rain! It's shut half the province down :( So at least yesterday and today Ive been reduced to either skipping runs or finding another option. After my non running weekend I really wanted to find another option. I checked out getting a pass for the gym online but it kept telling me to fill in required fields that I had already filled in so I gave up; a friend has gotten me a 7 day pass but Ive not seen her yet...I checked out the gym at the college and might try that out; I remembered a friend who has a good treadmill she offered up before so I actually went there and after she plied me with coffee and Christmas Baked Goods, I used her treadmill. Oh good lord. Even with the TV I suffered. OK actually it wasnt that bad with the tv there and I could crank the speed up and down as I wanted and it was actually my longest run yet on the treadmill although I did walk at the beginning and the end and the speed vs effort seemed SO off. I go 10 minute miles outside all the time but on the treadmill with a bit of a hill effort I only managed to get to 10 minute miles for about 7 minutes. And then it was time to reduce again. It wasnt that it was hard it was just so much different that outside. Maybe it's a miscommunication between the garmin and the treadmill? But Im sure it takes less effort to run outside and I would have cranked out that 7.2 km in about 43 minutes rather than the 58 (with walking) that it took on the treadmill. It was STILL so much better than not running at all, and the tv helped.
Monday, December 13, 2010
A very long weekend
it was So long and so short at the same time. I mean really! I have no idea where the weekend went but I want a do-over.
After Friday's disastrous run I was hoping to get out on Saturday or Sunday for a redo lol. we were heading into a really complicated weekend schedule with Taylor being in Halifax for a swim meet, meaning one parent was out of commission. There was still hockey to be covered, and I figured I was going to have to not go to my Saturday morning hockey in order to get Taylor to Halifax. But rechecking the schedules made me see that we COULD do it all...as long as we didnt want sleep. So Saturday Scott took Taylor swimming, and for some reason didnt make it back to town until like 2 pm! Hmmph. Holly went to her 7 am hockey and was picked up by her grandmother and taken to 4H by her Uncle and Aunt :) Holly taken care of. I took Annika to my 7 am hockey where she sat in the timekeepers box and quietly drank her hot chocolate she was SO good! I totally was pushed onto my ass and WOW does it hurt. Imagine how hard you have to fall to actually bruise your ass? Major pain. I believe I bruised the hip bones. We then went home to get ready for HER hockey and did some laundry. Good times. So we went to her hockey practice and waited for an hour while we ate a packed lunch that she made (hmm yummy) and then she had a hockey game :) During this time Holly was supposed to get to a birthday party but she ended up being late because I was on the coaching bench for Annika's game and could not leave to take her and I felt her grandmother had done enough :) So after the game when Scott had finally arrived I took Holly to the party where Annika met us and we went to see a movie for the party; the new Narnia in 3D....it was actually really good and the girls loved it. Thinking I was going home for a movie and some sleep, we actually ended up eating and then running to a friends house for a visit. Kids were SO tired! Holly stayed there for the night.
That was Saturday.
Sunday morning wasn't much different; We were up by 6 and I was out the door to take Taylor to her swim meet; in all she wracked up 4 more best times in her swims :) When she finished her last I was like.....Go Shower....WE can make the hockey game! LOL And I did...with a few minutes to spare. Played a game that was SO physical and very hard.....we did win but I was shaking by the end, so tired! Rested for an hour and then I played goalie for another team. I really like playing goalie but wow that's stressful! I was so tired by the end LOL
Wasted yet another hour while getting Holly ready for HER game, which was a bit of a blow out but she played super well and was very aggressive and well positioned :) it was good.
Finally sometime after 6 I made it home and we got the kids fed and into bed because you can imagine how tired they were at this point...it was ugly. I separated them over and over but they kinda got out of control when I was on the phone.
As soon as they were asleep I put on a movie (Eclipse) and then fell dead asleep.
Now a "real" hard core runner would have found time in that weekend to run right? The weather was pretty decent for the most part, and there was an hour here and an hour there, between hockey games and swims. I guess I fail at the hard core runner.
Now for the next 3 days it's calling for warm but torrential rains, 130 km gusting winds, and just plain miserable. Ive checked out my treadmill options; potential there.
After Friday's disastrous run I was hoping to get out on Saturday or Sunday for a redo lol. we were heading into a really complicated weekend schedule with Taylor being in Halifax for a swim meet, meaning one parent was out of commission. There was still hockey to be covered, and I figured I was going to have to not go to my Saturday morning hockey in order to get Taylor to Halifax. But rechecking the schedules made me see that we COULD do it all...as long as we didnt want sleep. So Saturday Scott took Taylor swimming, and for some reason didnt make it back to town until like 2 pm! Hmmph. Holly went to her 7 am hockey and was picked up by her grandmother and taken to 4H by her Uncle and Aunt :) Holly taken care of. I took Annika to my 7 am hockey where she sat in the timekeepers box and quietly drank her hot chocolate she was SO good! I totally was pushed onto my ass and WOW does it hurt. Imagine how hard you have to fall to actually bruise your ass? Major pain. I believe I bruised the hip bones. We then went home to get ready for HER hockey and did some laundry. Good times. So we went to her hockey practice and waited for an hour while we ate a packed lunch that she made (hmm yummy) and then she had a hockey game :) During this time Holly was supposed to get to a birthday party but she ended up being late because I was on the coaching bench for Annika's game and could not leave to take her and I felt her grandmother had done enough :) So after the game when Scott had finally arrived I took Holly to the party where Annika met us and we went to see a movie for the party; the new Narnia in 3D....it was actually really good and the girls loved it. Thinking I was going home for a movie and some sleep, we actually ended up eating and then running to a friends house for a visit. Kids were SO tired! Holly stayed there for the night.
That was Saturday.
Sunday morning wasn't much different; We were up by 6 and I was out the door to take Taylor to her swim meet; in all she wracked up 4 more best times in her swims :) When she finished her last I was like.....Go Shower....WE can make the hockey game! LOL And I did...with a few minutes to spare. Played a game that was SO physical and very hard.....we did win but I was shaking by the end, so tired! Rested for an hour and then I played goalie for another team. I really like playing goalie but wow that's stressful! I was so tired by the end LOL
Wasted yet another hour while getting Holly ready for HER game, which was a bit of a blow out but she played super well and was very aggressive and well positioned :) it was good.
Finally sometime after 6 I made it home and we got the kids fed and into bed because you can imagine how tired they were at this point...it was ugly. I separated them over and over but they kinda got out of control when I was on the phone.
As soon as they were asleep I put on a movie (Eclipse) and then fell dead asleep.
Now a "real" hard core runner would have found time in that weekend to run right? The weather was pretty decent for the most part, and there was an hour here and an hour there, between hockey games and swims. I guess I fail at the hard core runner.
Now for the next 3 days it's calling for warm but torrential rains, 130 km gusting winds, and just plain miserable. Ive checked out my treadmill options; potential there.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Dec 10 Friday Chill
What a cold day Friday was compared to what we have been getting (and are going to get) :) It was minus 8 or so and sunny; dry so it didnt feel bad at all :)
My garmin has not been picking up satellites in Bible Hill so rather than walking until it did or standing out in the cold waiting for it, I set it out on the step of the office and went back inside to wait on it :) I did some stretches while it found a signal; of course someone went out and thought it had been dropped and brought it back in where I confiscated it and put it on and went out for my run.
Scott had taken all of my stuff home so I was running home from the office. It's about 7 km. I started out on the trail behind the campus and then met the road and home. I realised a serious issue within about a km; I had had a greasy heavy lunch (3 hours before) that was still sitting on me, and I had cramps and nausea almost right away. it lasted all the way home. I actually called for a ride home but I was pretty much there before Scott could come get me. A horrible run! Im still nauseated.
Now today, I played hockey this morning and fell on my butt. Fell. Ha. But Im sore and miserable. Bruised to the bone. And super tired. No run today. Maybe get a long day in tomorrow? But I doubt it.
My garmin has not been picking up satellites in Bible Hill so rather than walking until it did or standing out in the cold waiting for it, I set it out on the step of the office and went back inside to wait on it :) I did some stretches while it found a signal; of course someone went out and thought it had been dropped and brought it back in where I confiscated it and put it on and went out for my run.
Scott had taken all of my stuff home so I was running home from the office. It's about 7 km. I started out on the trail behind the campus and then met the road and home. I realised a serious issue within about a km; I had had a greasy heavy lunch (3 hours before) that was still sitting on me, and I had cramps and nausea almost right away. it lasted all the way home. I actually called for a ride home but I was pretty much there before Scott could come get me. A horrible run! Im still nauseated.
Now today, I played hockey this morning and fell on my butt. Fell. Ha. But Im sore and miserable. Bruised to the bone. And super tired. No run today. Maybe get a long day in tomorrow? But I doubt it.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dec 9 Sunny day
and I made a mistake. Well a series of mistakes of course. First being getting the kids ready before me which meant that I was very late getting out; they went to school with their father but I was already behind LOL I should do these things simulutaneously.
Then there was taking the dog. Maggie hasnt been for a run with me in ages. OMG. I also usually put on her harness but today I just attached to the leash. Ugh. So not only is she not too fond of going my speed (turtle) but she wanted to go on the road ALL the time. And if I pulled the leash she dropped to her belly, jerking me to a dead stop. Over and over. And sometimes she just stopped and sat there. SIGH. So my 40 minute run took almost 55 minutes and I was late getting home. late starting and late getting home SIGH. I had about 20 minutes to shower and get the kids to the dentist. The school didnt have them ready for me. We were late. The dentist was late. SIGH it was frustrating BUT on a good note, the sun was shining and it was not deathly cold; it was drier than yesterday and therefore seemed warmer. A good run today! Slow. But good.
Then there was taking the dog. Maggie hasnt been for a run with me in ages. OMG. I also usually put on her harness but today I just attached to the leash. Ugh. So not only is she not too fond of going my speed (turtle) but she wanted to go on the road ALL the time. And if I pulled the leash she dropped to her belly, jerking me to a dead stop. Over and over. And sometimes she just stopped and sat there. SIGH. So my 40 minute run took almost 55 minutes and I was late getting home. late starting and late getting home SIGH. I had about 20 minutes to shower and get the kids to the dentist. The school didnt have them ready for me. We were late. The dentist was late. SIGH it was frustrating BUT on a good note, the sun was shining and it was not deathly cold; it was drier than yesterday and therefore seemed warmer. A good run today! Slow. But good.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I did it :)
Went for my run :) It was great, I ALWAYS love it once I get out the door SIGH. The weather left something to be desired; rain, snow, wind all at once. Even some sun! i was glad I wore my vest and somewhat wished for some gloves but I had my sleeves with thumb holes so it was ok. It was wet. Plan called for 6.4 km tempo; yes Im on a plan again. Running Room plan to finish a marathon in 4 hours 30 minutes which would take 10 minutes off my last time. I hope to do better. I have not picked out a marathon or a half or anything for 2011 yet. But Im looking! Got 7.55 km in today (48:30 minutes).
After I came back I got some bad news about a very nice person, important in the community and a good friend to many of my friends; left the world today :( She has been ill; I'm glad she is at peace now :( It's those of us left on earth who are going to have a hard time :(
Thinking of my friends and family tonight. I love them.
After I came back I got some bad news about a very nice person, important in the community and a good friend to many of my friends; left the world today :( She has been ill; I'm glad she is at peace now :( It's those of us left on earth who are going to have a hard time :(
Thinking of my friends and family tonight. I love them.
Searching for the motivation
I did not run Monday; total FAIL. Mostly weather related; I do hate to run in the strong winds we were having (and kinda still are).
But today I do need a run and Im sitting here feeling slightly sorry for myself and reading runners world and not getting out there. I have some work to do and Im working on it ; bouncing from one thing to another is never productive. I ate. I should be ready. I am thinking I may have forgotten to pack socks. That would put a bit of a crimp in the plan since I wore wool socks to work today. Maybe that is why I am still sitting here?
I do need to get up. Maybe this post will be what pushes me over the edge and out the door!
But today I do need a run and Im sitting here feeling slightly sorry for myself and reading runners world and not getting out there. I have some work to do and Im working on it ; bouncing from one thing to another is never productive. I ate. I should be ready. I am thinking I may have forgotten to pack socks. That would put a bit of a crimp in the plan since I wore wool socks to work today. Maybe that is why I am still sitting here?
I do need to get up. Maybe this post will be what pushes me over the edge and out the door!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hockey Game
Was really good today; we had some laughs and I got 2 goals :) Im adequately tired tonight :)
Sunday Dec 5 Run
Didnt get out to run Saturday; tooooo much hockey! :)Started with pick up at 7 am, then rushed to Brookfield for a game with Holly, Practice at 11 with Annika, and her game at 1. So sometime after 2 we got home and while Scott took Holly to her long practice I cleaned house a bit and got ready for company :) They came for supper and stayed into the evening and we had a relaxing knit time :):) half done a sock! Then to bed to watch hockey; Leafs won against the odds I gave them LOL
Weather is still mostly pretty amazing :) temps were good, not too cloudy, so Sunday Morning out I went....
It took me a long long time to convince to go. I woke after a restless night (thanks Annika and snoring Scott) with a headache and took ages to get out of bed; once I did I felt sick to my stomach and just didnt feel like going anywhere. And it was getting late; have hockey this afternoon and I cannot be too tired for that since it matters to me if we win and I have a good time! When Im tired I do not have a good time LOL
But I shortened my route and finally got out; it was warmish with temps between 4 and 7 C and Sunny breaks :) It also rained on me but the sun still held a lot of heat so it was ok. It was perfect running weather. Perfect! I was kind of sad to go home. I did 8.5 km in about 55 minutes (again leisurely; no speed work going on!) I would have gone further BUT for the hockey game LOL
Weather is still mostly pretty amazing :) temps were good, not too cloudy, so Sunday Morning out I went....
It took me a long long time to convince to go. I woke after a restless night (thanks Annika and snoring Scott) with a headache and took ages to get out of bed; once I did I felt sick to my stomach and just didnt feel like going anywhere. And it was getting late; have hockey this afternoon and I cannot be too tired for that since it matters to me if we win and I have a good time! When Im tired I do not have a good time LOL
But I shortened my route and finally got out; it was warmish with temps between 4 and 7 C and Sunny breaks :) It also rained on me but the sun still held a lot of heat so it was ok. It was perfect running weather. Perfect! I was kind of sad to go home. I did 8.5 km in about 55 minutes (again leisurely; no speed work going on!) I would have gone further BUT for the hockey game LOL
Friday, December 3, 2010
Still Running in Shorts :) Dec 3
today was 9 C. 9!! Jeez that's a summer day! LOL Almost. Although it was damp and drizzly, and felt much more bone chilling than 9, it was still nice to be able to go out lightly dressed for a run :) Shorts, long sleeved shirt, and nothing else :) And was still overly warm. LOL
Didn't really have a plan when I left the pool but that I was going to run. Im really super tired from a long night and day of marking and passing out stuff. Actually dozed off this afternoon sitting up! LOL After a very difficult Parent-Teacher interview I was really ready for some stress relief but also really considered just driving home and getting into bed. Im glad that I decided to do the run instead, but now Im quite tired. I headed out the trail to Lower Truro then up the hill WAY up to the connector road, and back down into town. A very long climb with a long downhill reward at the end. Back to the pool for 8 km in 51 leisurely minutes. Im not paying too much attention to pace at this point and concentrating on just keeping going. 34 km this week so far with tomorrow still yet to come, km are down but still keeping on :) Over 1600 km for the year as of today thanks to all that Marathon training :):):)
I still have not started P90X but I am going to have to soon; now that classes are done I really need to. I also have to set up the bike in the trainer; the tire has been changed and it is waiting for me :):):)
We'll see what this weekend brings, besides hockey.
Didn't really have a plan when I left the pool but that I was going to run. Im really super tired from a long night and day of marking and passing out stuff. Actually dozed off this afternoon sitting up! LOL After a very difficult Parent-Teacher interview I was really ready for some stress relief but also really considered just driving home and getting into bed. Im glad that I decided to do the run instead, but now Im quite tired. I headed out the trail to Lower Truro then up the hill WAY up to the connector road, and back down into town. A very long climb with a long downhill reward at the end. Back to the pool for 8 km in 51 leisurely minutes. Im not paying too much attention to pace at this point and concentrating on just keeping going. 34 km this week so far with tomorrow still yet to come, km are down but still keeping on :) Over 1600 km for the year as of today thanks to all that Marathon training :):):)
I still have not started P90X but I am going to have to soon; now that classes are done I really need to. I also have to set up the bike in the trainer; the tire has been changed and it is waiting for me :):):)
We'll see what this weekend brings, besides hockey.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dec 1
And still running in short pants :) We've had nice albeit drizzly weather this past couple of weeks :) Loving being able to still run outside and on trails :)
Went to the park for a nice Wednesday run after dropping all the kids off at school, got in 8 km on the trails including loads and loads of hills, and still got back to school early enough to prepare for class and get stuff done :) A good day!
Bummer it was such a long day; starting by leaving the house at 730 am and working full day with3.5 hours in the Anatomy lab on my feet and then picking up all the kids at the pool and getting home in time to eat and run out the door (15 minutes) to a 3 hour hockey staff clinic on bullying, harassement, and Abuse. SIGH. And then home to finish getting ready for today.
Im beat. I need to sleep. But not today; test #2 to give soon, then a run, get kids. Maybe in that order. I have a TONNE of marking to do tonight. SIGH. Maybe I can rest after tomorrow.
Went to the park for a nice Wednesday run after dropping all the kids off at school, got in 8 km on the trails including loads and loads of hills, and still got back to school early enough to prepare for class and get stuff done :) A good day!
Bummer it was such a long day; starting by leaving the house at 730 am and working full day with3.5 hours in the Anatomy lab on my feet and then picking up all the kids at the pool and getting home in time to eat and run out the door (15 minutes) to a 3 hour hockey staff clinic on bullying, harassement, and Abuse. SIGH. And then home to finish getting ready for today.
Im beat. I need to sleep. But not today; test #2 to give soon, then a run, get kids. Maybe in that order. I have a TONNE of marking to do tonight. SIGH. Maybe I can rest after tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
More Running for Fun
This running for fun again is just for the birds LOL. Im aware birds do not do a lot of running. But seriously I am about as undisciplined as possible when it comes to getting the runs in. I make plans and then when something gets in the way I feel frustrated and let it get in the way rather than finding a way around it. Take yesterday. Work was pretty busy all day so I planned to get out for a run after lab, before Taylor got finished swimming. Then a paper jam in the computer kept me behind, so I arrived at the pool later; had to pass in some stuff by a certain time so I did....and then I thought it was too late for a run, and that Taylor would be right out. I waited and waited, feeling frustrated that once she came out there would be no run because it is too dark to run at home and I was leaving town and was really tired and would not come back to streetlights.
of course, Taylor took a very long time to finish up in the pool and even skipping her shower she took a long long time in the locker room and I likely could have gotten in the run. SIGH but I let it go, I waited inside, I drove home, I went to bed right away and I stayed there until morning. Ok I was pretty tired lOL.
So today I got up with new resolve and a plan, and went for a run from work right after class and before any other commitments :) and I actually went :) weather was chilly, but nice for a run, a little hard on the face but very nice. I followed a path I had wanted to check out for ages now, a piece of the TransCanadaTrail that I had no idea where it would come out. I found it came out very near the end of another piece of path so I followed that until I was near campus then I took a few minutes to figure out where THAT little new piece of trail went in the other direction but when it went far out of sight I turned back because I had gone 8 km and I was in a time crunch :) Time really flew! Super nice trails and if the weather stays nice I might actually get to figure out where that last one comes out :):):)
so a Success today :) I ran and it was for fun. Now what is going to motivate me to go tomorrow? :):):)
of course, Taylor took a very long time to finish up in the pool and even skipping her shower she took a long long time in the locker room and I likely could have gotten in the run. SIGH but I let it go, I waited inside, I drove home, I went to bed right away and I stayed there until morning. Ok I was pretty tired lOL.
So today I got up with new resolve and a plan, and went for a run from work right after class and before any other commitments :) and I actually went :) weather was chilly, but nice for a run, a little hard on the face but very nice. I followed a path I had wanted to check out for ages now, a piece of the TransCanadaTrail that I had no idea where it would come out. I found it came out very near the end of another piece of path so I followed that until I was near campus then I took a few minutes to figure out where THAT little new piece of trail went in the other direction but when it went far out of sight I turned back because I had gone 8 km and I was in a time crunch :) Time really flew! Super nice trails and if the weather stays nice I might actually get to figure out where that last one comes out :):):)
so a Success today :) I ran and it was for fun. Now what is going to motivate me to go tomorrow? :):):)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Feast or Famine
Seems there is either little activity accomplished here (Yesterday: Annika's Hockey game at 730 25 minutes away, Holly's at 930 25 minutes in the other directions SIGH and Annika's second game at 12 in the middle left us tired and doing NOTHING in the afternoon SIGH ) Or super active days (Today).
At the rink by 8 for Annika's practice and since I am helping coach I put on skates and made like an assistant LOL. after dropping the book ends at the church and seeing the middle child at her grandparent's house I went for a nice sunny and frigid 9.6 km run :) That wind was raw and despite the mildish temps (around -1) it was hard on the face so I ran into town and then back out to the car Brr. Had the wind been down it would have been amazing :)
Home and showered and then "rested" for a couple of hours before my own hockey game; it was a rough game but we came away with a 2-1 win and no permanent injuries. But now Im realllllly tired LOL. There is enough hockey around here on the weekends to keep someone super tired; when are long runs supposed to happen? Completely off any sort of schedule here and floundering with no direction! I require goals!
At the rink by 8 for Annika's practice and since I am helping coach I put on skates and made like an assistant LOL. after dropping the book ends at the church and seeing the middle child at her grandparent's house I went for a nice sunny and frigid 9.6 km run :) That wind was raw and despite the mildish temps (around -1) it was hard on the face so I ran into town and then back out to the car Brr. Had the wind been down it would have been amazing :)
Home and showered and then "rested" for a couple of hours before my own hockey game; it was a rough game but we came away with a 2-1 win and no permanent injuries. But now Im realllllly tired LOL. There is enough hockey around here on the weekends to keep someone super tired; when are long runs supposed to happen? Completely off any sort of schedule here and floundering with no direction! I require goals!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Active Friday
Friday was kind of funny weather wise with clearer weather in the morning (teaching and working) and clouding over later with snow and rain mix (when I was less working and more baking birthday cakes for newly 10 year old Holly :):)) and due to the weather AND the hockey, no run was accomplished. So far my run miles are about 1/2 what they were only a month ago SIGH. But a game of tough pick up hockey without spares, followed by a family skating session in the evening where Tag was the game of choice (until we were caught by the public skating police SIGH) provided some needed activity. That noon hockey has become less of a casual skate and shoot and is more contact and speed and skill every week. Starting to feel awfully inept out there SIGH but I keep on going. Family skating was late and teen-filled and not really worth it since it was late and both kids played hockey early on Saturday; not something to be done often.
Run today? Hockey tonight?
Run today? Hockey tonight?
Friday, November 26, 2010
beating the rain
And getting out ahead of it was nice; I even saw some sun on my chilly windy 8 kms yesterday! And I did note, no butt pain in sight! BUT. Shin Splints. Seriously?? Mild but, present. Maybe from those hill repeats? UGH. Stretching!
I managed to activate those kids somewhat last night too! And! I went shopping. With purpose, so no moseying along. Power walk all over the mall and downtown Truro! Yes I did find what I wanted; just the right boots for someone's birthday!
I managed to activate those kids somewhat last night too! And! I went shopping. With purpose, so no moseying along. Power walk all over the mall and downtown Truro! Yes I did find what I wanted; just the right boots for someone's birthday!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
km Repeats in the park
this morning was damp and chilly around 0C with the rain/mist and the fog. Perfect running weather yeah! LOL I dressed and took the kids to school and had planned to go to the trail and run out and back for about 6.4 km; in the parking lot at T's school I almost literally ran into Jill; her little blue car is hard to see in rain and fog and gloom! So I parked near her and she was going for a run! Behind the school there is the park access and we went up there to the 1 km loop from the JH meets and ran some repeats! The trail is down hill for the first half km and up hill for the next .65 km for a total of about 1.15 km per lap. I liked the down hill even tho it was complicated by the remaining snow, ice, melting water, and mud we encountered; going back up hill I found to be a challenge. On the first lap I turned a corner to a steep uphill covered with snow and ice and I slipped. From then on, climbing the hills was hell for my imbalanced left hip and not great for my right either. Although it's not completely accurate to say that my ass hurts it was close HAHAHA
We finished 5 X 1 km loops and the recovery of that little .15 in between for about 6 km total; we were wet and muddy and it was a totally good workout. Left me wanting a little more; that's a good sigh! Particularly with the numbers that met me on the scale this morning. I keep telling myself that WAS after breakfast and I was dressed, but I wasn't wearing a small elephant. Just jeans.
We finished 5 X 1 km loops and the recovery of that little .15 in between for about 6 km total; we were wet and muddy and it was a totally good workout. Left me wanting a little more; that's a good sigh! Particularly with the numbers that met me on the scale this morning. I keep telling myself that WAS after breakfast and I was dressed, but I wasn't wearing a small elephant. Just jeans.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Got the Run IN :):):)
Ugh it takes about 5 minutes to lose any fitness you gained while doing tonnes of running for months and month. 5 minutes! Sheeeit I felt like a fat old cow on my run tonight. I felt uncomfortable in my skin all day :( and it was not improved by clothing that felt uncomfortable and jackets that felt heavy SIGH
I did ok with eating less but not really great and I have to continue to work on snacking less on things i like and less of them. We had fish for supper yum.
Anyway after a serious delay thanks to a difficult to avoid work situation I did get out 1.5 hours late LOL and only had a chance to get in 5 km before Taylor had to be picked up at the pool. But home and supper and shower reall felt good. The route was up hill for 1.5 km then rolling for the rest with a nice long downhill but in the dark and on a main road with ice and some really awful road conditions like holes and large gravel in the dark; it was challenging but good to get back out :)
Early day at work tomorrow but might actually get in another run; determined if I cannot fit a long run in then I am going to do more short runs; some people run every single day! LOL
I did ok with eating less but not really great and I have to continue to work on snacking less on things i like and less of them. We had fish for supper yum.
Anyway after a serious delay thanks to a difficult to avoid work situation I did get out 1.5 hours late LOL and only had a chance to get in 5 km before Taylor had to be picked up at the pool. But home and supper and shower reall felt good. The route was up hill for 1.5 km then rolling for the rest with a nice long downhill but in the dark and on a main road with ice and some really awful road conditions like holes and large gravel in the dark; it was challenging but good to get back out :)
Early day at work tomorrow but might actually get in another run; determined if I cannot fit a long run in then I am going to do more short runs; some people run every single day! LOL
Yes this is what I am doing instead of running
Reading blogs. Yup. Ive not run in 4 days. 4!! It's been so busy! Ive spent to much time finishing bows and doing work and finishing bows and watching the kids playing hockey and playing a little hockey and finishing bows....yup bows are done.
Check this video I LOVE IT
Much thanks to MissZippy who's blog I found it from :)
I might get to run today :(:(:(
Check this video I LOVE IT
Much thanks to MissZippy who's blog I found it from :)
I might get to run today :(:(:(
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ooops I did it again
Waited. and waited. At least it was not cold when I went out and ran 9 km in the rain. The 9? That was likely punishment for waiting so long but it really felt good! :):):) It was warm, I felt better having had my lunch rather than going while hungry, and the 9 were not with any great effort ie time was not great but neither was the pain :) Hip is not too bad! both sort of bothered me while I was running but not so much later! :):) It's good :):):)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
means I ran in the rain today. And I made myself do it because it was my punishment for having procrastinated. I mean, I could have gone while it was just cloudy but I instead went back to my office and did not do the run...then it was raining.
I think I was just hungry ;) I wanted something to eat and I was pouting and my belly was hungry ;) and I felt gross. So I had a snack and it set badly and I waited to feel better then I finally just went. And It was raining LOL. Not a lot, but variably and the entire run. Which was only 5.3 km and because I was hungry and weak, (lol) was pretty slow at under 33 minutes.
Now I have had lunch and I am leaving for my massage. Life is hard. Im hoping this hip thing will resolve shortly! Im gaining too much weight. see up: Always Hungry.
I think I was just hungry ;) I wanted something to eat and I was pouting and my belly was hungry ;) and I felt gross. So I had a snack and it set badly and I waited to feel better then I finally just went. And It was raining LOL. Not a lot, but variably and the entire run. Which was only 5.3 km and because I was hungry and weak, (lol) was pretty slow at under 33 minutes.
Now I have had lunch and I am leaving for my massage. Life is hard. Im hoping this hip thing will resolve shortly! Im gaining too much weight. see up: Always Hungry.
Monday, November 15, 2010
After such an amazing Friday filled with lovely weather and a perfect run, great time at hockey, running to the Running Room in the afternoon to try on jackets for the upcoming Resolution Run, and then a Candle Party, Saturday morning came FREAKING early. Up at 5 am, in the car and on the way to Dartmouth by 6, Taylor in the water by 730, and swimming her events shortly after 8. I found seating and I have to say I guarded it with the help of the friends sitting with me. It was SO hard to get a seat at the swim meet! certainly not set up for spectators, despite the event being heavily attended by parents and guardians watching their young ones swim.
Taylor had an amazing Saturady; she swam 3 events in the morning while I struggled to stay awake and guarded my seat; she had personal best times in all :) Then we had a break and went to the Mall for shopping...poor kid was so tired but she followed me around the mall for 2 hours before we headed back to the pool and had a nap in the car. Sent her back in to the meet for the evening session Where she swam 2 more events and had 2 more personal bests! Granted she did not "really" compete last year, and her times were certainly better this year with all her practice and attention, swimming with the older group has really improved her form! :)
Despite all the down time, I did not get out running on Saturday. I hate to leave the pool while she is swimming, did not want to miss anything, hated giving up my seat. was Super tired. We spent the night with Auntie Jessie and Harvey, And again got up early, and headed to the pool.
Sunday morning I did it differently. Taylor had warm up then a long break before her first event. The weather was again perfect (sunny, just above 0) and I dropped her off at the pool, changed my clothes, and headed for a run. Around Dartmouth! Im so brave, lol directionally challenged and unfamiliar.
I headed out of the Sportsplex and went right across the MacDonald Bridge. It was great :) So sunny and warm, great view of the Harbour, nice hilly workout LOL. That's the bridge that we go over in the Bluenose run :) Familiar, but different having to run it on the pedestrian walkway LOL. Better view.
On the other side I did a little loop and headed back to the bridge at about 15 minutes, not wanting to miss Taylor's swim. I crossed the bridge and finished 5 km near the Sportsplex. Went inside sweaty and gross, and waited about 20 minutes before Taylor swam; another personal best time :):):) I talked to her before going back out and running another 5 km. this time I stayed on the Dartmouth side of the Harbour, going up behind the Sportsplex and along some more quiet roads. I kind of got lost and wandered a bit before someone told me how to get back to the main highway and I ran right back. :) 10 km in 1:03:42 with a few moments for confusion and conversation LOL. Not exactly backing off the speed the way it was recommended but Im slowing somewhat and just enjoying the weather. :):)
I was able to change and still had to wait for Taylor's next event. It wasn't too bad, sitting without a seat but in spots here and there, taking photos and chatting with other swimming parents. :) Taylor swam her last event (PB #7) and we left for home, back in time for lunch and a hockey game in the afternoon which we won 3-1. :):):) Holly had a game 2 hours later; she got her team's only 2 goals in a 3-2 loss :) But a great game for her! :):)
After yesterday I might not get a lot done today; Weight starting to freak me out since I am always hungry but Im going to be gaining! UGH Gotta get it under control; I cannot keep up the pace of marathon training just to keep weight loss maintenance. PANIC! I need another activity I guess! :):):)
Taylor had an amazing Saturady; she swam 3 events in the morning while I struggled to stay awake and guarded my seat; she had personal best times in all :) Then we had a break and went to the Mall for shopping...poor kid was so tired but she followed me around the mall for 2 hours before we headed back to the pool and had a nap in the car. Sent her back in to the meet for the evening session Where she swam 2 more events and had 2 more personal bests! Granted she did not "really" compete last year, and her times were certainly better this year with all her practice and attention, swimming with the older group has really improved her form! :)
Despite all the down time, I did not get out running on Saturday. I hate to leave the pool while she is swimming, did not want to miss anything, hated giving up my seat. was Super tired. We spent the night with Auntie Jessie and Harvey, And again got up early, and headed to the pool.
Sunday morning I did it differently. Taylor had warm up then a long break before her first event. The weather was again perfect (sunny, just above 0) and I dropped her off at the pool, changed my clothes, and headed for a run. Around Dartmouth! Im so brave, lol directionally challenged and unfamiliar.
I headed out of the Sportsplex and went right across the MacDonald Bridge. It was great :) So sunny and warm, great view of the Harbour, nice hilly workout LOL. That's the bridge that we go over in the Bluenose run :) Familiar, but different having to run it on the pedestrian walkway LOL. Better view.
On the other side I did a little loop and headed back to the bridge at about 15 minutes, not wanting to miss Taylor's swim. I crossed the bridge and finished 5 km near the Sportsplex. Went inside sweaty and gross, and waited about 20 minutes before Taylor swam; another personal best time :):):) I talked to her before going back out and running another 5 km. this time I stayed on the Dartmouth side of the Harbour, going up behind the Sportsplex and along some more quiet roads. I kind of got lost and wandered a bit before someone told me how to get back to the main highway and I ran right back. :) 10 km in 1:03:42 with a few moments for confusion and conversation LOL. Not exactly backing off the speed the way it was recommended but Im slowing somewhat and just enjoying the weather. :):)
I was able to change and still had to wait for Taylor's next event. It wasn't too bad, sitting without a seat but in spots here and there, taking photos and chatting with other swimming parents. :) Taylor swam her last event (PB #7) and we left for home, back in time for lunch and a hockey game in the afternoon which we won 3-1. :):):) Holly had a game 2 hours later; she got her team's only 2 goals in a 3-2 loss :) But a great game for her! :):)
After yesterday I might not get a lot done today; Weight starting to freak me out since I am always hungry but Im going to be gaining! UGH Gotta get it under control; I cannot keep up the pace of marathon training just to keep weight loss maintenance. PANIC! I need another activity I guess! :):):)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sunshine and Great Temps = Perfect Morning Run
perfect 0-3 C and sun and just enough rest made this morning's 8 km run awesome. It was really hard to keep the tempo down and run it in 49:30. Because it felt so good.
Shocking after yesterday's Hockey Training Camp in Dartmouth. We were on the ice 2 hours 40 minutes in total, with 2 sessions; there was a rather basic stretching session, a classroom session, and travel. Oh plus pizza for supper, we were not home until 830 at night LOL But it was a great session and I hope I was able to take in enough for it to benefit my hockey :) A lot of activity in 2 days; about to head off for more hockey shortly LOL
Shocking after yesterday's Hockey Training Camp in Dartmouth. We were on the ice 2 hours 40 minutes in total, with 2 sessions; there was a rather basic stretching session, a classroom session, and travel. Oh plus pizza for supper, we were not home until 830 at night LOL But it was a great session and I hope I was able to take in enough for it to benefit my hockey :) A lot of activity in 2 days; about to head off for more hockey shortly LOL
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday starting to PANIC
Got out and ran today despite hunger and some crappy wind LOL I hate wind more than rain! LOL This lunch time run was reminiscent of the freaking marathon, without the rain and in all directions. Ran 5.2 km (more or less) around 5 k route for Harvestfest run. Boring. Stinky gas stations and intersections. But the run is in a logged. This month has been super slow; not getting many km in. Hip still a pain and at risk of getting whiney here. Saw my chiro yesterday who did not have a lot to say about any of it, as opposed to my massage therapist who has tonnes to say about it, but no one says don't run LOL. Ouch. Im wondering what is the actual issue I have; Im terrible at localizing pain. I have an inflamed nerve in my right lower back that is sensitive to touch ;) stabbing pain when grazed lightly, radiating to the left side. It's weird, not bothersome but weird. See? Whiney. But Im floundering without a goal race, and have no plan as far as keeping the pre-marathon weight loss going. OMG I am so hungry almost all the time and cannot seem to resist; I've no will power at all. If someone put cake on my desk right now it would vanish. I cannot even tell myself to knock it off LOL. So since Marathon I think I have gained about 4 pounds (some days more than others) and this has caused some panic. Apparently not enough to actually stop eating crap however. Just enough that when I don't get a run in, or it hurts, I panic and feel guilt and disappointment which illustrates part of the reason at least of why I won't stop running ;) I wonder why I cannot gather as much enthusiasm for biking or something else? LOL
P90X has been in the house all summer but Ive not gotten "around" to starting that either. I cannot get it together. Running is so simple and I have it figured out. All the rest would take some effort. I will start P90X when I have cleaned up my scrapping room enough to get space. There. Now that's a goal heheheheh!
5.2 km 30:30 minutes.
P90X has been in the house all summer but Ive not gotten "around" to starting that either. I cannot get it together. Running is so simple and I have it figured out. All the rest would take some effort. I will start P90X when I have cleaned up my scrapping room enough to get space. There. Now that's a goal heheheheh!
5.2 km 30:30 minutes.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Short Run
My hip feels better despite all the hockey I played this week, and I went for a run eventually tonight;) I tried all day and had trouble getting the time to do it :)
The run was short and painfully slow; it's hard to reduce the pace when all you did for 6 months was try to go faster LOL but I did manage a slow 6:15 pace over 5.1 km for 32 minutes :) And hip felt ok; it hurts but it is manageable. Now to see, if tomorrow it gets more and more painful; that is the test. AND I have to stretch tonight! LOL
The rain was awesome :) the traffic? Not so much. I may have been a tiny bit careless in the cross walks, but I tried to make eye contact. Maybe it was the rain; maybe it was the bad traffic jam day due to the flooding and the construction work going on in key intersections all day, but the drivers were NASTY and I very nearly got hit in a cross walk by a truck. So close I reached out for the hood of it while I was jumping back. And there was plenty of room and plenty of warning. Damned truck. And the fellow who MADE eye contact and stopped in an intersections just to rev and screech out in front of me, missing by a foot...yeah that was hilarious hope you had a good chuckle. Lots of screeching tires tonight and rudeness on all parts. I guess it was a bad driving day :(
The run was short and painfully slow; it's hard to reduce the pace when all you did for 6 months was try to go faster LOL but I did manage a slow 6:15 pace over 5.1 km for 32 minutes :) And hip felt ok; it hurts but it is manageable. Now to see, if tomorrow it gets more and more painful; that is the test. AND I have to stretch tonight! LOL
The rain was awesome :) the traffic? Not so much. I may have been a tiny bit careless in the cross walks, but I tried to make eye contact. Maybe it was the rain; maybe it was the bad traffic jam day due to the flooding and the construction work going on in key intersections all day, but the drivers were NASTY and I very nearly got hit in a cross walk by a truck. So close I reached out for the hood of it while I was jumping back. And there was plenty of room and plenty of warning. Damned truck. And the fellow who MADE eye contact and stopped in an intersections just to rev and screech out in front of me, missing by a foot...yeah that was hilarious hope you had a good chuckle. Lots of screeching tires tonight and rudeness on all parts. I guess it was a bad driving day :(
Non-Running Weekend
Thanks to the weather I was a lot less tempted to go out for a run this weekend. Rain was long enough and hard enough to cause lots of local flooding and crappiness and I could have run but since Im on a little self-imposed run break to see if my hip will feel better, it was just easier that the weather cooperated and I didnt have undeniable urges to run :):):)
Now it's been three days and Im freaking out because the scale isnt being my friend and because I feel tired and need to get back out running :) Hip? Better yes, did not help that I played hockey 4 times on my non-running weekend LOL but it doesnt feel too bad. Today I am going to go out for a slow, short run. And see how that goes. Maybe I need to do a daily short run and not so much the long runs with rest days? Overrated, those are. LOL.
Now it's been three days and Im freaking out because the scale isnt being my friend and because I feel tired and need to get back out running :) Hip? Better yes, did not help that I played hockey 4 times on my non-running weekend LOL but it doesnt feel too bad. Today I am going to go out for a slow, short run. And see how that goes. Maybe I need to do a daily short run and not so much the long runs with rest days? Overrated, those are. LOL.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Running Rest
was completely confirmed with the rain and wind storm we are experiencing. For the next 4 days so I guess I better learn to use p90x. Oh wait. Im resting my hip right?
Naw. Sorry Carla. I do think this is something I can run through. Or limp through. HAHAHA I may run less like you said, but that doesnt mean I can't play hockey right? Oh yeah. I played hockey at Lunch time today :) What a great stress relief. What a great activity. Great bunch of girls. I enjoyed playing with them. Even the ones that were SO much better because know what they do? Pass. Play nicely. Set up plays. It was totally so much fun I was terribly sad when it was time to leave LOL.
Come on Next Friday Lunch Time Hockey! LOL
Rest? It's gonna be completely subjective. Do I wanna run? Naw. Im resting. Hockey? OK im in.
Speaking of in, I joined a challenge thing to keep motivated over the Holidays (because historically I cannot do it alone LOL) Check out the sidebar ------> It's the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge (cheeeeese) and it looks somewhat fun :):) I cannot wait; so far there are 147 people signed up, and based on their comments about last year it could be a blast. OR I could completely forget about it? LOL
Naw. Sorry Carla. I do think this is something I can run through. Or limp through. HAHAHA I may run less like you said, but that doesnt mean I can't play hockey right? Oh yeah. I played hockey at Lunch time today :) What a great stress relief. What a great activity. Great bunch of girls. I enjoyed playing with them. Even the ones that were SO much better because know what they do? Pass. Play nicely. Set up plays. It was totally so much fun I was terribly sad when it was time to leave LOL.
Come on Next Friday Lunch Time Hockey! LOL
Rest? It's gonna be completely subjective. Do I wanna run? Naw. Im resting. Hockey? OK im in.
Speaking of in, I joined a challenge thing to keep motivated over the Holidays (because historically I cannot do it alone LOL) Check out the sidebar ------> It's the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge (cheeeeese) and it looks somewhat fun :):) I cannot wait; so far there are 147 people signed up, and based on their comments about last year it could be a blast. OR I could completely forget about it? LOL
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Trying to Keep Running...OWW :)
Im battling imbalances! LOL
After the discomfort of my Monday run, my left hip kept on getting more uncomfortable. It was just before the Marathon that I had to convince myself that my right hip wasn't broken. It felt much better after the taper period, and the Marathon was fine.
When I felt really uncomfortable on Monday, I assumed LOL that it was a result of the hockey game on Sunday that resulted in a few bruises and pulled muscles. I could not even jog up the hallway at work (I was chasing Holly of course). the pain happens mostly when I step forward, as my leg is just about to touch the ground. There is weakness and sharp pain; it happens at other times when Im twisting or standing on that leg....bending over. lol So I took Tuesday and Wednesday completely off. I thought it felt a lot better and started out on a tentative run this morning. I headed up the hill figuring I could do the 10 k loop if I felt good, and turn back if I did not.
It was minimal at first but slowly got worse. Climbing hills was most miserable. LOL I did turn back at the cream horse LOL (4 km) and walked a moment before running home; it was not so bad that I could not continue running but it was noticable.
And like Monday, it got worse all day. When I was sitting it was most uncomfortable and I had meeting and presentations this afternoon to attend, meaning loads of sitting.
Happily, I had an appointment with my massage therapist this afternoon. She always finds the knots and trigger points and pushes them out. And there were loads of them around my left hip (and right :)) So she unknotted my butt and we are going to work on that for awhile in hopes of having this pain go away. Something about irritated hip flexors and tendons and ligaments joining the sacrum and the hamstrings and yada yada I was too busy Writhing in pain to take it all in. But afterwards there was noticeable increase in range of motion with less pain. No cure, just better. We'll see how it goes but I might take tomorrow off ;)
After the discomfort of my Monday run, my left hip kept on getting more uncomfortable. It was just before the Marathon that I had to convince myself that my right hip wasn't broken. It felt much better after the taper period, and the Marathon was fine.
When I felt really uncomfortable on Monday, I assumed LOL that it was a result of the hockey game on Sunday that resulted in a few bruises and pulled muscles. I could not even jog up the hallway at work (I was chasing Holly of course). the pain happens mostly when I step forward, as my leg is just about to touch the ground. There is weakness and sharp pain; it happens at other times when Im twisting or standing on that leg....bending over. lol So I took Tuesday and Wednesday completely off. I thought it felt a lot better and started out on a tentative run this morning. I headed up the hill figuring I could do the 10 k loop if I felt good, and turn back if I did not.
It was minimal at first but slowly got worse. Climbing hills was most miserable. LOL I did turn back at the cream horse LOL (4 km) and walked a moment before running home; it was not so bad that I could not continue running but it was noticable.
And like Monday, it got worse all day. When I was sitting it was most uncomfortable and I had meeting and presentations this afternoon to attend, meaning loads of sitting.
Happily, I had an appointment with my massage therapist this afternoon. She always finds the knots and trigger points and pushes them out. And there were loads of them around my left hip (and right :)) So she unknotted my butt and we are going to work on that for awhile in hopes of having this pain go away. Something about irritated hip flexors and tendons and ligaments joining the sacrum and the hamstrings and yada yada I was too busy Writhing in pain to take it all in. But afterwards there was noticeable increase in range of motion with less pain. No cure, just better. We'll see how it goes but I might take tomorrow off ;)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Getting Famous Part II
Here is the second part of my few seconds of fame ;)
Part II
It's neat to see my experiences on there!
I took today off from running; having a lot of discomfort in my OTHER hip (lol hockey I think) and thought a day off might be good for it. When I move my leg forward it hurts my hip an awful lot :(
Tomorrow is not likely a good day for running :( long work day and it's Annika's 8th birthday; maybe a late run will happen but no guarentees :(
Part II
It's neat to see my experiences on there!
I took today off from running; having a lot of discomfort in my OTHER hip (lol hockey I think) and thought a day off might be good for it. When I move my leg forward it hurts my hip an awful lot :(
Tomorrow is not likely a good day for running :( long work day and it's Annika's 8th birthday; maybe a late run will happen but no guarentees :(
Monday, November 1, 2010
OOOH Check me out, becoming more Famous!
The Blog/book on First Marathons is going along nicely with all of us "spotlighters" and Main topics finishing off our first marathons and assessing what we did right and what we failed at! It's so neat to see our individual experiences side by side! Can't wait to read the book!
My Bit!
Keep watchin for part 2!
My Bit!
Keep watchin for part 2!
Goal met
Before I decided to do a full marathon I made a goal this year for km run; I decided in those 12 months I would run 1500 km. Marathon training made that easy; i was running 200 km some months LOL
Anyway I meant to in October but got rained out; met my 1500 km goal on a chilly 8.4 km run this morning :) Ive run 1500 km this year! And I still have 2 months left to go! Hmm. what goal should I set next year?
Maybe it should be a weight loss goal again; Ive gained like 4 pounds (maybe?) since the marathon. UGH. Im always hungry! LOL PLus Halloween and some water retention. I hate my scale today! LOL And now Scott is bringing me something for lunch. Im sure that wont be fattening.
This is why I cannot stop running. Im convinced that I will gain 30 pounds in a month ;) Instantly. Im sure my jeans are already getting too tight. No matter what goals I get to, I don't thinkI will ever really feel comfortable with me. :(:(:(
SO now my goal is to run 5 days a week but without that long long run on weekends of 20 plus km. lol When will I find the time to run 5 days a week? LOLOL
Anyway I meant to in October but got rained out; met my 1500 km goal on a chilly 8.4 km run this morning :) Ive run 1500 km this year! And I still have 2 months left to go! Hmm. what goal should I set next year?
Maybe it should be a weight loss goal again; Ive gained like 4 pounds (maybe?) since the marathon. UGH. Im always hungry! LOL PLus Halloween and some water retention. I hate my scale today! LOL And now Scott is bringing me something for lunch. Im sure that wont be fattening.
This is why I cannot stop running. Im convinced that I will gain 30 pounds in a month ;) Instantly. Im sure my jeans are already getting too tight. No matter what goals I get to, I don't thinkI will ever really feel comfortable with me. :(:(:(
SO now my goal is to run 5 days a week but without that long long run on weekends of 20 plus km. lol When will I find the time to run 5 days a week? LOLOL
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Rained Out
Unbelievable how the weather can change and I think, Im all Hard Core and all. Im not. What a wimp I am! 2 days ago I was running in shorts and short sleeves. Today it's cold rain and snow. Together with a pounding headache, the combination is keeping me inside at the moment. No worries, I have Hockey this afternoon :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hills Workout
I am still doing some running with the Cross Country team and I am so hoping they can keep me going! LOL yesterday I had them run some hill repeats and then I ran them as well. I never would have done that without their presence; still in "rest" mode and doing some easy running. 7 Repeats in the park of a hill that IMO is not quite long enough ;) but makes up for it in steep. 4.25 km 37 minutes or so (includes rests) on an unseasonably warm 21 C day with like 99% humidity! LOL Nice :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Celebrate the Full
Ive been checking things out to quietly celebrate my little full marathon accomplishment. I mean, besides getting a Tattoo. What can I wear? LOL
There are a few sites out there that make some custom Jewelry that celebrates these little accomplishments and one of my favorite blogs to read is doing a giveaway for these Anne Franklin Designs charms LOL which I would like to win since so few of the giveaways are availabe in this foreign country of ours (yeah, Canada. Might as well be botswana)
Go read Shut Up and Run and check out the giveaway while you are there! But don't go winning my charm. That's mine ;)
There are a few sites out there that make some custom Jewelry that celebrates these little accomplishments and one of my favorite blogs to read is doing a giveaway for these Anne Franklin Designs charms LOL which I would like to win since so few of the giveaways are availabe in this foreign country of ours (yeah, Canada. Might as well be botswana)
Go read Shut Up and Run and check out the giveaway while you are there! But don't go winning my charm. That's mine ;)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Cross Country Season
The season has officially ended. I cannot believe it's over. I was so scared when it started; I didn't feel worthy of coaching these kids and I was concerned I would not do them justice in our running.
Turned out the training was the easy part. The paper work was rediculous. Im going to miss the training like mad! But I will not miss all that paperwork! Hahaha it's not done now, I have a few loose ends to tie up, but mostly it's done.
Im going to MISS those kids! What a close bunch of friends they are! And they are SO sweet to me!
Yesterday was Provincials. 3 of our teams qualified to go; Intermediate and Senior Girls, Senior Boys. Our one Intermediate Boy qualified as an Independent runner at Regionals. We took 28 kids and went off to Provincials.
The team was awfully nervous but they did the hard work and the hard training days and the long training runs in the cold rain and they deserved to be at Provincials, running with the best in the province :)
There were a lot of runners there; almost 700 for 6 divisions. We had no junior runners so we watched and cheered for our local school. Then the Intermediate girls ran :)
And they all did really well! Scores were pretty close in team places 3-8. We have some fast runners and many good runners :) and finished with a 6ths place finish and a team 8th :) It was a decent start.
Intermediate boys; our boy was in 8th place (out of over 100) through half way but had an injury and finished (yes finished!) 22nd. AMAZING. :) He limped out of the finish chute and iced right away and is better today :)
Senior Girls did really well! Our top runner was 2nd with an amazing time and we had 2 more runners on her heels putting us in a good position; then there was a gap between our 3rd and our 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th runners....our tough point. However our score was good enough to get the girls a 3rd place team finish and Bronze medals! A total success! :):):) And only 2 points out of silver medals; margins are so close with that sort of competition but considering the large point values, 2 points is nothing! Pass 2 more people....ugh but I was not sure what to expect and was THRILLED for the girls and their placings! Everyone was so excited :)
Senior boys were up with a good chance of a win from our top boy :) He did not let us down, coming in with a strong first place. He was quickly followed by 3 more of his teammates with the others close behind and amazingly (and somewhat unexpectedly) those boys took home silver medals! :):):)
An amazing placing for our teams and a great end to a successful season. I am so glad I did not hurt their chances of success LOL And I already cannot wait until next year! I bet some of these runners will run through the winter with me.
I didn't expect to enjoy this so much! Beyond the stress it was just FUN and exciting to be with runners and give advice that often challenged my knowledge as they had aches and pains I could not explain LOL Cannot imagine how much Im going to miss seeing these kids all week LOL
Turned out the training was the easy part. The paper work was rediculous. Im going to miss the training like mad! But I will not miss all that paperwork! Hahaha it's not done now, I have a few loose ends to tie up, but mostly it's done.
Im going to MISS those kids! What a close bunch of friends they are! And they are SO sweet to me!
Yesterday was Provincials. 3 of our teams qualified to go; Intermediate and Senior Girls, Senior Boys. Our one Intermediate Boy qualified as an Independent runner at Regionals. We took 28 kids and went off to Provincials.
The team was awfully nervous but they did the hard work and the hard training days and the long training runs in the cold rain and they deserved to be at Provincials, running with the best in the province :)
There were a lot of runners there; almost 700 for 6 divisions. We had no junior runners so we watched and cheered for our local school. Then the Intermediate girls ran :)
And they all did really well! Scores were pretty close in team places 3-8. We have some fast runners and many good runners :) and finished with a 6ths place finish and a team 8th :) It was a decent start.
Intermediate boys; our boy was in 8th place (out of over 100) through half way but had an injury and finished (yes finished!) 22nd. AMAZING. :) He limped out of the finish chute and iced right away and is better today :)
Senior Girls did really well! Our top runner was 2nd with an amazing time and we had 2 more runners on her heels putting us in a good position; then there was a gap between our 3rd and our 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th runners....our tough point. However our score was good enough to get the girls a 3rd place team finish and Bronze medals! A total success! :):):) And only 2 points out of silver medals; margins are so close with that sort of competition but considering the large point values, 2 points is nothing! Pass 2 more people....ugh but I was not sure what to expect and was THRILLED for the girls and their placings! Everyone was so excited :)
Senior boys were up with a good chance of a win from our top boy :) He did not let us down, coming in with a strong first place. He was quickly followed by 3 more of his teammates with the others close behind and amazingly (and somewhat unexpectedly) those boys took home silver medals! :):):)
An amazing placing for our teams and a great end to a successful season. I am so glad I did not hurt their chances of success LOL And I already cannot wait until next year! I bet some of these runners will run through the winter with me.
I didn't expect to enjoy this so much! Beyond the stress it was just FUN and exciting to be with runners and give advice that often challenged my knowledge as they had aches and pains I could not explain LOL Cannot imagine how much Im going to miss seeing these kids all week LOL
Really Fast Run
Tonight I had about 40 minutes to run and wanted to fit in 4 miles so I had to be pretty quick for me; not much of a warm up ;) just a lot of bouncing around while the Garmin was thinking about finding a signal LOL then off I went up the road for a really fast 4 miles in 37:30 minutes. :):) a little yoga to cool off and that was taken care of :):):)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Busy just being Active :)
It can be so hard to make sure we get Active into our busy lifestyles. I would like to say it is a priority, but some days it just is not. It's been a super busy week with work and Cross Country and kids hockey and swimming and just stuff! Ugh. We get in what we can but again, without that urgent goal, it sure is easy to let some things go, like the runs and other activities.
We have to be selfish if we want anything of our own. Some times that is ok; we are all better if we do something for ourselves and our health. There are some with inactive lifestyles that disagree and they give more grief than anyone else, of course. Im not sure if it matters if I am spending some times running, biking, or reading a book; why do people mock the activities or ask if I feel bad taking soooo much time away from my kids? Why would I even bother justifying? Im not, that's why.
Anyway Saturday was Incredibly busy starting with hockey at 7 am for Holly and I in different rinks ;) I then showered and went off with Taylor on a favor and then some shopping, trying to find her clothes for a wedding....did not succeed; then off to Annika's hockey X 2, wedding, reception, 4H Banquet, reception, bed. UGH.
But Sunday was better; 8.4 km run, hockey in the afternoon, a walk later to take photos of the kids. It was good and somewhat relaxing :)
Times are only getting busier but that makes me appreciate the time I get out running even more. It's a good thing.
We have to be selfish if we want anything of our own. Some times that is ok; we are all better if we do something for ourselves and our health. There are some with inactive lifestyles that disagree and they give more grief than anyone else, of course. Im not sure if it matters if I am spending some times running, biking, or reading a book; why do people mock the activities or ask if I feel bad taking soooo much time away from my kids? Why would I even bother justifying? Im not, that's why.
Anyway Saturday was Incredibly busy starting with hockey at 7 am for Holly and I in different rinks ;) I then showered and went off with Taylor on a favor and then some shopping, trying to find her clothes for a wedding....did not succeed; then off to Annika's hockey X 2, wedding, reception, 4H Banquet, reception, bed. UGH.
But Sunday was better; 8.4 km run, hockey in the afternoon, a walk later to take photos of the kids. It was good and somewhat relaxing :)
Times are only getting busier but that makes me appreciate the time I get out running even more. It's a good thing.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Im Back!
But without a program and a goal Im kind of uncommitted. Feeling better especially after the massage; I do not believe in miracles but that massage did wonders! LOLI felt great Tuesday night and by Wednesday was back to normal. IF I had not had such a long long day at work I would have run on Wednesday.
So we get to Thursday (When I started this post). I went to work pretty early and saw a coworker, passed stuff out to a class, and then went for a run :) It was sunny and not too cold and perfect weather (yeah still windy; its been a few weeks SIGH) :) Had an easy 6.4 km in about 41 minutes so I did not waste too much time before getting back to work. Showered and put in a day at work and CC practice :)
i figure but for a bit of sleep the recovery from marathon is going well :):):)
So we get to Thursday (When I started this post). I went to work pretty early and saw a coworker, passed stuff out to a class, and then went for a run :) It was sunny and not too cold and perfect weather (yeah still windy; its been a few weeks SIGH) :) Had an easy 6.4 km in about 41 minutes so I did not waste too much time before getting back to work. Showered and put in a day at work and CC practice :)
i figure but for a bit of sleep the recovery from marathon is going well :):):)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Prince Edward Island Marathon
My First Marathon. Ever. The only first marathon I will ever have. SIGH.
Because the marathon was just fine.
We made it to PEI Saturday afternoon, after a nice rainy drive and no sleep LOL. we went to the Expo which was not very big. Picked up my race kit, looked at the few booths and very little Loot left, and bought an 'IRUNLIKEAGIRL" hooded long sleeve shirt.
Hopped over to the mall where we got some dollar store rain capes. That was the extent of my shopping ;)
Then we went to the hotel to check in. My stomach may have been a bit sensitive but I thought there were an awful lot of weird smells on the way to our room. i mean really, the hotel shows the new section across the street but our room? In the old section. it smelled funny. The room appeared mostly clean, so suck it up.
checked in, and then met friends Dawn, Lori, Catherine, and Drea. Drea was the driver for the 3 ladies running the half marathon; 2 of them for the first time. Dawn was aiming to break 2 hours.
We did not have any reservations (ooops) so we were kind of searching for food. There were waits at a lot of places, and we ended up at the Claddagh Oyster House which has actually been featured on Regis and Kelly (this past summer they were in PEI?).
I had a little trouble finding something on the menu that appealed to my squeamy stomach. Terribly nervous and jumpy. And everyone says you should not try something new before a race. Everything on that menu included something new. What I ended up picking was Haddock (I like haddock) that came with some sort of cornmeal concoction (I like Cornmeal) but corn can play havoc on my digestive tract; anyway I had it (and little pieces of bread yum with cranberry something butter.....) and it was tastey and then we had Bailey's Cheesecake and Warm Brownies with ice cream for dessert and went to the hotel. The hot tub was not working SIGH but Sleep came easily. I didnt get any of my clothes or anything ready; I was waiting to see what the weather would be like in the morning.
The weather tried it's best to ruin my day. I actually stopped checking the weather Friday (ok not completely) because it just got worse and worse. Or at least no better. Ugh rain, wind, chill, beachfront run, early. It was a forecast for disaster. I actually do not mind runnin
g in the rain so much, although Im not fond of being cold. But I hate the wind. It is exhausting. And I despise running in rain that is blown sideways by wind. Which is just what we got.
I ended up picking the layers option since I knew I could change when Scott met me along the way if I needed to. I wore a new tank top (yes new) along with my new CEC running shirt (again, new) covered with my running coat and capris (not new). Got the new belt loaded with Tylenol, Oatmeal Bar, and Gu Chomps. Attached my number. With my name on it LOL I didnt really get any photos of that. Unfortunate.
We took some instant oatmeal and a kettle, so had some breakfast in the room and Tim's coffee. The coffee and those 2 cups of water I had as much as I could before the run sure did come back to visit me later.
I put on my 2 shirts then put the Ipod armband over that; then put on my coat. Over the shirts i had my new belt with bars and number attached. It was also under my coat and was very light weight; could barely feel it.
I put on my 2 shirts then put the Ipod armband over that; then put on my coat. Over the shirts i had my new belt with bars and number attached. It was also under my coat and was very light weight; could barely feel it.
We left the hotel about 45 minutes before the run was due to start at 8. The garmin was charged and located satellites. The Ipod was loaded with good music. I was doing all I could to be ready :):)
But the weather was terrible! LOL All I could think was THIS is my first marathon? This wind, with rain, was where I was going to have to test my ability to run that distance? Doubt was overwhelming.
When we arrived at the race start about 25 minutes before the start, the rain was falling heavy and sideways due to the wind. We sat in the car for a few minutes while the buses landed and the wind battered the car around. Waiting for the buses = FAIL. The bathroom lines got very very long very fast. Big mistake on my part to not attempt to beat them but I was thinking of other things like the way the wind was blowing and OMG what was I doing there? Who was I fooling? lol
So I got into the bathroom line and Groused out some old lady who tried to butt in line in front after I had been standing there for 10 minutes I was so pissed! I was struggling to keep my rain cape from blowing around my face and I was cold and shivering and my feet were already wet and she was like 2 people up, "maybe I will just hop in here to line up?" I said Line starts back there; thumbing some 30 people back. She was like "well Ive been standing here for a few minutes and I could not tell if you got here before me. I looked at the line up way behind me and was like....this line has been waiting for a long time. She ended up butting in front of a few people behind me. I dont want to be rude but I am starting the same race as she was, and why should I wait in a wet line when she just wanders in?
The bathroom cleaned out really fast all of a sudden and I was like....welllll if I miss the start, I will just start by myself ;) I still need to pee! I like to go 3 times before I get into a long run. It's a habit. and I did have a 2 cups of water and a cup of coffee this morning then a long drive to the start....but what I should have done was get into line instead of sitting in the warm car, for those 5 minutes LOL.
Finished in the bathrooms and went out to the start which was NOT going without me. I had time to wander down, get into line somewhere behind the 4:30 pace bunny, chat to people, saw someone from Truro I occassionally see at races (I think this was her first as well) and although we could not hear what was going on at the front, we did hear the start and moved towards the line.
Crossed the start line pretty fast; there were only 270 some people in the run I think I heard? I think we were about 30 seconds out.
The wind was brutal. But it was mostly from one side and behind. IT was strong and gusty; my foot kept blowing in front of the other (Im sure that sounds dumb lol) but I am sure it could have been worse. It kept blowing under my coat and I was pretty soaked and chilled from the start. If I so much as slowed down I was cold. If I kept going I was warmer. Soaked right through.I had on 3 layers of shirt; way more than I have had since last March. I kept hoping to get to shed one but it was way too wet and cold. Shirt tights were wet. Not so big a deal until you have to deal with a porta potty. Then imagine soaking pants and unders and 3 shirts and a coat all tangled together and see if you can do that quickly. SIGH.
Running along was pretty funny; a fellow stopped within 5 minutes and peed beside the road. JEALOUS me, wishing to be a man for how easy it was. There were a lot of people running in rain coats and capes; the wind was way too much and I had left mine behind. Im sure most of those people were equally wet, the way the wind was blowing. This woman had a garbage bag on and she kept having to pull it down out of her face. It would blow right over her head and she would struggle to pull it down; She had no arm holes so she was running inside of it. As I passed her I saw her bag blow up again and she was hugging a water bottle to her chest and she was so bundled up; I cannot imagine running for hours that way.
Pace was really good, I kept thinking "good job, going slow, slow down a little more, no rush" and I would check my watch and see I was going 6 minute km and often less. It did not feel as tho it was too fast but I did take it super easy which Im sure paid off later. The road along the beaches was so flat with only a few rises or sometimes bridges over water ways. It wasnt hard to make an even pace.
I talked to a few people and listened to the waves from the ocean which was REALLY high surf. Hard to tell what was waves and what was wind. We were beside the ocean a lot; the trees we ran near did not sheild the wind. Tonnes of people were running their first marathon too. I ran with one guy from Fall River who was running his first; he is a salesman and travels for work. We talked running and PEI and other stuff for awhile. Mostly people were struggling with the wind too much to be chatty.
Passed Scott missed another photo opportunity. Somehow while taking photos of others he missed my start too. There I go; The red coat fellow is Fall River Dude.
Still following the 4:30 pace bunny but within 4 miles I wanted a bathroom. The first one, was way off the road! It was around a corner and across a parking lot. I should have reconsidered; I maybe could have waited. I didnt trust LOL wasted some time there, struggling with wet clothing. Felt better. Lost the pace bunny and Fall River Dude.
Had a combination of water and gatorades at the aid stations. I carry no water along so took advantage of most water stops. I wonder why I had to pee again before 7 miles had passed LOL. This time it was a lone portapotty SIGH and there were others waiting but I really had to go. IT was even harder to manage the pants and stuff this time, so cold and wet and my gloved hands were clumsy. Still, felt better. I figure I lost a good 5 minutes to portapotties SIGH. But this was the last time I had to stop. 3 times is the charm ;)

Things get a little confusing after the monotony sets in. LOL Pace was still steady aroun 6:10 now, which was about goal at this time. The 4:30 pace bunny had people dropping off like flies; she went out fast and was not consistent and alot of people felt the fast pace at the start lead to their slower pace later. She did finish in 4:32 but had lost groups by then who could not keep her pace up. I had a feeling my pace would be slower later. I counted on it.
after awhile we left the ocean behind and went onto roads with woods and houses on both sides, This change of direction meant the wind was now from the side and occassionally blustered us sideways but settled down a little bit away from the open ocean. Rain was steady. This road was a little more rolling hills (small ones) with more ups than downs but they were insignificant and made it interesting.
At about half way (21 km, 2:18 ish) we turned off the main road and onto Trans Canada Trail. These are old railways that are pulled out and made into walking trails. Very unchallenging. VERY muddy. It was slightly uphill in places, more than downhill but it's subtle and only really able to tell by pace. Of course through here pace slowed a little. But I was passing people as well :) There was one fellow who I would pass, then he would pass me, and walk while I passed him; I called him man in blue but I see he was Wayne from Denver Colorado. Wonder what he was doing in PEI? lol I actually passed a lot of people on the trail; It was very good for moral. LOL People were struggling. As we crossed roads I saw Scott again; he delivered some stuff for me. Tylenol, snacks. I also decided to try some Poweraid Gel (chocolate) as a diversion. It likely took me an hour to eat it all but it was interesting and distracting by times LOL. It didnt taste bad.
The trail was a different direction; now the wind was hitting head on. LOVE it.
On the trail my hip did start to ache a little but there was not the annoying pain of last week; it was more of a dull ache. Hip Flexors started to ache shortly after so Im sure it was a lot of just tired and overuse. No noise from the knee, ankles.
32 km at about 3:30. this was uncharted territory which in the past did not go all that well :):) Remembering the St John Celebration of Greenspace run; the last 6 km then were pretty awful. Different course, different weather, different preparation.
I came across Fall River Dude again late on the trail. He looked good...but slowed down a bit....
Eventually the trail did end and we got back on the road. That is where the real hills started. The roads were for much of the way closed which was nice; on some of the unclosed roads the cars drove awfully close to us :(
Just before the hills I saw Scott for the last time. Had a piece of bagel LOL. Then down Sherwood and up a big ol hill. Once back on the roads, pace picked up again. Was able to get to under 6 minute kms again :) Guess just needed some rest on the trails? :):):)
There were 3 big hills on the way back into downtown. The first wasn't bad, about 6 km out and there was a downhill first. ran up that, turned onto the road that leads to down town. Lots of cars in places :) The police did a great job of holding back intersections for us :) Passed a couple of people on the hill; Gotta remember hills are your friend.
Next hill leading up to the malls. Figured this could be the last place for a walk so did a little walk there on the hill. Hip playing up a lot now but still ok. My feet were tired :) About that spot I noticed the rain had kind of slowed to a sprinkle. 4 hours of rain. Nice. SO cold. And clothing So heavy :)
Only one more up hill now and it was to the college. I ran the last hill and passed another person :):):) Now all downhill to the finish. There were about 2-3 km left. And at no point did I think this was not going to go well. Really I spent most of the time wondering if I could up the pace or should I just take it easy :)
At the hotel room I stripped off the very wet nasty (and somewhat snotty) clothes and had a hot bath to get warm. Packed up the room and left. There was no rest LOL. We had a late check out but didn't stay until the end. We were out pretty fast and into the car. Other than coffee and pee stops we went straight back to Truro and to the hockey rink where the girls were playing. It was great that we got back in time to see it although Im not sure sitting in the cold was the best; I still think it was likely better than being too still and getting more sore. Cannot really say I had stretched by this time; legs were really sore from top to bottom and hips were raging.
Anyway so that's that. It's over LOL. Day after was not bad although I did not love stairs and sleeping was hard because rolling over woke me up. Day 2 was not worse; had a massage and Day 3 has been pretty much normal. There are no lasting effects evident; tomorrow I am going to run a short easy run. For all the build up and worry, it's just...over. LOL I kind of expected the "after marathon blues" but luckily it's been so busy the last few days, who has time to induldge. Next up: Triathlon? And another marathon next year, for sure. LOLOL
Sunday, October 17, 2010
It's Over
Teri-Lynn Masters
Truro NS CA
F 33/40
4:38:49 Gun Time
4:38:17 Chip Time
6:38 Per Km Pace
Despite hurting a LOT and the challenges of the weather, I have to say the conclusion is: Not as bad as I thought. I never felt like I wouldnt make it, not at any point. The problems I had imagined never really happened, including the hip that plays up all the time (it REALLY hurts right now; Tylenol is my buddy).
Report to follow :)
Teri-Lynn Masters
Truro NS CA
F 33/40
4:38:49 Gun Time
4:38:17 Chip Time
6:38 Per Km Pace
Despite hurting a LOT and the challenges of the weather, I have to say the conclusion is: Not as bad as I thought. I never felt like I wouldnt make it, not at any point. The problems I had imagined never really happened, including the hip that plays up all the time (it REALLY hurts right now; Tylenol is my buddy).
Report to follow :)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It's the day Before Tomorrow.
The last run has been logged. It was nice. A good test of the weather; chilly and damp but I was hot and sweaty :) good :)
The resting? Not going so well. Hydrating? Not great. After the run I showered and scooted into town to watch my Cougars running a 5 K. The senior girls were 1 and 2, Intermediate was 3rd, and our lone fellow...well I am not sure where he placed for his age group but I was VERY proud of them all :)
now I am last minute packing and checking lists to make sure I have everything; its nerve wracking. There is nothing I can do now, it's time for the run.
The resting? Not going so well. Hydrating? Not great. After the run I showered and scooted into town to watch my Cougars running a 5 K. The senior girls were 1 and 2, Intermediate was 3rd, and our lone fellow...well I am not sure where he placed for his age group but I was VERY proud of them all :)
now I am last minute packing and checking lists to make sure I have everything; its nerve wracking. There is nothing I can do now, it's time for the run.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Off Program lol
I cannot stay on even during the last week; Im all over the place! Monday's rest became a run, Tuesday a run, Wednesday was a rest, Thursday's rest is now a 6.4 km. Tomorrow rest and Saturday a short "stretch" run. Marathon Sunday. SIGH.
Its been very stressful here; Im a little preoccupied with the run and I cannot think of much else. The Cross Country team did well at Regionals and most made it to Provincials. Running is really taking up a lot of time and effort right now. The kids have their sports beginning and getting busy; hockey evaluations this week. Its a really busy time. Conflicts over what is important and who has to compromise are making things stressfull, and making me wonder if success in this marathon is even possible. Many a tear has been shed over the stress.
I keep reminding myself one way or another, it's going to be over. 5 days, 4 days, 3 days. Im not sure how things are going to be afterwards; I hear about the let down, depression, wonder how one keeps on going, how long before jumping into new goals...and some lasting stress over the conflicts. But things are busy, which will certainly make it necessary to just keep on going.
The weather forecast went back to crappy today :( 90% chance of lots of rain and high winds with a lower temperature. What to pack? What to wear? Change part way? Will I even have someone to carry dry stuff?
With the crappy weather tomorrow It will be a good thing that it is rest day LOL.
Its been very stressful here; Im a little preoccupied with the run and I cannot think of much else. The Cross Country team did well at Regionals and most made it to Provincials. Running is really taking up a lot of time and effort right now. The kids have their sports beginning and getting busy; hockey evaluations this week. Its a really busy time. Conflicts over what is important and who has to compromise are making things stressfull, and making me wonder if success in this marathon is even possible. Many a tear has been shed over the stress.
I keep reminding myself one way or another, it's going to be over. 5 days, 4 days, 3 days. Im not sure how things are going to be afterwards; I hear about the let down, depression, wonder how one keeps on going, how long before jumping into new goals...and some lasting stress over the conflicts. But things are busy, which will certainly make it necessary to just keep on going.
The weather forecast went back to crappy today :( 90% chance of lots of rain and high winds with a lower temperature. What to pack? What to wear? Change part way? Will I even have someone to carry dry stuff?
With the crappy weather tomorrow It will be a good thing that it is rest day LOL.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Obsessing about the Weather Forecast
Even tho I am fairly aware that the weather is a changing beast and it will change again before the weekend, I cannot help checking it every couple of hours just to see if it got better.
This morning it got worse. You would think this would convince me to stop looknig but it wont.
Light Rain
80% chance
Winds 25 km/h
Rain less than 5 mm.
At least it isnt like Monday and Tuesday which now say less than 1 cm of SNOW. Im not sure when that's coming since the temps are like 7-11 C which is not freezing but anyway, so far no snow forecast for Sunday. SIGH there's that positive attitude!
This morning it got worse. You would think this would convince me to stop looknig but it wont.
Light Rain
80% chance
Winds 25 km/h
Rain less than 5 mm.
At least it isnt like Monday and Tuesday which now say less than 1 cm of SNOW. Im not sure when that's coming since the temps are like 7-11 C which is not freezing but anyway, so far no snow forecast for Sunday. SIGH there's that positive attitude!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Weather Watch Tuesday
60% chance of rain
11 C
Winds 30 km/h
2-4 mm rain
Im not convinced this is an improvement!
11 C
Winds 30 km/h
2-4 mm rain
Im not convinced this is an improvement!
Putting in the miles
Im not sure how much value any of the runs I do this week has...Im not sure how much switching up the days will hurt me; Im not sure how to taper properly.
Did a 6.4 km tempo ish run today and it was nice; pace was good, it was interesting :) 39:10 minutes so a fairly good pace.
Ive been thinking a lot about the way I compensate for things that hurt, and then something else starts to hurt. Thinking of the uncomfortable feeling in my knee last couple of runs, I switched up the way I put my foot down, and the pain went away. I had been getting a sore spot on the ball of my foot so to ease that, Ive been underpronating. and that's been hurting my knee. I ignored the sore foot and put my foot down flatter and of course knee felt fine after that. I might have to get something to ease the blister that I am sure will form where my foot rubs, but that's a small thing if my knee doesnt give out.
I need to concentrate on keeping my form correct before it causes injury!
Likely not going to get a run in tomorrow; Cross country has regionals and it's going to be a long long day!
Did a 6.4 km tempo ish run today and it was nice; pace was good, it was interesting :) 39:10 minutes so a fairly good pace.
Ive been thinking a lot about the way I compensate for things that hurt, and then something else starts to hurt. Thinking of the uncomfortable feeling in my knee last couple of runs, I switched up the way I put my foot down, and the pain went away. I had been getting a sore spot on the ball of my foot so to ease that, Ive been underpronating. and that's been hurting my knee. I ignored the sore foot and put my foot down flatter and of course knee felt fine after that. I might have to get something to ease the blister that I am sure will form where my foot rubs, but that's a small thing if my knee doesnt give out.
I need to concentrate on keeping my form correct before it causes injury!
Likely not going to get a run in tomorrow; Cross country has regionals and it's going to be a long long day!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Nice trail run and Taper Freaking
Had a nice run with the cross country team today; keeners came out on a Holiday since we had a holiday and an important meet this week. It was good weather for running (but not for sitting around) and the trail, although tough, is getting really familiar now! LOL HILLS! Sheesh. 7 km, 43:14.
Been reading too much! Do I need a strategy? Should I be packing already? What do I need to buy? I must need to buy something! Ive not picked a shirt yet, I dont know what to wear on top of what, where my gloves are, what food I need, what to carry, what to put on my Ipod list, what to take off, when to charge the Garmin, bring the charger, did I mention Ive no shirt yet? Everything chafes....will it be too cold? Warm??
And JEEZ the weather forecast SUCKS. I cannot imagine running for 5 hours in the freaking RAIN! But that is the current forecast, solid all day, rain.
90% chance of rain
5-10 mm
40 km/hour winds (ugly)
13 C temps...might be ok but for the 5 hours in the rain SIGH.
This does not thrill me and still leaves me wondering what on earth I should pack and when I should pack it since Im still kind of using a lot of stuff including my bag.
I need a plan! And I feel like it's too busy and too late to make one.
Freaking is an understatement. It's likely better not to actually approach me this week, especially if you want something.
Been reading too much! Do I need a strategy? Should I be packing already? What do I need to buy? I must need to buy something! Ive not picked a shirt yet, I dont know what to wear on top of what, where my gloves are, what food I need, what to carry, what to put on my Ipod list, what to take off, when to charge the Garmin, bring the charger, did I mention Ive no shirt yet? Everything chafes....will it be too cold? Warm??
And JEEZ the weather forecast SUCKS. I cannot imagine running for 5 hours in the freaking RAIN! But that is the current forecast, solid all day, rain.
90% chance of rain
5-10 mm
40 km/hour winds (ugly)
13 C temps...might be ok but for the 5 hours in the rain SIGH.
This does not thrill me and still leaves me wondering what on earth I should pack and when I should pack it since Im still kind of using a lot of stuff including my bag.
I need a plan! And I feel like it's too busy and too late to make one.
Freaking is an understatement. It's likely better not to actually approach me this week, especially if you want something.
No More Long Runs
It wasnt bad, but a couple of things concern me.
I was tired. Im still tired. I think I might be working off a teensy cold, but more annoying, Scott brought me lilies which sounds very very nice, a great big vase full of my fav flowers in my fav colours.
I've some aches and pains Im not loving :) I have pain in the OUTSIDE of my hip now (not inside where it's always been) and it runs down to my knee. SIGH. I only have to get throught this one week and then I can rest.
im counting on the taper to cure everything. Im not completely confident that will happen.
Ive started the weather watch; I think it is supposed to rain next Sunday. BRR. October and Rain is really unpleasant. But I hate wind more; I hate running in the wind and the wind has been blowing for weeks! NS is in it's windy season now. Not that the wind ever stops blowing here.
Anyway off to run now, got a Cross Country practice at the park and I have a little run to get in as well :):)
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